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Everything posted by Diablo

  1. Just send me the sketch or CAD data, I PM'ed my personal email to you. I'm placing an order for around £500 of stuff early next week and can just add this order into that. I need to send them a drawing or DXF to quote against first though. Even a photo of your existing one with a rule beside it and a note on the thickness would be enough, it is 2 mins worth of CAD to draw it up. Cheers, Rich
  2. Stu Cook of CCR. Knew when to reign it back and lock in, but equally could lift up a tune and really go for a melodic line. I love playing his stuff, just wish I could match his super-clean sound and technique. Some really iconic lines. My other one would be John McVie for exactly the same reasons. Cheers, Rich
  3. \m/ well done, ride that wave!
  4. If people want these laser cutting (me to...) I can sort it for a lot less than an £85 order. I will be at my laser profilers Thursday morning as I'm just about to place an order for several hundred quids worth of bearing and clutch plates that they cut for me. I can add a batch of these into one of my other orders and get them cut at cost, I'm thinking a couple of quid each sort of price including material. For deburring after cutting I have a tumbler that I chuck the parts in with abrasive stones and water or petrol and let it wear all the edges off. Or people can spend 5 mins with a file and wet/dry and finish as you wish. For tape I would use car body trim double sided adhesive tape. It is made for sticking plastic and metal to paint and survive jet washing! If any of you are interested let me know. I can also create a CAD / DXF file as I have 3D CAD software. Cheers, Rich
  5. great, cheers. Will have a play around tonight once the work thing is out of the way and its play time.
  6. I have an RB7 too - I think it is about as big as anything you could want for pubs and smaller clubs settings. It seems to hold its own against the drums although I play with earplugs in anyway otherwise I get terrible ear ringing from the drummer unless I am 20 ft away from the snare. Be interested in the settings you prefer for the RB7. I'm not much of a button fiddler, most at 12 O'clock except top treble which I run about 10 o'clock just to take some twang out when playing higher strings, and volume which I rarely seem to have over 5. Cheers, Rich
  7. Unless it is a low E, I always try to play using a fretted note instead of an open string. The main reason is control over the string and ability to mute the string after playing that note. If you play an open string you've got to find that string with your left or right hand to end that ringing. If you've played a fretted note you are already on that string and when you left your left hand finger off to play the next note you've automatically muted the string provided you've pulled off straight. I think it gives a cleaner sound and more control. The exception is where I play an open string and straight after you follow with a low fretted note on that same string, in this case you are not worried about the muting. I spend ages working on a clean sound and this seems to work for me. Cheers, Rich
  8. Two, then life complete: 1. 1974 Fender Jazz complete with original case and bridge/Pup covers 2. Mid 80's Fender P/J I'd have all 3 a man would ever need. Oh, one more item: 3. Talent Cheers, Rich
  9. Post #39 gets my vote for the "worst looking guitars of all time ever mentioned in the same post" award. Man they are bad. If a guitarist turned up to play with one of those I'd personally use it to beat them with. Cheers, Rich
  10. I use a Tascam GB-10, it is so useful for learning songs and looping., slowing down, changing pitch etc. You cannot create your own drum tracks but if you start off with a standard one you can tempo it as you wish. Cheers Rich
  11. [quote]my conservatory is like a tannery; loads of leather hanging around waiting to be made in to something.[/quote] I had a friend with a place like that, although he turned the leather into gimp masks and straps for use in his dungeon. Takes all sorted I suppose, was never really my idea of a good Saturday night. Welcome, and make good use of that leather with a nice wide strap. Cheers, Rich
  12. Three for a band I'm auditioning for tomorrow: Hippy Hippy Shake - Swinging Blue Jeans Do Wah Diddy - Manfred Mann All Or Nothing - Small Faces Never taken any time before to listen or learn these, enjoyable to play though, especially the outro to Do Wah Diddy, only 4 bars, but rock on! Cheers, Rich
  13. Even a 2 1/2 axis machine will do this if you don't mind a bit of hand finishing. For machining the A and B sides you simply machine 3x Z, 2x X and 1xY datums onto the part when doing the A, and use those as datums for setting the B side on the machine. Common practice when machining castings which I do enough of on my own CNC mill. When all machining is done you just machine or cut off and hand finish the datum plane locators to get rid of them. The most important thing is machine stability, mass = good, and thermal stability is important. Stiffness and spindle speed help and also time, the smaller the stepover the less hand finishing you need! Cheers, Rich
  14. [quote] I'm thinking very long and hard about getting my bass de-fretted. It's my only bass, and pretty much my dream bass - a Warwick fortress masterman 4 string. It sounds and plays exactly as I want.[/quote] I think you've answered your own question. If your current bass is perfect for you, leave it alone! Get something else as either fretless to start with, or get it defretted. By defretting your Warwick you risk taking your dream bass and turning it into something you don't like to play. Cheers, Rich
  15. 10:30pm tonight, BBC4 (sky 211) is a documentary on "Wish You Were Here", not the sitcom but the Pink Floyd album, followed straight after by them live in concert. Cheers, Rich
  16. Is anyone going to tell Gary Moore not to pull faces while playing - ? I think not! Rules are for wimps - do your own thing. If the bar is empty when you open your eyes, don't try that particular thing again! I learned a lesson last night as stand-in bass at a gig. Don't try to play a song that you've never heard, never rehearsed and only have half the guitar chords for. It went okay with me making it up as I went along until I ran off the end of the notes page and realised there must me a page 2. Doh! Cue several bars of "jazz style" meanderings until I worked out were the band were. By "Jazz style" I mean playing the wrong notes, but my pulling a "nice" face I hope it looked like I did it on purpose Cheers, Rich
  17. A thread I've not seen on here. There are lots of good music related programs on telly and I miss them often as I don't spend much time surfing the channel guides. I'm not talking about sh*te like X-factor, just music documentaries or live gigs played with real instruments, not computers or recorded backing tracks. So if something good is on now, or on soon, post it here so others can watch/record too! Right now, Sky Art 1 (Sky 129) is Gary Moore playing a 1 1/2 hour set of Jimi Hendrix blues stuff. Some great bass lines in there! Cheers, Rich
  18. [quote]What's the alternative, leave it on the floor to burn through the aircraft structure? [/quote] You should smother it with the nearest second class passenger. Putting a reacting lipo battery in water is like throwing water onto a chip pan fire. The water boils, expands outwards and takes the burning chemical mess with it, often burning the individual who decided to put said fire out with water in the first place. I fly high performance model aircraft and there are plenty of incidences of hapless and/or unlucky people having bone deep burns.
  19. From the BBC website: [quote]The battery lay burning in the aisle until the quick-thinking flight attendant put it out with wet towels then shoved it into a cup of water to cool it down.[/quote] In the interests of not letting the facts get in the way of a good story, the above is total bunkum. Lipo fires are chemically fuelled and no amount of water will put it out. In fact it makes it worse as the water boils on contact with the reacting failed battery and that fires off bits of burning chemical into the air (and person trying to put it out usually) and helps to spread the fire further. The only way with this kind of fire it to contain it (fire blanket, metal box or the like) and let it burn out. Cheers, Rich
  20. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1390994140' post='2351983'] To the OP: If you don't mind me asking Rich, how old are you mate? [/quote] 39.31 based on the current stardate. Just bumping this thread to see if anyone is interested. CHW - I'd be interested in the contact details for the teacher in Darlo so I could arrange a sound setup lesson. Cheers, Rich
  21. I've got a Laney RB7 which is a 2x10 combo. I don't think I've had it turned up over 6.... it shifts some serious air. Built like an MDF outhouse. Sounds a bit "twangy" at low volumes which I use for practice at home, but picks its skirt up and gets going when you start turning it up. It also has lots of buttons, most of which I leave alone! The only problem I've found with it is the rear bass ports. Now if you own a cat (or a cat owns you, as you please) and it likes ratting - you can guess what is coming. Now image ratty having a nice kip in his felt lined cat-proof house. All of a sudden someone opens the gates of hell in your bedroom :-) I did not know he was living in there, I hope his tinnitus has subsided. I had to take the cab to bits to get all the cats food out of the amp. The useless cat had allowed ratty to steal his biscuits and stack them in the amp which doubled as his bedroom. Cheers, Rich
  22. Very interesting thread. The last audition I went to I was given a list of half a dozen songs, none of which I knew how to play, and a key to play them in. So I went onto Amazon and bought the MP3's, over to UG for some base tabs to develop except for 1 I had to start from scratch and make my own bassline based on listening to the MP3, then spent 3 hours/day for 2 weeks until I could play all of the songs with no cheat sheets. Went to the audition and the band ran through the half set list one after the other. The only mistake - well they cut a couple of solos out of one song so I was in chorus when they went back into a verse. The lead guitar was shocked - the last 2 bassists had turned up and tried to learn the songs in the rehearsal! He was so surprised I could actually play them all. We did the half set list 4 times, retired to the bar and drank beer while going through the full set so I can learn them. 15 set run through this Thursday and again I've practiced and practiced as much as I can. First gig Friday with me as bassist.... I will try to get the full horror on video. If everyone does their homework it will just feel right in 1 session then you work on the intro, outro, fills etc to fine tune in my opinion. If you cannot get through a straight MP3 copy version after 2 rehearsals then it is not working somewhere. I don't have a load of experience, but I try to make up for that with preparation. Cheers, Rich
  23. ahhh, learning a lot. I've always just used a video camera and used the footage/sound straight off. Never thought half the vids on youtube cheat by overdubbing a separate sound file. No wonder they sound better than my attempts. Suppose I should get a better vid camera and see how it gets on with mating it up to my Tascam recorder. Cheers, Rich
  24. Here is my lathe, a Denford Mirac from 1991: And a couple of pics of the current 386DX-33 motherboard, you can see the ISA slots hence a Pentium won't work with the IO cards I have: Here is my milling machine that uses the same PC running DOS, it is a 1993 (I think) XYZ3000
  25. nonononoooooo - can you dig them out of the skip...? I've only just read this thread. I have two CNC machines and both run 386's on DOS and boot off an old 3 1/2" floppy. One is dead and I've found it impossible to replace, to the point I may have to sell the lathe for scrap as without a DOS 2/3/486 machine with an ISA slot the IO cards won't work with Pentium motherboards. It is the motherboard, memory and PSU I need, nothing else. Cheers, Rich
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