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Everything posted by Diablo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ury_p9YgknQ Here is a vid of me and my wife at a local open mic night. We had no metronome, drummer or guitar so just got on with it, bass and vocals only! It was the first time either of us had ever played live, I played a couple of dud notes, but hey it was the first time and I was bricking myself really! Afterwards people said we did pretty well, I thought it was okay for a first ever attempt and recorded on a knackered FlipHD camera. Cheers, Rich
  2. I posted up then went to my man hovel to build an engine up, came back an hour later to a dozen replies! Conan - Ncl is not so far, I'd gladly drive up sometime if you had time. Darkheart - I'd bring my gear up to you so no probs, you are only 15 mins away, although it does mean running the gauntlet getting across the Wear.. andydye - I guess always good to put a face to a name. Next time you are leyburn-bound drop me a PM and we may be able to sort something out. Also gets you out of drinking tea and spotting garden birds with the outlaws. I don't use facebook, just not my bag. Cheers, Rich
  3. I'm learning - a lot. Been playing at home and learning songs and some theory but got an audition for an experienced pub covers band and was taken on as the bassist. I feel to some extent like I faked my way through as the other 4 guys have been playing together 20 years and I've been playing less than 2. Rehearsals and gigs are coming up. Now I've set up my MIM p-bass as per Fender catalogue specs and to my ear it sounds just great. But what does a dog sound like compared to a peach? I don't really know. I wanted to ask if there was any charitable soul, or a thirsty one in need of beer, who would be willing to spend an hour playing my setup (p-bass, ME-50B pedals, Laney Richter 300W amp) and either tell me its junk and I'm wasting my time, tweak setup to get the best out of it, or offer me £100000 for it being the best rig ever played (unlikely..). I'm quite happy to travel and bring my gear but I'm just a bit stuck not knowing any other bassists in the area to ask, and I'm not sure it is the kind of thing to learn off the 'net so to speak. Cheers, Rich
  4. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1390826740' post='2349889'] Must it be a vintage Fender? I never ever say never say never...ever - because if you do ever say never say never ever [i]you are limiting yourself. [/i]Does that make sense? There are plenty of [i]other builders[/i] who generally [i]make better Fenders[/i] than Fender. Have you tried them? If so why not try them before you spend your cash/ [/quote] True, very true. My reason for saying Fender is that a) I've never owned a vintage one, and in order to dip my toe into this murky and slightly dodgy world of vintage, so called vintage, fake vintage, Chinese vintage and the rest, I figured the safest and most easily verified way would be with a Fender. I am also of the opinion that a good bass guitar will always be better than me as I learn so I don't need to spend £10k, but at £2k I figure I can take that risk. I need to play more basses of any make. Cheers, Rich B
  5. I've sent a series of links to the dealers listed above to my wife with a subtle b'day hint...! I also have no idea what YOB means, want to give me a clue? The discussion about weight is very interesting. My current one is 4.05kg, about 8.8lbs, and after playing that for 2 hours I know about it. I would not want a tree trunk of 11 lbs, I'd find it unplayable after an hour. Cheers, Rich
  6. Many thanks to you all for your help, advice etc. I only have 1 bass, a 60th anniversary 2011 P-bass which I bought new from JG's in Newcastle. So much to research and learn, but of course the best thing is to ask those who know, like you lot! Cheers, Rich B
  7. I'm in the market for a vintage bass. Got to be Fender IMHO. I have a 60th anniversary P-Bass but want to get an 'original' but being kind of new to bass playing, well as the title says, if I'm going to spend £1500-£2000 on a bass, which Fender (age, model , originality etc) would you your choice. I'm thinking of a user and not a museum piece. To compliment the bass I have I was thinking of a late 60's or early 70's J-bass, but thoughts please, and also what to avoid and look out for. Cheers, Rich B
  8. Hi all, Just to let you know I attend an open mic night the first Fri of every month at Staindrop Village Hall between Darlington and Barnard Castle. DL2 3LR is the postcode. It is mainly folk and acoustic but more and more electric amplification is creeping in, and to be honest everything is welcome. A bagpipe band turned up 2 months ago, and last month they were short of bands so I played "have you ever seen the rain" as a bass solo and my wife sung! The one on 7th Feb should be an RnB fest as the band I play in are having a warm-up for a gig so we will do a 6-10 song set of Dr Feelgood, Kaiser Chiefs and stuff like that. If you play yourself, or have half or a full band, then come along, or even just to watch. No entry fee, bar, raffle if want to join, very laid back, be great to see you there. Get up and play wha you want, but folk, rock and RnB are the call, not death metal if you get the feeling. Cheers, Rich B
  9. sorry I just joined the forum and missed this, I'm in Darlington. Oh well, I look forward to next years bash! We have an open mic night near here, I'll post up in a separate topic. ended up doing a bass solo at the last one so all welcome! Cheers, Rich B
  10. Diablo

    Hello all

    My name is so similar to the guitarist in Deep Purple you wouldn't believe me if I told you anyway My "stage name" is Dickie to avoid confusion with Mr Blackmore, who I certainly am not!
  11. Dr Feelgood - route 66
  12. Diablo


    70's = ccr. Nuff said. Best rock decade so far. 50's were for the blues my second favourite. Mind you with stiff like the temperance movement this decade is not looking too bad! Cheers, Rich
  13. Diablo

    Hello all

    Well hello ! I am new here and have been playing bass for a couple of years. Not in a band but got audition next week. I have a p-bass with me-50b pedals and a laney 300amp richter amp which is completely over the top for my inane fumblings . Spent a year on rocksmith but realised to play in bands I need to know a lot more so registering here is all part of that. I am based near darlington and lover classic rock and blues. Cheers Rich
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