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Everything posted by Diablo

  1. and don't forget to include Chuck Berry in that list!
  2. It is not necessarily how loud you play, it is how loud you COULD play if you turned it all up - fear and surprise are the ways forward, don't let those guitarists shove you to the back of the stage and certainly don't have them drowning you out.
  3. 1973 - I'd have dated it around 1980 to coincide with the introduction of the white XR3, which without the 1973 mentioned in the OP I've have said was the inspiration for that bass. One day the tache will make a comeback, it is surely due another round!
  4. Wow, if there is ever a bass that needs no scratchplate it is that one, gorgeous grain pattern and finish. What a shame it already has the plate holes. I guess the only downside to a clear one is it will get dirt behind it so you will regularly have to take it off and clean it. Cheers, Rich
  5. [quote]Although I do like that version (apart from the out of tune single line picked Gtr part}, it's quite rough and ready from the band (In a good way), vocal wise it is terrific. Marvin Gaye's version is pretty cool (My Fave), and Gladys Knight gives out a nice Funky Soul version, With a terrific Bass line. [/quote] Just to caveat, I think all three of those versions are better than the original!
  6. [quote]Amen to that example, though I can't really think of many covers that were better than the originals.[/quote] When The Levee breaks by Zep Back Door Man by The Doors Route 66 - Dr Feelgood lots more out there
  7. Mmmm, Schecter, on my "must own" list.
  8. To raise the point, there are plenty of covers that are far better than the original ever was. CCR do my favourite version of "Heard It Through The Grapevine", much better than the Smokey Robinson one.
  9. Tribute bands, there are only a few I'd think of being in, and one day may get round to putting one of them together. Dr Feelgood, CCR and LynSkyn, perhaps Booker T & the MG's, that's it. All the rest have either been done to death or not worth doing in the first place. Now if I can just find a singer who sounds like John F I'd be sorted...
  10. Warm salt water for an hour or two or run through the dishwasher a few times = relic'ed it would appear. Not difficult and no rockery needed either.
  11. [quote]If it was me it would be 8x10 all the way, my guitarist gets distressed enough standing his 1x12 combo next to my 6x10 rig. I might start to feel bad if I went much bigger than that... [/quote] I'd even be tempted to place an empty box on top of the 6x10 just to make the stack taller than the guitarist - intimidation!
  12. Love the atwork in this thread, wish I could do all that stuff myself. I can work in metal and wood all day long, but give me photoshop or a paintbrush and I'm hopeless. Favourites - love the Gorillaz style art, especially the touch of class with singer laid on the floor and rest of band carrying on. Also the Spider Queen airbrushing and how the worried look on the faces has been achieved. Finally not in this thread but prevalent on Basschat - the Hot Sauce logo.
  13. But once you've finished with this guitarist you then have a world of opportunity to seek out a new [s]victim[/s] guitarist and unleash your sound of satan upon them. Nothing like a reputation to put the fear of God into those often too noisy strat players.
  14. *resists temptation to word play the post above* You can go a long way in music if you know what to blow and when... perhaps one reason I've got just about nowhere.
  15. Surely an owner sets up every bass they buy don't they, or has someone do that to their taste? I wouldn't even think of buying something out of a box or off the shelf and not playing about with setup a bit.
  16. [quote]More reason to take it all! [/quote] I've never made a guitarist cry with bass volume, but if I had an opportunity I would grasp it with both hands! Do it do it do it, send pics.
  17. nice! seems like a great deal too
  18. Love the maple fretboard with inlays, looks great.
  19. Lots of stuff on Blues Radio UK - great internet station for old school stuff.
  20. [quote]I'm certain I have read that in the early days of Fender this was a recommended technique for fixing such issues and the company sent instructions to their dealers in how to carry it out. [/quote] Sure, I'm just more from the school where I would at least slightly let off string and neck screw tension, move it, then retighten rather than treat it like you are try a strong-man attempt to tie a knot in an iron bar. There is the "setting up the instrument correctly with care and attention" vs the "use brute force to get it somewhere near" approach, and I'm not going to buy a bass from the latter!
  21. Looks pretty much spot on now, how does it play?
  22. That looks great, my favourite colour combo and in good condition too!
  23. [quote]Unfortunately it's not one of the disciplines that most guitarists, singers and drummers I've played with can come to terms with![/quote] There is a very good reason why Animal ended up as the drummist and not the bassist in Dr Teeth & The Electric Mayhem. It may also be noted that Sgt Floyd Pepper was Animal's handler, how true that often plays out in real life!
  24. I picked up an early 70's Jazz in a London dealers and it had exactly the same issue. I pointed it out to the shop owner who took the bass, knee at the base the of the neck, one hand on the headstock and one on the body, and heaved the neck angle to correct it. I thanked him for his expertise and left! There is usually a tad of movement in the neck pocket so worth checking before sending back I've have thought.
  25. Jealous..? Middle aged men have probably spent a fair bit of their lives saving and paying off mortgages and stuff so they can afford "high-end" stuff, basses included, so buy them. I don't think that analogy works really other than for people that are either young (< middle aged) or old (> middle aged) who did not sort out their sh*t enough to buy said "high end" basses. It is as much about psychology as anything else in my opinion, if you play a really tidy bass you are comfortable with, then you feel good and confident, so you play better. So it can make a difference. If you are bitter than you play a £50 cash converters special clearance deal then you will play like that. Cheers, Rich
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