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Everything posted by ukulelelab

  1. 6,500 euros cash only. yeah right, better bring your martial arts black belt buddy along..
  2. @Shaggy thanks. Completely agree with you. Anymore Guild love out there?
  3. lovely looking '66
  4. My '68 Sound City 100 Mk2. Chassis serial plate reads: Type: AP Model No. DR 114 Serial No. 456 As far as I know it was made by Dave Reeves in his garage.
  5. let me tip you over the edge : https://www.gbase.com/gear/fender-precision-bass-1962-sunburst-3
  6. 2009 Highway 1 body and 1974 'A' precision neck: [IMG]http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e188/brianmay1957/ab73c977-df39-406e-967f-d264b158bd56_1.jpg[/IMG]
  7. No doubt hi-tone amps are great but if you are in the UK you should still be able to get a vintage hiwatt dr103 from the 70s in decent condition for about a grand. Getting a new hitone from the US will cost you more.
  8. a nice softcase is also a treat. Hersh Hamel (Chet Baker, Art Pepper) used to store his '56 pbass in that Guild case. [url="http://s39.photobucket.com/user/brianmay1957/media/69fd0e56-2e6a-4aea-a737-1fbb9612760b.jpg.html"][/url]
  9. why don't you consider getting the real deal?
  10. It's a '71 overall in great shape. From the era when the pre-amp design finally settled and Harry Joyce just started to wire amps for Hiwatt. Serial number would have been somewhere around 11xx - 12xx. Great amp
  11. Btw dr103 are all purpose amps and great for bass too
  12. Based on the front panel it was made between '69 and '73. To get a more accurate year you need to take the chassis out and check the date codes on pots and caps
  13. £500. I am a big fan of Hiwatt / Dave Reeves so seeing that amp in a local shop blew my mind.
  14. I recently picked up a mk2 in a charity shop in Nottingham. Easily my luckiest find. Mk3s are rare but Mk2s are almost in unicorn territory. Arguably even harder to find than mk1s
  15. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1443867508' post='2878271'] Got a P bass coming today, pics once I get it! [/quote] It's not that one is it? I came across that amazing precision that sold on ebay two weeks ago. It was listed and priced as a '71 but if you look at the pics it was actually a legit '61 in superb condition. Someone hit the BIN after less than an hour being up. Damn.. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-1971-precision-bass-guitar-/131614867970?nma=true&si=jzu76xTpULyFrzCsTt4VIsIM%252FVE%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&clk_rvr_id=911071234377&rmvSB=true"]http://www.ebay.co.u...4377&rmvSB=true[/url]
  16. [quote name='davedave' timestamp='1440880123' post='2854564'] My 73 OR200 and 68 offset 4x12 with Fanes. [url="http://s1348.photobucket.com/user/davedave32/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps1hmuuqua.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] outstanding
  17. [quote name='afterimage' timestamp='1439749927' post='2845475'] love those old selmers [/quote] Great amps. I used to have a '64 Mk1 and it was awesome, even for bass. I still don't understand why Selmer decided to flip that chassis upside down in '65. Maybe to copy Fender
  18. KiOgon I'm really jealous. That P sounds absolutely glorious in that beat beat beat session through those (echolette?) amps. Great performance too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_ZtNlSj8QE
  19. Interesting insight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtqDpqN_p88
  20. Here is a video of the new Starfire Bass II: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YQf6-Mwejtc"]https://www.youtube....d&v=YQf6-Mwejtc[/url]
  21. Stunning bass. Many congrats
  22. metallic blue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VkNmcjPHRE
  23. [quote name='Tweedledum' timestamp='1429000215' post='2746767'] I always wanted a pre-CBS custom colour Precision. This one will soon be mine: [/quote] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Congrats. I remember that lovely '64 LPB used to be at the Guitar Center in Totowa (NJ). [color=#000000]There is some sticker residue at the back of the body where the previous owner attempted to cover up the buckle wear with masking tape and store manager explained me he was able to remove most of it. In Jan 2014 they sent the bass to a guitar show in LA (NAMM) and it never came back. It then re-surfaced in Sweden with Anders Anderson who I suspect acquired it at NAMM. Enjoy that great bass.[/color][/font][/size]
  24. headstock cigarette burns
  25. My 3 valve amps (WEM ER30, Hiwatt DR103 and DR201)
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