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Everything posted by donslow

  1. Nadgers, had this been 2 or 4 ohm cab I’d have ripped your arm off... GLWTS dude
  2. Nice work dude! Congrats
  3. Would there be any interest in starting up a trades only thread within the marketplace? might separate the sales from the “just looking to swap / trade” ads?! just a thought....
  4. Might put them on the shortlist then... thank you for the input
  5. Look at a/some new cabs currently, WAS looking for 2 or 4 x10’s how well a match are these for this head?!
  6. Sharing the sentiment...
  7. @Pow_22 Do it do it do it
  8. @Niall6002 oh my! That really is something to behold, some nice work and I’d imagine a worthwhile effort?! Dread to think of the weight though....
  9. Thanks for all the help and advice so far! Think I’m gonna get it down to 42mm at first and then assess depth for pickup holes and switches etc and then weigh it up against my precision body in the hope of I can get them the same or thereabouts weight, I should t have any problems
  10. @thodrik & @Stofferson seems like a winner.....now....how to butter the missus up in order to get it in the house...
  11. Definitely worth chewing over then, thank you for that, quite insightful
  12. Had considered that, but according to t’interweb, a good 11kg lighter than the Ampeg 610 I was using...
  13. Yup! This one..... 800w 2x10 Speakers 1x15 Speaker 4 ohms whats not to like? ive a chance to buy one of these at quite frankly, a ridiculous price but I don’t really know anything about them? decent cab? How do they sound? Although discontinued now, what are they worth?! Thinking of teaming it up with my SVT II Pro.. thoughts....?
  14. I’ve seen that before, something well worth considering, thank you for the reminder
  15. Difficult to say at the minute as it’s just a big block of wood about 2 foot square
  16. Agreed, some very good points I hadn’t thought of yet.... min it’s current state it is heavy but then thinking about it, a lot of wood to removed yet so maybe I’m thinking too much into it before even starting... @rubis thanks for the link, will definitely have a good ol read through....
  17. I had 42mm ear marked as the thickness so I think your right, I guess what I’m thinking is....it’s mahogany, it’s heavy, could I go any thinner and have it still be structurally sound once built up AND still sound like a 51 precision other considerations were, 42mm and chambering as much as possible under where the pick guard would be....
  18. If it helps anyone, here is the reply I got from Ampeg regarding a query I had with this head shortly after getting it some years ago.... Question(s) to Ampeg..... Hello there, I have a couple of technical queries to pose to yourselves I recently acquired a used SVT2 Pro head During the second time using it, it cut out in me completely, I ran it into a local service centre and they diagnosed a faulty resistor, resistor replaced, full service and health check later, it was given the all clear My main query is regarding tubes and bias lights on the back, although the amp SEEMS to be working perfectly, there is what appears to be just one (I can't tell if it's reflection off of the others or there is more than one doing this) tube that is glowing purple, the service centre said the tubes were all fine upon testing them and sometime a blue/purple glow happens, is this correct? Also, the bias lights are both green (as should be so I believe) but as soon as I start playing my bass (or even not playing, maybe just tapping the body or strings) they both briefly flash red, every time, is there a fault or is this perfectly normal? Reply FROM Ampeg... Hi Dan, Your bias lights are acting as they should. At idle they should just be green. Here's a link that explains the blue glow you are seeing in some of your tubes: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/what-is-blue-glow-in-vacuum-tubes.732194/ All the best,
  19. Just realised this might not be the best place to post this, have reposted in “build diaries, mods, if this needs deleting please do so....
  20. So I’ve had a solid lump of mahogany sitting the shed for about 3 years now.... time to do something with it, I’ve decided to attempt a 51 slab body precision my question for you gods of luthery on basschat..... what would be the thickest or thinnest I could get away with without compromising the tonal and structural integrity whilst not feeling like I’m hanging a washing machine around my neck or am I expecting too much?! any help/advice/guidance massively appreciated
  21. So I’ve had a solid lump of mahogany sitting the shed for about 3 years now.... time to do something with it, I’ve decided to attempt a 51 slab body precision my question for you gods of luthery on basschat..... what would be the thickest or thinnest I could get away with without compromising the tonal and structural integrity whilst not feeling like I’m hanging a washing machine around my neck or am I expecting too much?! any help/advice/guidance massively appreciated
  22. Ha ha I’m starting to see that, made an excuse for an impromptu jam last night with some friends, first time it’s been plugged in in a year, definitely a wise choice to keep hold of it....still grinning....
  23. So thanks to @Beedster & @chris_b I averted disaster recently in deciding NOT to sell my SVT II Pro Suggestion made by @Beedster to start up a thread dedicated to owners of this beast of an amplifier so here we are! Let’s make this the SVT II knowledge shop?! Let’s hear about your experiences with this amp? Show us your rigs?! What cabs do you use? Did you change valves? What were your thoughts? Amp settings? How do you transport such a lump? What problems (if any) have you had? Any thoughts / comments / experiences you have had with this head are more than welcome.... Ill kick this off with one “issue” I have.... I’ve seen a lot to suggest that this amp should be cased / racked, which makes a lot of sense but when I bought the amp I was advised NOT to case / rack it. The reason being that with the vents on the sides, most racks / cases won’t have suitable ventilation to prevent overheating and then failure / damage. Anyone have any thoughts / experience with this?!
  24. THIS!!! In hindsight, this is the only amp that has made me grin like a Cheshire Cat And even given me a bit of a twitch every time it’s been used....it really is a beast of an amp damn you @Beedster for making such comments....I’m coming round to the idea of sticking with it! You sir, also have a pm....
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