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Everything posted by donslow

  1. Pm sent
  2. Hey all, new amp acquisition means I have to clear some gear, apparently there's a "one in, all the rest out" rule at home.........news to me........ All items are priced to sell as it just need to be gone so feel free to make reasonable cash offers or see my possible trades list below, prices also amended if you want multiple items Anyway, without further ado....... First up....... Markbass Little Mark II head - £240 Posted Bought from this very forum last September and has been flawless since, my main amp now, can't fault it Wonderful sound and plenty loud enough for most applications A few superficial marks on the outside casing that were present when I bought it but nothing damaging or anything that affects performance Next........ Warwick WCA 411 Pro 4x10 8ohm cab - £120 Fantastic sounding cabinet, 600w at 8ohms Good working condition, comes with 3?! Casters as previous owner could only find 3 of 4, missing knob for horn attenuator but still works as it should Third & fourth up Ashdown MAG 210 deep cabinet - £80 - SOLD Ashdown MAG 115 deep cabinet - £70 Both Ashdown cabs rated at 250w at 8ohms Both in good working order, fantastic solid cabinets, blue line speakers I also have a gig skinz bag in good condition that would fit the markbass head comfortably but I use it for pedals, leads etc but if someone made me a decent enough offer I may be convinced to part ways with it Flight case that fits SVT 2 Pro with (if I have this right) 2u spaces left, not sure what these go for and don't know much about them but if your interested, make an offer, ask questions, I'll do what I can to steer you in the right direction Possible trades list....... -MXR bass octave deluxe pedal -Electro harmonix small clone -Boss rc-20xl / rc-50 loopstation -Pedal tuner -2 button footswitch for svt 2 pro mute & "boost" functions -Vox ac15 or similar small tube guitar combo -Precision bass hard case -Bound and Block jazz neck (slim and thin profile) All I can think of right now but try me with anything you got, you never know, and neither do I, what I'd consider............. All prices quoted come with free 30 male radius of Chelmsford, Essex delivery or happy to ship at buyers expense, I will make sure all items are securely packaged up Anymore details / pictures, PM me
  3. Billy Apple..........you have a pm sir........
  4. REALLY tempted to take this off of billy Apple now,...... Think I've narrowed it down a little more now Is there much of a difference do you guys know between the svt 2 pro and the svt cl?!
  5. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1427920525' post='2735978'] Billy Apple's SVT2 Pro for sale here is a cracking amp at a great price. Best amp Ampeg make as far as I'm concerned. Pair it with a used Ampeg 4x10 and you've got an amazing rig for your budget. All a bit heavy of course but nothing really comes use if you're after that Ampeg sound [/quote] Just when I thought I had whittled it down to svt 7 pro or svt cl you go and throw that spanner at me hahaha I assume loud but how loud would this likely get For example is it playing the dog and duck unmiced volume halfway up loud or Wembley volume halfway up unmiced loud if you get my meaning?
  6. [quote name='dave74200' timestamp='1427916104' post='2735909'] I have owned a few Ampegs and would say the following: Svt 2 pro- awesome but too heavy and unreliable, had two different ones cut out mid gig and got a hernia trying to move it. Svt 4 pro- awful tone, hated it. Svt 3 pro- like a smaller less powerful 2 pro, very reliable and loud. People say they're underpowered but I never found that. You could however use your existing setup and buy a sansamp vt character pedal!! Not as much fun I know but sounds bloody close to an all valve Ampeg without all the negatives. [/quote] I had considered upgrading to the little mark 800 and adding either the catalinbread sft (front runner of the two) or the sansamp pedal and buying a decent cab setup (ampeg or otherwise) but then I'm thinking, since the cash is there, should I just get the real deal?! Didn't imagine the choices would be so overwhelming hahaha
  7. [quote name='umcoo' timestamp='1427915879' post='2735902'] Just to chip in, the SVT 4 isn't all valve. Has a valve in the preamp I believe, but not in the power section. Nice amp though! [/quote] Excuse my idiocy here but how, if at all does it make a difference to the amp as a whole?
  8. Thanks for the 2 cents lozz certainly worth looking into barefaced as have also heard good things Been looking at the pro 7 for quite some time now I think really, what I'm after is just the classic ampeg / precision sound with plenty of power to spare, there are so many ampeg variations, as a first timer with no prior Ampeg experience as such, it's difficult to know where to look, will have a look into the pf800 also
  9. Hey all, the better half has done a very silly thing and given me free reign to spend £1000 on some new gear, Firstly, I'm looking for an amp, I've been lusting after ampeg for too long now so that's gonna be the road I travel but........which one?! Looking at the svt pro 7 because it'll have more power than I need realistically but plenty of headroom on tap Also looking at an svt 4 pro for its all valvey goodness but the website has a few power ratings for it which I don't fully understand, can anyone shed some light on what it all means?! Playing mostly blues and blues rock but I want it to be versatile enough to cover most bases with my precision bass Also looking at cabs to match Currently using a little mark II with a 4ohm cab setup looking to buy used to get the most bang for buck I intend this to be the last bass amp I buy so it's gotta be good and versatile Suggestions please guys as I'm really stuck as to which one to get
  10. The build diaries on this forum are also a great source of information/advice
  11. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1427835539' post='2734939'] Yes - that was a shorter way of putting it . And yes, quite agree [/quote] Couldn't have put it better myself.........oh, wait a minute........
  12. I think the point I was trying to make was, even the cheapest of build your own kits are a great place to start building your skills but bodies, necks and all other parts, quite often better quality than the kits, can be picked up on eBay sometimes for literally peanuts, it also gives you the option to be picky and get exactly what you want
  13. Some very interesting points being made here I am primarily a guitarist who picked up the bass only in the last handful of years and am not likely to look back, Other than the obligatory red and white squier strat from Argos, I've never owned a new guitar and I have had a lot of gear slip through my hands in nearly 20 years of playing, I've always found my go to guitars are the ones I've built myself (buy a body, buy a neck, buy all the hardware I want, put it together, make it work) my current main bass is one I've built in much the same way and I've had a lot of comments on how it looks, sounds and plays, even people asking if it is a genuine custom shop from fender Oochoob videos are your dearest friend (also get a notepad and make as many notes as you can) when learning to build guitars, I've learnt everything I know from restringing to shimming necks and adjusting truss rods and all types of fretwork, watch some videos, the watch some more, if you have the money, buy some tools, even specific specialised ones if you can (eBay ebay ebay) but most useable tools can be bought from wilkinsons for next to nothing and will be just as good in many cases, and once you learn how to do these things (cost me a LOT of money in bodged bodies and necks etc before now) the self pride is astounding, you won't want to stop, you'd have been bitten by the bug, I guarantee it, I now "sell" my skills locally and always have another guitar to work on, I see it as a continuation of learning to develop my skills and keep my "practice" up, and touch wood, not had a complaint yet, so your not only limited to buying guitars for yourself to work on (if I'm not 110% confident doing a specific job or working on uber expensive guitars, I politely decline to do it) Did I just start rambling and veer off if the point altogether then?
  14. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1427782546' post='2734079'] Have you seen the Chowny semi in affiliates? [/quote] Can't say I have......
  15. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1427763308' post='2734063'] [url="https://www.jtinsight.com/JTIRA/JTIRA.aspx#!/simple-ad/epid-367648/_/_/_WORKING"]https://www.jtinsigh...48/_/_/_WORKING[/url] [url="https://www.jtinsight.com/JTIRA/JTIRA.aspx#!/simple-ad/epid-367646/_/_/_WORKING"]https://www.jtinsigh...46/_/_/_WORKING[/url] [/quote] Good finds that man, really appreciate the help/effort, liking the framus one a fair bit, might give the seller a call
  16. Ooh hello, not seen / heard of that one yet, consider my intrigue sparked.....
  17. Thank you for the replies gentlemen, really appreciated I had seen those kits and was wondering whether it was worth pulling the plug in them I've since been trying to find used affordable hollow body basses "off the shelf" that would be good for modding if need be, Long story short, I've decided I really want a Hollowbody bass but trying to find a cheap one is no easy task but looking about, if I can show a little restraint/patience I might get lucky eventually Really liking the look/sound of Eastwood classic 4 at the minute Change of subject really but would you guys have any recommendations or ideas of something worth looking at if you have been searching yourselves?!
  18. Currently have a bee in my bonnet about a new project if for no other reason just for fun Am looking for a hollow body gretsch esque build your own kit, does anyone have any experiences with these or know where would be a good place to get a decent quality one for less than just buying one off the shelf?
  19. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1427557512' post='2731735'] Carting one cab will be easier than two as you only have one trip to the car but to put things into perspective that cab weighs about 12 1/2 stone or 78kgs. Try lifting one of your mates out of the house and into the car and it'll give you an idea of the weight. I bought an Ashdown MAG810 on Ebay brand new cos it was cheap and I'd always wanted one. It comes in 11kgs less than the Mesa at 67kgs. I lifted it twice, once into the house when it was delivered and once out of the house when I sold it. Never again. I used to use 2 4x10" at about 35kgs each and previous to that used 2 trace V-type cabs, a 4x12" and a 2x15" which were 46kgs each and they were a breeze by comparison - overkill though [/quote] This!!! Is very well put advice/experience and has now made me completely rethink my "I want an 8x10 cabinet" bee in the bonnet so thanks for that, the 4x10 I have is a warwick wca 411 pro, might have to see if I can find another one of those for sale :-s Certainly something to ponder
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1427528813' post='2731400'] To use those 2 cabs you'll need a 'better' amp than a LM ll Better to use the Pro 7 if you like the sound...IMO [/quote] the plan is to get the 7 pro later this year and when I do I'll be selling the little mark, so I figured, changing amp, may as well change cabs too, as I say, I noticed this for a decent price and figured carting one cabinet would be better/easier than two, never owned a big cab like this one before so just thought I'd get people's 2 pennies on them if possible
  21. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1427505107' post='2731351'] With every respect, if this is your first venture into buying a cab then my guess is that you don't do big gigs. That cab is far too big for pub gigs. 10 inch speakers will give a harsh punchy tone and 8 will be loud. I suggest you go to a few gigs in your area at the sort of venues where you want to play and see the gear other bass players use. Then go to a store and try some out. Then you can go shopping. [/quote] Cheers for the input dude, this isn't my first venture into cab buying, I have 3 cans that I alternate between but mostly use a 2x10 with a 4x10 Am really looking at this cab as I figure it's a decent price and will consolidate, for want of a better term, carrying two cabs about, will only have one to lug in the instances I use the effectively 6x10 rig
  22. Thank you all so far for the helpful info and speedy replies, I'm getting the feeling that it wouldn't be a terrible purchase all in all?
  23. Wow! Thank you for the quick reply, so in short, if I've got this right 8ohm cab Potentially 1200w at 8ohms given the right amp, how well would this work with a markbass little mark II as this is my current amp (looking to buy an svt 7 pro later in the year) And the parallel out is to add another 8ohm cab? Or just another one of these? Any ideas how these would match up to an ampeg cabinet at all?! Many thanks again
  24. Just wondering, thinking of buying this (see link below) but can anyone give me any info on this cab as the seller isn't the most responsive guy in the world, It doesn't appear to be a powerhouse cabinet so can anyone give me a model number or is r810 it?! Also, would I be right in assuming it is an 8ohm cabinet?! Would I get the full 1200w at 8ohms?! And can anyone advise as to what the "parallel out" is and what I would do with it?! would anyone know how these compare to ampeg 8x10 cabs?! Many thanks in advance guys http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=331509153165
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