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Posts posted by donslow

  1. [quote name='stoo' timestamp='1393083094' post='2376016']

    I've got a Mighty Mite Jazz neck - looks like the depth is similar to the ones on your P neck, but the widths are a bit less

    nut - 38mm
    5th - 47mm
    12th - 56mm

    Thank you all for taking the time to share your measurements (ooh err)

    Will have little comparison between My p, my last ibanez and the measurements given Of the mighty mite and report back

  2. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1393094421' post='2376192']

    If you don't mind me asking....if the neck on the P bass is not suitable why did you buy it?

    Would it not have been a better option to buy a bass with a neck design that you liked?

    Just fancied a change of bass, plus I needed something more suitable for a new project I've just got up and running, better tone IMO, didn't really think too much about the neck, its tone I'm searching for, granted, I could get used to the precision neck in time but for a relatively cheap and easy swap, if I could get something closer to what I'm used to then great

  3. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1393055361' post='2375615']
    You will find a Jazz neck much more similar to your SR. If that's what you really want, then it's a question of finding one that fits nicely in your neck heel slot in the body.
    The Mighty Mite necks are really good. I have a Precision one currently. Heel width is bang on 63mm. To start I'd measure the exact width of your current neck heel at it's widest point (the height and length are more standard if it's a "made-for-fender" style neck). Then it's a question of getting a Jazz neck that fits the slot, as they do vary.

    I figured that's all you had to do, measure and match as it were, are the jazz bass necks really that much slimmer/thinner than the precision necks, I guess that's what I'm really after, after playing sr's for so long, bass lines I can play in my sleep seem to have become a bit of a task on the new neck, hence my need for slim and skinny fast necks

    Will certainly continue looking at the mighty mite necks,

    Does anyone/anywhere have measurements of both necks (slim chance I know) at different points from nut to heel And front to back to have a little compare up, can't seem to find anything myself

  4. Hey all, as an ibanez sr player for the last few years (only basses I've ever played) I decided I needed a change and sold all but one of my ibanezes (last one going up for sale soon) I bought myself a used vintage modified precision bass with pretty much every thing on it upgraded for a ridiculous price, starting to wonder why I didn't sooner, anyway, my question is this

    As you may have guessed, being an ibanez player, I'm used to slim, thin, fast necks, the neck on my precision is the proverbial baseball bat in comparison so I'm looking to swap it out for something a little more donslow friendly

    Have been looking about and the only, from what I can see, viable option would be to buy a jazz bass neck,

    Are jazz bass necks really that much different in size? Does it make a huge difference?

    Have been looking at mighty mite jazz bass necks, does anyone have any experience with these?

    Can anyone suggest a neck that is slim, thin and fast that would fit on my precision body that i may have overlooked? the slimmer/thinner without losing tone the better, budget isn't great at the moment but im willing to persevere with the current neck for now if it means I get an ideal/much better neck in the near future

    Any help/advice would be much appreciated, many thanks in advance

  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1392337259' post='2367682']

    Why not try advertising a sale in the Marketplace here..? £7 for a 'one-off' ad that reaches a very wide target audience..? Can't be bad, can it..? That's about the biggest bass-playing, GAS-ridden market in the UK. Surely worth a punt..?

    Was thinking about it to be honest, being new on here, still trying to suss it all out

  6. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1392333901' post='2367650']
    are the 800`s active or passive? if theyre active you could just do away with the active pups and pre amp and chuck a set of passive ones in with a new harness,

    That's similar to what I was thinking originally but just wasn't sure if it would sound right, after doing a bit of reading on it, it would appear that for p-bass setups the pickup has to be in an apparent "sweet spot" and after measuring up, the p pick up in the ibanez is off of that spot hence my suggestion of plugging it up and rerouting

  7. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1392329759' post='2367594']
    I understand money is tight, but keep an eye on the Basschat basses for sale section for a used Vintage V4 bass. They change hands here for about £80 (I've personally bought and sold one for that amount) and they are fantastic basses for the money that need no upgrading as the Wilkinson pickups and hardware are more than up to the job.

    Check out this Vintage v American Fender video.
    You get a hell of a lot of P bass for little expense with the Vintage. They're pretty lightweight too.


    Sounds promising, shall certainly have a look for one of those

    Anyone wanna buy an ibanez hahaha

  8. Thanks again for all your comments

    I had looked at mustang basses oddly enough but, not being the most experienced bassist was a little concerned about how short scale would affect overall tone if at all

    I'd rather not mess with the sr800 but was looking here to see if it would've been worth it, I'm getting a general feeling that it wouldn't be wise

    Have watchedany pbass squiers go on the bay recently, but for fear of sounding like a broken record, the ibanez has to go first before I can buy one

    I'm quite surprised to be honest that no one has wanted to buy it as mentioned earlier I heard they were becoming quite sought after

    I don't think I'm pricing it up too high on any of my add, does anyone know what they would be realistically worth today in a good, working condition?!

  9. The kits are something I looked at but I'm a little dubious about the quality and I've heard that the pickups supplied with these sort of things are hit and miss (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) so I may well be looking at new pickups also

    Again though, unfortunately for me, current situation determines, if I do just go for a new bass, ibanez has to go first but am grateful for everyone's help and input so far, keep it coming by all means

  10. hello all, this is my first post here so please be gentle hahaha

    I have a dilemma and need some honest advice, Im hoping someone here can help

    I currently own an ibanez sr500 and a 20+ year old but fantastic condition Ibanez sr800le, I love both basses as I am quite a small guy and find the small bodies and necks easy to play on,

    I have recently found myself starting a new blues project and really, ideally for it I need a precision bass (I have been looking for anything precision esque with a view to, if needed, swapping pickups and other hardware to get that proper precision bass tone)

    the sr800le is the bass i use the least so in order to get a precision, that needs to go, problem being, despite having posted on various forums and other for sale sites for sales, trades, deals, whatever, no-one wants to buy an sr800le for some reason or other (I was led to believe that the late 80's/early 90's 800's were quite sought after now (apparently I have been misinformed) so I have left myself wondering the following..........

    if I completely stripped the 800 and blocked up the existing pickup and tone/volume control holes and then redrilled and rerouted for precision sized pickups, would I end up with something that you could mistake for a precision soundwise?! I am aware that precisions (be it fender, squier or any other brand that does precision copies) tend to have chunkier necks and bodies than ibanez basses as a whole but I'm wondering if all that extra wood REALLY makes a difference

    so my question to you low end gods and godesses would be, do I heavily modify the ibanez (and potentially ruin a perfectly good bass in its own right) and hope for the best or do I persevere and continue contacting countless amounts of people in regards to buying/swapping/trading for a precision (be it fender, squier or otherwise) and wait until someone says, yes, I'll do a trade/swap with you?!

    ANY advice on this will be much appreciated and heeded
    many thanks

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