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Posts posted by donslow

  1. 2 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    More data on the string anchor arrangement incoming.

    Well colour me intrigued….

    I took a peek under the saddles but couldn’t see anything obvious that screams “THE BALL ENDS GO HERE!!!”

    2 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    Well that confirms the date

    Agree thanks to the great minds of basschat lurkers 

    2 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    although it goes back further than we all expected, I think

    Also agree yet mildly surprised

  2. 3 hours ago, Bassassin said:

    Zooming in on your rear-view pic, it's very neatly done but I don't think it looks factory. So yes, I think it's a very sensible mod.

    @Bassassin It is very neat and tidy, there’s also a brass (looks brass anyway) plate installed into the rear route, I guess so as not to slowly drag the ball ends through the wood so it’s been well thought out

    • Like 1
  3. Thanks again guys (and gals?!)


    a lot of what has been mentioned here makes a lot of sense the more I look into it. starting to get a much clearer picture now, I did read somewhere they started adding “arbor series” to the headstock in the late 80’s (around ‘88 I believe) in which period they started making the headstocks more Fender shaped but then I’ve seen examples with the same headstock as mine with the arbor decal on it (like the one attached to the linked post above)

    oddly, there seems to be so much conflicting information amongst the very little you do find so once again, thanks to all the clever folk here that have shared what they know

    i emailed hohner to see if they could help and surprisingly they emailed back within a couple of hours asking for pictures, will be interested in what they think

    • Like 1
  4. @Bassassin your a true gent, thankyou


    have been doing as much searching as I can and have found out that this is possibly a HG425 or HG450 as a model name/number which were produced between ‘78 and about ‘83 but Japanese rather than Korean, although that is mostly speculation on picture-less stuff I have stumbled across


    Realistically, would you still guesstimate around the same value you suggested previously?

  5. Following on from this thread

    I picked said bass up from said work mate and have decided it’s a keeper…

    it needs a good clean up but seems to play and sound pretty good at the minute

    problem is, I can’t find ANY info on it ANYWHERE and it has no serial or markings anywhere

    i found this for sale on eBay which is the closest I’ve seen to it as it has same bridge, looks to be same pickups but has no through body stringing option like the one I have


    Could what I have be as old as the eBay example?!


    Can any of the basschat genius’ help out?!

    just for my own information in nothing else, any idea(s) on the what’s, when’s, where’s, how olds etc

    thanks in advance all

    some more pictures…











    • Like 1
  6. On 28/06/2021 at 00:46, Woodinblack said:

    Which is even easier, you don't even have to solder to test it out. Get 3 short lengths of solid copper core wire, take the circuit board plugs out and shove the 3 wires in the sockets like this. Obviously you can take the battery out, not that it will make a difference.


    @PaulThePlug apologies for coming back to this, opened up my bass and what I found looks quite different to what you had posted above…


    Bit lost as to where the loops could/should go…can I kindly ask if you have any ideas/suggestions at all?

  7. @Woodinblack thanks for the advice, something to look into for sure but I have to admit, I zoned out and went a bit crossed eyed at 

    7 minutes ago, Woodinblack said:

    connect the output of the balance through the volume

    Does that remove any trace of a tone adjustment option?

    Understandably it’ll sound different but Will it sound bad?! Just wondering after reading

    7 minutes ago, Woodinblack said:

    obviously what it sounds like then depends on your leads and your amp

    Amp is an SVT II Pro or Micro CL if that’s worth anything?!


    thanks in advance again

  8. Hey all, 

    I’ve got an itch, it needs scratching before I do something I’ll regret (selling a bass I love to bits)

    Currently have an Ibanez sr500 (as well as  three sr300’s I’ve had “adjusted” for different pickup configurations) and love it to bits, problem is, I’ve started to become a bit more passive bass biased which means the 500 doesn’t get used as much anymore, 

    Do I have any options to make this bass passive but still get the same noise(s) out of it?

    Despite knowing it’ll be an instant kind of regret, I’m dangerously close to getting shot of it and buying another 300 to mod with some passive soap bars (or something similar)

    anyone with a couple of 2p’s to throw into the pot?

    thanks in advance


  9. 7 hours ago, Bassassin said:

    Korean, probably Cort, I'd say late 80s/early 90s. Quite an interesting take on a Jazz, does need a good clean up but I would guess worth £120 - £150-ish.

    Thankyou fella, was roughly what I was going to suggest, thanks again

  10. Hey all, a work mate has happened upon a bass from a now departed family member of his and has asked me to help him value it

    I THINK I have a rough idea on what to tell him but thought I’d consult the basschat bass gods before I do...

    I haven’t had a chance to see the bass in person yet but have been sent these pictures...

    if anyone can advise it’d be very much appreciated

    many thanks in advance 





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