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Everything posted by blamelouis

  1. [quote name='wombatboter' post='690779' date='Dec 21 2009, 04:45 PM']And if you consider that Tony Levin played that fantastic fretless bass on "The weakness in me"...[/quote] And Pino had played on "The Shouting Stage" Stupid cow.
  2. [quote name='crez5150' post='689402' date='Dec 19 2009, 09:42 PM']Heads up... Mark has made this a free download from level42.com[/quote] EXCELLENT
  3. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='687075' date='Dec 17 2009, 10:10 AM']Ha ha, Marks voice sounds really good! He did well to hit those high notes. The Heathrow inspired fills and groove are nostalgic too. The video is obviously lip syncing but hell, who cares. Its the thought that counts. Merry Christmas Mark and Heather.[/quote] Yeah his voice sounds great .
  4. And a slaptastic chrimbo to all at basschat !! This should be our official xmas 09 tune
  5. Check it out from 2.52 ! Get it out Mark this is the shizzle ! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QjExXgbhyA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QjExXgbhyA[/url]
  6. Music dojo looks great, might just sign up for the walking bass course, cheers .
  7. [quote name='wombatboter' post='684042' date='Dec 14 2009, 02:43 PM']I went to see the McCartney show last week in Holland....He played for two hours and three quarters. His voice was excellent and he didn't make it easy on himself (Helter Skelter, Got to get you into my life, etc...). The man is 67 years old and he was full of energy and the crowd went mad. I have seen him perform live five times and never am I disappointed cause the level of performance is that high. His voice has changed but what do you expect when you're getting old ? A miracle ? He never sings out of tune and still makes people happy (last week : 29.000 people) To me he has still more than enough reasons to be on a stage and more than anyone in the world. Funny that someone from Belgium has to say something about a person you in the UK should be extremely proud of..[/quote] x2 The new live album is very good with a great bass sound. 67 and he can still play .
  8. [quote name='wombatboter' post='648228' date='Nov 7 2009, 05:21 PM']I helped out a band last week since they didn't have a bassplayer, I used my fretless Lefay 5, plugged in the DI (you won't understand a word he's singing, I think :-)) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXHVraiLy3s"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXHVraiLy3s[/url][/quote] Nice sound
  9. Nice post mate !
  10. Having heard Stings new album i was suprised how good that music was on Jools. Obviously better live.
  11. Well i love a bit of the old bass album. Pump it - Jeff Berlin Titles - Mick Karn Influences - Mark King Jaco pastorius Unusual Weather - Michael Manring Cant beat it
  12. [quote name='bottomfeed' post='620365' date='Oct 8 2009, 10:03 AM']Yeah Pino's the man!.... Some great lines on that Newman album 'We take mystery to bed' is one of my favourites... What he did on Joan Armatrading's album 'the shouting stage' also pricked my ears up....[/quote] LOVED that album especially the work between Pino and Knopfler on "Did i make you up"
  13. First time i've heard this , cheesy and GREAT ! Pino sounds fantastic ! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqG3XwRCUN8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqG3XwRCUN8[/url]
  14. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='606568' date='Sep 23 2009, 11:05 AM']Just came across this on Amazon - Fantastic value for money - its got lots of the great Prestige recordings (Workin, Relaxin, Steamin and Cookin) and Miles' 'Miles Ahead' stuff. The second box set is Porgy and Bess, Milestone and others. All for less than £4 each. If you haven't got these (all have Paul Chambers on bass), you have to get them. Its the law.... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Miles-Away-Davis/dp/B001F6YZTA/ref=pd_ys_ir_all_127"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Miles-Away-Davis/d...d_ys_ir_all_127[/url] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Miles-58-Davis/dp/B001PA7OYO/ref=pd_ys_ir_all_157"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Miles-58-Davis/dp/...d_ys_ir_all_157[/url][/quote] Got them already Bilbo , i dont have to buy them again do i ?
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='604774' date='Sep 21 2009, 04:51 PM']This has to be a record number of times I've posted this but may I introduce Matt Freeman. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsgWs4sNHwM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsgWs4sNHwM[/url][/quote] HA HA NOW i get the joke he is sh*te ! For some reason it feels longer since Jaco went. Greatest bassline ever......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9uIJ343js0&feature=related
  16. Anybody recommend a cheapish warwick as a workhorse bass you can just throw in the boot of the car ?
  17. My OLD 88 streamer ! [attachment=33096:DSCN1762.JPG]
  18. Love Wyntons album "Black codes from the underground" branford and kenny kirklands playing is RAMPANT on that album !
  19. Around live aid did he not start learning reading and that ? I thought he gave an interview saying he was learning so he could do session work. Great heads up on the autobiography
  20. I'll be at the Ards do but sligos out ...pity Bass bash sounds good
  21. I would phone them and say "look lads you obviously dont need me, so good luck with your search" they will have more respect for you because this band sounds like a pain in the arse. Very bad people skills. I think your making a rod for your own back mate. And you say theres no or little money involved ? The drummer sounds a sensitive artist
  22. [quote name='acidbass' post='518932' date='Jun 19 2009, 10:46 PM']Nice one, not particularly a fan myself but it seems a shame to miss a name bass player when he's just 10 mins down the road from me! Cheers for the heads up [/quote] Yeah i agree you have to come out and support these guys or you cant whine when they dont come !
  23. Just got an email from Michael Manring he is playing in Ireland in october !!!! Friday, October 2 Sligo, IRELAND To be announced solo workshop and performance Saturday, October 3 Ards Guitar Festival NORTHERN IRELAND [url="http://www.ardsguitarfestival.co.uk/"]http://www.ardsguitarfestival.co.uk/[/url] Fantastic cant wait to see this fretless legend
  24. [quote name='neilb' post='504060' date='Jun 2 2009, 06:11 PM']I have a Classic 70s Jazz and it is sublime: thoroughly recommended, build quality on this one was perfect.[/quote] With a Badass ?
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