Hi guys.
I'm looking at getting myself a new bass. At the moment I have a P-bass and an Overwater Aspiration, both 4 strings, but there's a few songs I'd like to learn that require 5 and 6 strings to play.
I'll guide you through my train of thought thus far.
I don't want to jump straight into a 6 string as I'm useless with a guitar and, while I appreciate that a bass isn't played the same as a guitar, I don't fancy forking out for something that'll be left to gather dust until I can get rid of it somehow. I feel it's important to point out that I don't consider myself a "musician" as such. I can read tablature and play Rocksmith and with other people if I know the song etc but my knowledge of scales and the "theory" side of playing bass is somewhat lacking. I've been at it nearly 3 years.
So I was thinking about getting a 5 string. Given my lack of actual skill and the knowledge that there's not a huge amount of songs I want to play that require 5 strings, I have my doubts as to whether it's worth it. Then again, I'd like to work my way up to 6 (Dream Theater <3).
So my question is, should I bother getting a 5 string? Since I want to work up to 6, should I just get a 6 and skip the 5?