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Everything posted by SteveO
Do you mean Jamstix? was intrigued at the idea so had a search about. There's a free trial version on [url="http://download.cnet.com/Jamstix/3000-2170_4-10726797.html"]Cnet[/url]. Not had a look yet coz i'm not at home and this crappy mac is only good for browsing the interweb.
[quote name='Paul_C' post='458318' date='Apr 9 2009, 01:55 PM']that's why my feeling is that it's better described as a 7th or flat/minor 7th from the root below (in terms of an interval), than a 2nd or flat/minor 2nd from the note above - less chance of confusion [/quote] Nothing wrong with that. Saying 'down an octave and up a minor 7th' works just as well as saying 'down a minor 2nd', it's just a bit convoluted. Most people would use the interval both ways though as again it only means "two semitones" and has nothing to do with the key. I see where you are coming from, but to me it's like calling 'C min' a 'C Maj b3'. Whilst just as valid a chord name it's easier to use the common terminology, more people will understand you straight away instead of them trying to work out what you mean.
lol. it doesn't really matter, I just think that musical nomenclature can be confusing at the best of times (eg the second can mean the second interval, the second note of a scale or the chord based on the second note of the scale) and I can't see any real benefit for using the 'metric' note names when they make it (IMO) more confusing (especially when they're wrong ). It doesn't make it so much harder to communicate with other musicians when you use different names. You say tomayto and I say tomato and all that. Edited because I forgot to say what I wanted to the first time round
[quote name='The Funk' post='458277' date='Apr 9 2009, 01:25 PM']Still makes sense there. There are six 'eighth' notes in the bar.[/quote] Hey, you're right. Never looked at it that way before. and 12/8/ is 12 eighths of a 4/4 bar, and 9/4 is 9 quarters of a 4/4 bar.... it works... although I'm not sure how 'triplet quarter notes' can be mathematicaly justified. Still think that it's the work of the devil and should be banned though. Edit: No, wait a bit, you're using misdirection to confuse me. 5/4 may mean 5 quarters of a 4/4 bar, but an eighth note is still not an eighth of a 5/4 bar. Ha!
[quote name='Simon' post='458193' date='Apr 9 2009, 11:53 AM']I must admit I prefer the American way, and I think it's becoming more mainstream over here. The terms to make a lot more sense. If some says "quarter" or "8th" or "16th" notes to you, you know exactly what they mean in relation to a bar/time sig.[/quote] It only makes sense if you're playing 4/4. In 6/8 an 'Eighth' note is a sixth of the bar, in 5/4 it's a tenth... in 2/4 it's a quarter note, or is it???? Any other time sig than 4/4 throws it right out of the window. Even rock music has been known to stray away from 4/4 (sometimes )
[quote name='Simon' post='458194' date='Apr 9 2009, 11:59 AM']In C Major wouldn't it be B not Bb... (wow, that was a lot of b's)[/quote] No, don't get confused between the major second intervals and second note of the scale. A major second interval is two semitones. the Second note of the major scale is also two semitones up from the root, but, in the words of Ira Gershwin "It ain't necessarily so" e.g the third of a major scale is 4 semitones up from the root, the third of a minor scale is 3 semitones up from the root. I seem to remember that it's all described in the Levine book that Bilbo keeps suggesting that we all read, Near the beginning i think, so now we know who's not doing their homework eh
Warwick SSI Endorsee Model... Oh no it isn't!
SteveO replied to warwickhunt's topic in eBay - Weird and Wonderful
[quote name='warwickhunt' post='458138' date='Apr 9 2009, 10:51 AM']It doesn't 'actually' say that the guy from PoM played or owned it. It states 'made for', any bass that anybody owns [u]could have been made[/u] for any 'famous' player. The fact is that ANY SSI ever made could have been made for the PoM bassist. The devil is in the detail and without some form of authentication/verification it is just a SSI. [/quote] Surely you don't mean to suggest that someone advertising on ebay could be trying to mislead us or (shock horror) telling a fib? Is nothing sacred? Actually in all seriousness I read the as as "previously owned by puddle of mud guy and was given to him by warwick for free like they do to endorsee player types". Not that it would have made the bass worth more to me if it was, but you're right, it doesn't say that explicitly and so is probably bollocks, although I wonder why they didn't pick someone more famous, unless it WAS a endorsee freebie and the ad's badly written, or maybe it's a double bluff to make us think that... My brain hurts now, need a lie down. Don't want a SSI anyway. -
Warwick SSI Endorsee Model... Oh no it isn't!
SteveO replied to warwickhunt's topic in eBay - Weird and Wonderful
[quote name='warwickhunt' post='458107' date='Apr 9 2009, 10:13 AM']So let me check off what makes this bass a 'special' endorsee model; "Look closely at the pics and compare to the run-of-the-mill Warwicks on Ebay. This one features..." three band EQ - standard on all SSI MEC pickups - standard on all SSI neck-through construction - standard on all SSI adjustable nut - standard on all SSI gold hardware - standard on all SSI 24 fret - standard on all SSI 34" scale - standard on all SSI reverse P-J pickup configuration - standard on all SSI It has a Hipshot D-tuner on it [u]now[/u] (worth $110), and the original tuner will be included in the sale - Not standard on SSI BUT this was an aftermarket retrofit to this bass anyway Comes with the Warwick manual and tool kit etc - standard on all SSI deluxe Warwick gig bag - standard on all SSI One thing missing the truss rod cover - Ah! taking off the truss rod cover makes it an endorsee model. I must try that ploy next time I sell a SSI. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Streamer-Stage-1-neck-thru-bass-endorsee-model_W0QQitemZ300306656134QQihZ020QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Streamer-Sta...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] ahh, but you forget that it was [s]pulled off the shelf for[/s] made especially for that puddle of mud guy. Must make it worth at least an extra grand.(actually, I used to be into them, time to dig through the CD piles for a repreive methinks.) -
[quote name='silddx' post='457742' date='Apr 8 2009, 08:35 PM']OK, quick question. If the major 2nd interval [b]above [/b]C is D, is the major 2nd interval [b]below [/b]C, Bb or is it D an octave lower? Thanks.[/quote] Bb If you want an analogy, think of it in this way... 30 + 2 = 32 30 - 2 = 28, not 22 (the number 30 bears no relevance at all, just used to demonstrate the principle.)
[quote name='bilbo230763' post='457220' date='Apr 8 2009, 12:41 PM']I had never heard of them, despite having Fux's book on my book shelf! Best I read it then? [/quote] I wouldn't bother, It's just a big list of rules to make you sound like any other mediocre baroque composer. Allegedly Mozart denounced it as having the biggest single detrimental effect on original composition in all time, although Beethoven thought Fux was the bee's knees. Personally I think there's more to learn from a good Jazz book (Levine for eg) but I don't think I need to encourage you in that direction do I
[quote name='jakesbass' post='457330' date='Apr 8 2009, 02:02 PM']I like that system as it's logical and easy to work out, whereas if you are not too adept at memory it's difficult to commit with non relevant names. I am much better with logic that gives you the chance to work stuff out and terrible at reading and memorising material. I am an aural tradition learner.[/quote] there's only 6 names in common usage for gods sake Semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver, semiquaver and demisemiquaver corresponding to whole, half, quarter, 8th, 16th and 32nd notes respectively. you may come across a Breve in 16th century choral music, and the occasional hemidemisemiquaver (or worse) where the composer can't be bothered to rethink the tempo / time sig. If you want to really be pedantic there's only four names - Breve, minim, crotchet and quaver, with semi, demi and hemi prefixes to denote subdivisions. It's hardly a feat to remember them all. remembering the names of the notes of the chromatic scale takes 3 times as much memory I recon it depends on what you are used to, I hate having to mentally convert from 'metric' names to real names when on the composing fora that I frequent, but the americans always whine when I don't convert back, so horses for courses and all that.
I hate playing the 5. problem is that I also hate retuning between songs and I hate playing in drop D or C anyway (my brain can't cope with notes not being where they should be) so the 5 gets played 90% of the time. Although I've ridiculed them in the past, maybe one of those auto tuning basses would suit me fine so I can change eadg to bead at the flick of a switch. I tried BEAD once, but miss the G string and can't be bothered to change basses between songs either.
voted red, don't know why. My main bass is red but I've been looking lustfully at a black stinkray for the last 8 months. As there's a natural finish one next to it and I want the black one then maybe I should have chosen black. Damn. I want to change to black now.
[quote name='Eight' post='456792' date='Apr 7 2009, 09:44 PM']Whoops no, but I see where you came from there. I should have been more specific. I mean like sol diesis instead of G sharp.[/quote] Been playing classical music for 20 years and composing and conducting orchestral music for about 3 years now and no one that i've ever met uses these names. The only time i've come across them was in Fux's study of counterpoint (it predates Mozart) I doubt if they've been used in anything in the last 200 years that isn't written in Italian.
No, No, No, No, No, you've got it all wrong, you're not supposed to make the bass look better. Try dragging it behind a car or scrubbing it with some sandpaper. Apparently THATS the way to improve it.
On the yam 375 there's a gap at the edge of the neck pickup that's just the right size for a plec, and allows superfast changes (can change on any note in a medium tempo straight 4 without dropping a beat) It's almost as if someone designed it that way. When slumming it with the p i just jam a couple under the scratchplate. +1 to having loads scatered around the place. few on the amp, few taped to mic stands, few on the floor, pockets. etc. I like the strap pick-holder idea though.
Why you should never defret a wenge neck Warwick
SteveO replied to warwickhunt's topic in eBay - Weird and Wonderful
Ooooh, that's tragic. Hmmm, If that butcher-job scares away potential bidders then there might be a posibility of a cheap body there. I wonder what the reserve is? (I'm not after one BTW, just an observation) -
Shingai Playing Bass on 'don't upset the rhythm'
SteveO replied to Jean-Luc Pickguard's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='450337' date='Mar 31 2009, 11:42 AM']Just found this clip of the Noisettes with Shingai playing bass on their current single. [url="http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/music/article2334489.ece"]http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showb...icle2334489.ece[/url] Great to see a proper band doing well in the charts for a change.[/quote] Sorry, but that song does nothing for me at all. Have only listened once but honestly can't remember if there were any other lyrics than "Go baby go" and "Don't upset the rythm" Did it even have a verse-chorus structure or was it just 3 mins of I-III-IV-I-III-IV... If this is an example of what the "proper bands" in the UK charts are doing then the industry is in worse dire straits than I had thought. Anyway, the real reason for my post was can someone explain to my why they feel the need to point out that they think that the drummer has an afro? (And it's not even an afro.) Sometimes I think that the tabloid editorial staff are the same guys that brought us the league of gentlemen. Edit: OK, re-listened. apologies, there are other lyrics, maybe even a hint of a verse at the beginning. Also I think that the start has a I-III-I-III.... bit before branching out into challenging new direction by introducing the IV, but I still can't remember anything about the song and it's only just finished, and I can't be arsed to play a third time. -
[quote name='6stringbassist' post='451771' date='Apr 1 2009, 06:43 PM']Should be interesting after what happened to Steve Lawson and Janek Gwizdala.[/quote] Did something happen to Steve? Must have missed something, I'm sure I had a pm from not too long ago. Edit: Doh. PM was from Stu Clayton not Steve. Forget it, nothing to see here....
[quote name='bilbo230763' post='449858' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:18 PM']Good work, SteveO, although I would recommend people look at other Bach pieces - this one has been played to death by players the world over [/quote] Oooh agreed, It is one of those 'Stairway to heaven' type pieces, but I have a real soft spot for Bach, especially his solo Violin and Cello pieces, and these do translate quite well to the Bass. Considering the time it took to do it (about an hour) I think i'll look at adding a few more soon. Anyway the aim is to take the boredom out of doing scale excersises.
[quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='449469' date='Mar 30 2009, 03:00 PM']SteveO, Any chance you can upload the Sibelius version too? Cheers, Pete.[/quote] Added to the OP. Edit: Ooops, no it's not. The computer says that I'm 'not allowed to add this type of file'
[quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='449066' date='Mar 29 2009, 11:49 PM']Nice to see it being played in the original cello key. Most of the double bass versions are transposed into C for suite I.[/quote] Surely not? I was tempted to transpose but for 2 reasons: Firstly there were only 6 notes lower than an E, and it wasn't hard to chose suitable alternatives to keep in the feel of the part, and secondly I *hate* it when people transpose music. Even a semitone higher or lower can make a piece just sound wrong. Transposing from G to C is a crime that should be punishable by death. (IMO etc. etc.)
[quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='448727' date='Mar 29 2009, 04:44 PM']I think it's fingerings- 1234= fingers on your fretting hand, 0= open string. Judging from the open notes it looks like it's the OP's bass fingerings.[/quote] Spot on. I've only done it where I there are tricky position shifts. Mainly because I have a bad memory and only remember to change position when i get knotted fingers half way through the bar. Feel free to ignore them, they're not essential.
After getting a bit frustrated with trying to read a bad photocopy of the above I decided to scan it into Sibelius to get a clean copy. Whilst I was at it I rearranged it to make it playable on a 4-string bass and dropped in some fingerings for the first section. Also is a tab version for the non-music readers out there. The piece is a great way of practicing scale patterns without it being boring, and lets face it Bach was the master of walking bass lines. Enjoy
Tempting as it may be to 'diss the drummer', Arvid is one of the best drummers I've worked with. Total 100% accuracy on the most convoluted syncopated rythms you can imagine. (well, he did train at some famous Dutch music conservatory that i can't be bothered to remember the name of). You know the quiz where you play the first few bars of a song and then fade out....... then fade in after a while and see how far out you are? well I played 'Pull Me Under' (Dream Theater) and faded out after about 30 seconds, (It's one of the tracks we're rehersing).... faded back in after 5 mins, it's an 8 or 9 min track and there's at lest 4 or 5 time sig and tempo changes, and he was PERFECT. Bastard. Edit: [quote name='grumble' post='443235' date='Mar 23 2009, 11:40 PM']No problem with my drummer, always does exactly as told, only slows down when the batteries run out and ,best of all, NEVER drinks my beer. Damn that Boss Micro BR is a godsend [/quote] I think i've just wet myself.