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Everything posted by SteveO

  1. [quote name='thebassman' post='767929' date='Mar 8 2010, 02:29 PM']I have been a real big fan of planet waves cables for quite a while. Something strange has happened though, i have been using a standard cable, circuit breaker cable and patch lead, all planet waves, for about 3-4 years. I have played these through my Bassman 135 and Mesa 400+ and all seemed well. I recently bought a Mesa M6 carbine combo and was starting to get really worried with horrible sound spikes and intermittent back groung noise, this was driving me mad. Anyway, with the process of elimination i have had to swap out all of the planet waves cables, one at a time for my trusty old Whirlwind cables and a home made patch cable and all is working great. I don't quite understand how this is even possible, but i will not be using PW again. anyone else had any problems. cheers thebassman[/quote] It may not be the cable that is the problem, the 1/4 inch jack is not as standard as we might think. I have a problem with my yamaha 375 which will only work with certain cables. On the cables that do work, the tiny insulating collar between the tip and the sleeve is about 0.5mm further from the tip than on the cables that do not work. Putting a multimeter to the other end shows that the cables that don't work are short circuiting, presumably because the sleeve connector on the lead is touching both the tip and sleeve connectors in the bass socket. To me its only a minor irritation in remembering which leads work, but if its a major problem for you then swapping out the connector on the Mesa may solve it.
  2. [quote name='51m0n' post='768787' date='Mar 9 2010, 08:22 AM']If you dont care about cable heatlth then I found that if you halve, halve and halve again ... ... I have some cheap cables that are 12 years old that I always stored like this, and they havent failed at all, YMMV.[/quote] This is my preferred method for tangle-free storage. I prefer wireless at a gig anyway, but practice cables are constantly being tidied away like this. I've also heard that its not good for cable life, but none of mine have ever failed. I find it interesting that many people that mention it say that its bad for their health and yet that they've had no problems (I'm still using my first cable that must be 15 years old now) I wonder if its just because its not done in the "approved" way or if there is any proof that this method damages them?
  3. Its just a little bit of ostentatious posing that the merkins seem to appreciate. I have to admit to never being a fan of either of these guys, but would have thought that they could have come up with something a bit more exciting than just playing the same notes in unison - apart from the few widdly bits that billy cant keep up with.
  4. I'd vote yes to this. At least it'll tidy the place up a bit.
  5. Is it just me that finds this a little weird? 3 basses of different colours, but only one is for sale. he doesn't care which, just let him know at the end which one you'd like. unless of course this is a feeler auction and he's planning on adjusting the BIN when it comes to selling the other two.
  6. [quote name='XB26354' post='758923' date='Feb 27 2010, 11:30 AM']... I oppose your counter motion, on the grounds that if you want to sell something then a large proportion of people will probably want to come and take a look [/quote] I second that counter motion. Actually I don't really care as anything that tempts me on here is going to involve international couriers, however I do think its a bit daft. Why loose a chunk of potential customers just because you can't be bothered to note the location? Of course the serious buyers who're looking for that exact model will get in touch anyway, but the casual browser who lives in the same vicinity might click straight past your bargain because he's mentally adding courier costs to the sale price. But do the mod team really want the hassle of writing and enforcing rules? Do we really want to burden them with this task? after all its the seller thats loosing out, and I'm sure the few people that are constantly looking for bargains can get used to posting "where are you". After reflection I choose to remove my support to the counter motion. Anyway it gives us the opportunity to post sarcastic comments on the for sale forum .
  7. [quote name='FreddyS' post='749978' date='Feb 18 2010, 06:14 PM']I havent been to Glassheim lately, but I'm aware of the good work they do there so I will probably go sometime in the future. You could definitely save some money on the option where you "smuggle" the bass from Sweden to Norway! Another option that not all are aware of is that if you buy equipment from EU the seller/shop can deduct the VAT, and then you pay the norwegian VAT when the equipment arrives.[/quote] We have SLADE in a few months!!!!!! [url="http://www.untouchables.no/upcoming_shows.php"]http://www.untouchables.no/upcoming_shows.php[/url] They're hidden amongst the usual array of Black and Death metal bands. Good tip about the VAT, thanks. Now if I can just get the Toll to let me do the same with my motorbike...
  8. [quote name='FreddyS' post='749587' date='Feb 18 2010, 01:46 PM']Hi, I live in a place called Gjøvik, it's about 1,5 hours drive from Hønefoss, so maybe next time... Guitars are expensive here, but I always import them myself so it's really not a problem [/quote] Yay, we're almost neighbours. I was up at Badeland in Raufoss last week with my daughter and 10 of her friends for her birthday. I'm actually in Åsbygda, between Hønefoss and Jevnaker. Do you ever come down to Glassheim in Jevnaker? I brought all my instruments with me when I moved, but I've often thought of doing a bit of smuggling into Norge. The second hand prices here are more than the new prices at home. It seems that its the import taxes that push the prices up. I'm currently negotiating with a school friend who lives in sweden to send a double bass to him, then for me to pick it up - could save me about £200 (2000nok)
  9. Hei Freddy, velcommen til basschat. We have a few scandanavians here. I'm in Hønefoss. Where are you, who do you play with? Hilsen SteveO
  10. I sometimes wonder about the apparent lack of care of instruments, I for one would be worried that somethings going to fall off or cut out mid gig (which is why I always carry a spare ) but whats the problem? If someone wants to mistreat their gear then thats their prerogative, and lets face it we're not talking about rare priceless works of art here, they're mass-produced consumer goods. I don't think the assumption that its an indication of animal cruelty is a particularly fair one either . I don't really care about my basses as long as they remain in good working order, but I would and have spent a fortune on taking care of my cat when most 'normal' owners may have opted for euthanasia.
  11. [quote name='Clarky' post='725809' date='Jan 26 2010, 11:15 PM']Jack, any idea how much needs to be raised here, ball-park?[/quote] keep us updated on this and any shortfall please.
  12. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='721942' date='Jan 23 2010, 10:23 AM']I've just started bass lessons and want to do my bass gradings. My tutor advised me to start on grade 4 and get the book, after which he'd go through it with me in addition to normal lessons. I had no knowledge of theory before my lessons and have only really just started. The next exam is in June/July and my tutor's advice was to just book either the summer or winter one and just go for it. I've never done any gradings before so just wondering how realistic going from nothing to a grade 4 in just under 6 months? I am fairly confident that the pressure would make me practice and make me do it.. but I'm just wondering what other people's experiences are?[/quote] Go for it Sarah, IME the early grades are aimed at absolute beginners. I started trumpet at grade 5 and my sister started violin at Grade 5. Admittedly that was a good 25 years ago now, but at the time Grade 5 was the first that required a little knowledge of music theory (and it was only a little). As you've been playing for a while, even performing live, I'm confident that you'll already be at grade 4 standard or beyond and be able to pass the test without massive amounts of pain.
  13. ROTF. Brilliant. Check out some of the other amazing things for sale. How about the [b]Promethian base [that] isolates moderate to heavy loads from sesimic type vibration - especially the 0 -10 Hz variety produced by Earth's crust movement[/b] Edited to adjust for BST.
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='716138' date='Jan 17 2010, 11:58 PM']I know what it is but I don't want to say because you might think I've cheated. [size=1]I cheated[/size][/quote] Me too! [size=1]Me too! *shame*[/size]
  15. [quote name='chantelle' post='716181' date='Jan 18 2010, 12:23 AM']is this even if the amps turned off and also switched off at the wall that the battery will still run down?[/quote] yup. with the lead plugged into the bass the circuit is on draining the battery. As its been a few posts whilst I was doin the edit then check my 1st post again for some potentially useful info
  16. Batteries second.... Edit: Hmmm. is it that 374 in your avatar that you're have troubles with?... let me tell you a story... I bought my 375 a few years ago now (when they were fairly new to the market) was looking for a 5er and it ticked all the boxes for QC, sound, cheapness etc. Anyway got it home and it was dead. New batteries, still dead. Through the stage amp, Dead. Friends house, Dead. Bugger. Back to shop. Works fine! Cue major embarassment. Got home. Dead.... to cut the story short it turned out after a lot of head scratching that the jack plug standard is not as standard as it should be and in fact the distance from the tip to the small plastic insulator can vary by 2-3mm between manufacturers of the various plugs and sockets and the lead that I was using was shorting out the tip, the connection to the battery and the ground wire on the yam. It didn't do it to a friends active bass, so we deduced that the lead was at one end of the acceptable range and the jack socket in the yam was at the other. Different lead = problem solved. Then again it might be something else entirely
  17. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='715023' date='Jan 16 2010, 06:35 PM']Oil off your nose. Contains squalene, a chemical which, in non-plant form, can only otherwise be found in a sharks liver. The old astronomers used nose oil to polish lenses and watch menders use it to lubricate movements. Watch movements, that is.[/quote] I look forward to your missives, they often introduce a piece of surreality into an otherwise mudane topic. However on this occasion I think you have really outdone yourself by sounding madder than a bucket full of fish whilst posting something that is true.
  18. Were you watching Uri Geller on youtube at the time?
  19. In all seriousness I think it may be that it is easier for a right handed person to express emotion through dynamics using their right hand. The violinists bowing hand, the guitarists plucking hand, the pianists melody hand (where arguably most of the emotion is).
  20. My left handed mother used to play a right handed piano. Edit: Just remembered a drummer I know plays left handed (all the kit is in a swapped over position left to right) yet is right handed.
  21. Is this hangman? you're supposed to say if its a book or film or whatever first. And we don't know how many letters it is.
  22. [quote name='Bassassin' post='701189' date='Jan 5 2010, 01:29 AM']A couple of years back, over at TB the Septics were going mental over the Ashdown clone - claiming it was "taking food off the table of honest American working guys" (I know, I know ) - turns out that the Ashdown & the Behringer are made in the same Chinese factory, using the same components. Ampeg might well be fuming over the Behringer copy, but I doubt they can do a lot more. And realistically - no-one who can afford a real one will buy a Behringer instead, will they? I've got a few bits of Behringer studio kit & on the whole it's good VFM, workable budget gear - not exactly robust but often cheap enough to be disposable. Can't knock it on that basis Jon.[/quote] Haven't heard the chinese factory thing before and TBH it sounds like an urban myth, but I do remember seeing a photo of the two circuit boards, and other than the brand names there was very little difference between the two. I bought my Bx4500 purely for the cost and disposability, and its been a great little workhorse for the last 5 or so years. It's on long term loan at the moment, but I'll probably get another if it dies. Their PA stuff is actually pretty good too, I know one part time sound engineer that loves the stuff. I'm not a big fan of Behringers practice of ripping off designs, but I'm also not a fan of companies that charge a fortune for their name on a box of £100 worth of components either. They make stuff that is affordable to the average punter and so they're all right in my book.
  23. [quote name='umph' post='696517' date='Dec 30 2009, 06:41 PM']valve equipment is still used in the military at the moment! it'll survive a nuke but SS stuff wont[/quote] really ? No experience with valves myself but I've heard stories that they're a tad fragile and don't like things like for eg being dropped. I assume that you mean they'll withstand the emp blast rather than the shockwaves and fires etc. presumably military valve equipment is in protective cases to erm.. protect against this kinda thing. You live and learn.
  24. For some reason the phrase 'made from military grade components' tickled me. Its a valve amp, so presumably we're talking about 1950's military components.
  25. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='689931' date='Dec 20 2009, 06:43 PM']I'm crap at DIY.[/quote] I'll do you one for £60 inc postage from norway
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