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Everything posted by eloann

  1. Up for sale is a great little "combo" (barely over 6kg), with its [b]very [/b]good quality bag [attachment=158419:46806_2.jpg] As a stand-alone it's great for home practice or quiet "acoustic" gigs. Obviously for more ballsy sounds (300w at 4Ω) you may add an external cab... or even detach the head (held by 2 screws on the sides) and pack it in your gigbag. [attachment=158420:46806_3.jpg] Very good condition despite having used it quite a bit, thanx to the highly protective bag. 500€ including shipping to the EU (I live in Switzerland but can ship from France to bypass customs) Wire transfer preferred - Paypal accepted [attachment=158418:46806.jpg]
  2. Have you considered the Source Audio Manta ? It's getting many rave reviews these days.
  3. I'm quite happy with the Proton after my Oxide and/or You're Doom. However these are not your typical fuzz (especially on the settings I use) and It's more funky than synthy on its own - probably not what you're looking for. For me, most envelope filters don't really work with a dynamic-squashing fuzz before them unless you want really a really subtle effect on the attack. The one exception was the wonderlove with its loop making much sense but I did let it go since it was too big and complex for me. Now if you place your fuzz after, or use an expression pedal, it opens up a lot more choices. Like said above, the WMD would likely get you anywhere you want but I find its many controls scary.
  4. Ordered a HOG 2 ; the Superego will be going on ebay unless someone takes it fast
  5. So the Diamond's gone, which leaves the rest
  6. Here's a bunch of pedals up for sale. Take 2 pedals and get 10€ off. 3 pedals, 20€ off. And so on. The wonderful homemade A/B box will come for free with any pedal(s) if you have use for it. [u]Prices (including shipping from France to the EU):[/u] IE Oxide - 120€ VFE Triumvirate - 120€ Mojo Hand BMP-1 - 120€ Diamond Bass Comp - SOLD Boss MO-2 - 100€ EHX Superego - 120€ ISP and Darkglass already gone [u]Trade interrests :[/u] Iron Ether Xerograph Deluxe Dr. Scientist Elements / Frazz Dazzler EHX Hog 2 (+ foot control), once Superego is gone
  7. These Baphomets are great deals for the price - got a NTB4 myself
  8. Here's a very unique bass that's not getting played as much as it should, mostly because of my Dingwalls. It has a hollow steel body, a Warmoth maple/bocote neck with a nitro finish, slightly reliced. The body shape was inspired from the Ruokangas Steambass (with Juha's authorization). It's a jazz bass at heart, but with slightly twisted electronics. It has a master volume, a Dingwall style 4 position rotary switch (neck/both in series/both in parallel/bridge) offering several distincs flavours. The series setting not usually found on jazz basses offers a deep punchy tone ideal for rock - think Musicman ballpark. Then there's a Stellartone Tonestyler, which is basically a notched 16 position passive tone control switching through different cap values (from bypass for the brightest possible tone to .1 for a classic muffled sound). It preserves midrange while cutting just the wanted chunk of highs. More pics and infos on the builder's website : [url="http://www.loiclepapesteelguitars.com/spip.php?article253&lang=en"]http://www.loiclepap...icle253&lang=en[/url] [i]The fingerboard is bocote - not pau ferro The actual weight is around 4.4kg A hard case is included[/i] The bass is in the vicinity of Geneva, Switzerland. Anyone is welcome to check it out in person. Looking for [b]1300€ shipped EU[/b] (about half the new price) Will ship from France to prevent trouble with the customs My only trade interrests would be a Dingwall bass or a Chapman stick. Might take a pedal or two to ease the bill.
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