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Everything posted by fusdepilee

  1. Nice one mate! Post some pics...
  2. Haha good luck rodma! I'ver played it constantly since it arrived as its a beaut. I may have to pull the trigger on some more HB 'deko' items now...
  3. Got mine last week and I have to say, for £45 its just amazing! There is a slight buzz where the 3rd frets would be but otherwise it plays perfect after a little truss rod adjustment. Electrics all fine too - I am actually struggling to work out how its been sold as decoration. Very very happy with my deal
  4. If I didn't already have a bass on order with Alpher I'd be buying this immediately. Gorgeous.
  5. Looks like I could perhaps get lucky here then! Seems kinda crazy to say something with a dent on it is 'unplayable' Mine has been shipped so I can report back on it's condition if anyone's interested?
  6. Ah well we will see - there was a picture showing a little damage but I think this surely can't be all that is wrong with it??
  7. Has anyone ordered one of these to see what state they arrive in? I've pulled the trigger on an acoustic bass as its only £40.
  8. The grain on this badboy is just unreal!
  9. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1406549878' post='2512304'] If you Google the T-Bird Pro V, the strap button on that is at the back, where the neck plate would be if it had one... [/quote] Great stuff, so looks like the fix is just sticking the button on the back - should make things a little easier!
  10. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1406490592' post='2511930'] Yep, moving the rear button changes the centre of gravity on the bass quite nicely. Only needs to be moved an inch or so. [/quote] So can you just change the rear button or do you still need to do both?
  11. Hey all, I have recently come into possession of a rather gorgeous Epi Thunderbird Pro - unfortunately it appears to be suffering from the dreaded T-Bird neck dive. I had the older model T-Bird and that was easy enough to move the front strap holder to the joint between neck and body as there was a small flat area there. Problem is, the new T-Bird Pro is a neck-through and has a smooth, curved area (much like a Ken doll) so I'm not sure its going to be possible to move the strap holder under the neck? Has anyone done this or have any advice? Cheers all!
  12. Headstock is now coming together and it looks seriously eyecatching! [attachment=166914:10537449_580153555438255_5767867000203560540_n.jpg]
  13. Sorry mate, this was sold about a month ago. My fault - forgot to edit the thread title.
  14. Neck has been drilled, routed and sanded! Think this purpleheart neck is going to be something else [attachment=162421:10247282_544187652368179_691289360564856028_n.jpg] [attachment=162422:10251908_544187655701512_5579088685340693671_n.jpg]
  15. Really tempted by one of the black Vantage Retrovibes. Seems like people in general quite rate them?
  16. Damn that is nice! Had serious GAS for a Fender Aerodyne lately but this might be close enough...
  17. [quote name='MarkusWarwick' timestamp='1398277416' post='2432438'] Agreed, thats a downright ridiculous price! [/quote] Agreed! Not having much bites though so I guess drastic measures are called for!
  18. Bump! Now [b]£500[/b]! Honestly, this is madness now!
  19. Bump! Now only looking for [b]£600[/b]!
  20. Absolutely killer bass, I have the exact same one and its becoming my go-to bass as the sound and playability from it is outstanding. Good luck with it dude.
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