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Happy Jack

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Everything posted by Happy Jack

  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/xxxxxxxxxxxx/183333403851?hash=item2aaf85bccb:g:-NEAAOSwNJpbiXL9
  2. I just used the new search engine to try to find out where my avatar had got to. Didn't help. Didn't help a bit.
  3. Can't believe you left out the best of the lot ...
  4. Only because you unplug it and lock it in the safe when you're not using it.
  5. Just play the bassline from Sweet Home Alabama ... nobody will notice.
  6. Now for me that was part of the beauty of it. Given the set-up, you just knew that they were going to manufacture a hit record by the end of the documentary. And then it turned out to be a complete failure, it just didn't work at all. It wasn't useful and very little was learned. How refreshing!
  7. And incidentally, when you get your first proper sight of Trevor Horn, do be sure to check out exactly which iconic brand of bass he prefers to keep close at hand ...
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08gk664/the-secret-science-of-pop If you haven't already seen this, then make a 60-minute hole in your busy schedule for it. An excellent piece of work, highly entertaining, really quite thought-provoking, and with a great ending.
  9. No, you're all wrong. Look at the prices ...
  10. Yup, that sounds like Ronnie Lane. Great player though.
  11. Ideally, these would have been taken by someone in Leeds.
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FENDER-SQUIRE-VINTAGE-MODIFIED-BASS-VI-SIX-STRINGS-MINT-CONDITION-SUNBURST/372588568975?hash=item56c002618f:g:1zsAAOSw259cVs8x https://www.gak.co.uk/en/squier-vintage-modified-bass-vi-3-colour-sunburst/85155?gclid=Cj0KCQjws5HlBRDIARIsAOomqA0O0LbdGv8gMLYKTgSW96nf5Jf9rBK-OdwrWjnGS_eBAFYtw26ew5caAoCuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  13. Come on over baby, whole lot of stacking going on ...
  14. Yup, it's a bunch of resistors (I think, leccy stuff not being my strong suit) arranged around a pot. As you rotate the knob (click click click) you get slightly different tones. I've tried Tonestyler units twice and, played at home, they sound great. Totally unconvinced that anyone (including me) can hear any difference at a gig.
  15. If you're in a decent covers band that needs a gig on Saturday 6th April anywhere near NW London, PM me.
  16. With a too-loud band, I usually stop playing (in a high-vis sort of way) halfway through a song, and very obviously change up my earplugs from ER15 to ER25. I then reply to everything said to me with, "You what? Sorry? What was that?". With a too-fast band, I greet the ending of every song with, "I reckon we can play that faster, y'know." Not that funny the first time, bloody irritating the seventh time.
  17. Ultimately I reckon it all comes down to what you want as a musician. If you want to play to full venues full of happy, dancing people (a bit like me, really) then two ways to completely wreck that are (i) play too loud, and (ii) play too fast. If the band's volume pins the audience to the back wall of the venue, then pretty soon you'll be playing to an empty room, and then you won't be playing anywhere. If the band's speed means that the audience stand around looking bored and disgusted, then pretty soon ... well, you get the picture. I can't see either of those issues as being negotiable, and if you're in the minority on these subjects then chances are that you're in the wrong band. You haven't mentioned the third big issue that causes trouble - repertoire choices (no, that wasn't a failed Tarantino project).
  18. Those are the ones that Lakland use as their own-brand flats, aren't they?
  19. Where did you find him - Gumtree, JMB, Facebook, friend of a friend?
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