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Happy Jack

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Everything posted by Happy Jack

  1. So how many watches can you make from a mantelpiece?
  2. There have been several over the years, but none in the UK. The KK range was made by Kris's brother in law in Germany.
  3. I've had two of these since they came out, one of which gets used at every gig (and I do half a dozen a month), never a problem yet. Genuinely astonished at your experience. 😱
  4. I recognise the knobs! Any moment now, my Dad's going to tell me to slap the side of the telly, no not there, up a bit, THERE!
  5. I reckon those control knobs give you BBC1, BBC2 and ITV.
  6. I did a reasonable amount of business with Kris Kedzior some years ago, even brought him along to a SouthEast Bass Bash one year, but you're quite right - my contact details for him are no longer valid. Last activity I can find on Facebook relates to April 2020 which is, of course, the first serious month of Covid. I wonder if he shut everything down and either went back to Poland or possibly back to Brazil before all the borders got shut? What I did find was this post from September last year where Ed Friedland seems to have just bought a Baby Bass and Kris has blogged his review. https://baby-bass.com/blog/
  7. Endless comments about how much it weighs ... but no weight specified! C'mon man, stick it on the scales. 🙄
  8. Echoing others here, but I simply wouldn't contemplate accepting this gig unless there were some pretty significant 'other' reasons for doing so. For both my 3-piece bands we used Covid as the opportunity to reduce our radius from 40 miles to 30, we charge £300 a pop and - since our diary is already pretty much full for 2022 - we'll be increasing that for 2023. We're in NW London and for all I know you're in the middle of the Scottish Highlands, so perhaps big distances aren't such a turn-off for you, but doing a 300-mile round trip to play to at most 80 people is a complete no-brainer for me. Just say no. Tell them you're trying to reduce your carbon footprint.
  9. Straight into a hardcase in a climate-controlled store-room, never again to see the light of day, let alone be gigged. Manufacturers have spent years trying to accelerate the Vintage (they call it relic'ing), so now they're trying to accelerate the Rare.
  10. I used a Dymo labeller to re-title the controls on my amp to be PUNCH HEFT ZING Sweepable FZZZZT
  11. https://www.gak.co.uk/en/tech-21-sansamp-bass-driver-di/29869?gclid=Cj0KCQiAu62QBhC7ARIsALXijXTkzf69uAlBV2zBEdyhp4Fm254DZvYbeZCEWlCEv8u42rtweXbcmgYaAv2yEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  12. I struggle to achieve punch, because my rig is already filled with heft.
  13. Oh God! I've resisted this for over two weeks ... can feel myself weakening ...
  14. One jack plug goes in the hole on the side of the bass, and the other goes in the matching hole on the square metallic thing on top of the strange box with fabric on the front. If you can't remember when you get to the pub, you have my number. 😉
  15. I bought my very first one from @Dood well over 10 years ago, and I've had a few since then. When you list yours, please drop me a PM to make sure that I see them!
  16. https://www.djdeals.co.uk/products/Powersoft-T302?gclid=Cj0KCQiAmKiQBhClARIsAKtSj-lvv-Qv9N9PfssxcWvhPgnS38lSqyyATZ5lch2lOSXZ_ngRgnt_Y6EaAscJEALw_wcB No need to thank me ...
  17. I've always been a socket short of a ring main ...
  18. No, use of the earth pin has been gradually creeping in. I'm hardly an expert on this but I'm pretty sure that they changed the building code to make it a requirement. I seem to remember this cropping up on Mythbusters from time to time and that's 20 years ago.
  19. I should probably mention that this is a random house in California, rather than a genuine home studio in Harrow ...
  20. Better than it has any right to be: https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Samson-C01-Large-Diaphragm-Condenser-Microphone-/art-REC0004572-000?campaign=keyword/GB&ProgramUUID=UF_AqJartfQAAAFlJkByjI.G&gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPWJ74AGay9qrZrSs-5mURHGiXcH9B_VzVNUWH9j4KSDha8jDchcvaBoCDcIQAvD_BwE
  21. Know what you mean ... I only really notice it when I think about it. Most of the time it's so constant that my brain gives up concentrating on it, and complaining about it. 🙄
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