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Happy Jack

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Everything posted by Happy Jack

  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/393763887940?hash=item5bae281b44:g:AoMAAOSwW-Nho0kO 10 years ago, I'd have bought this just for the hell of it. Now it would just add to the clutter. In other news, how many times have we seen the name of a bass spelled wrong even though it's right there on the bloody headstock?
  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/363645831700?hash=item54aafb0a14:g:mNYAAOSwGL1hrIsj
  3. A bass with an identity crisis ...
  4. Extraordinary stuff, and hugely enjoyable to watch. 🧐
  5. If you were closer to London, I'd suggest coming over and trying them both - I have a Mk.II and a Mk.IV.
  6. Oooof! Too technical for me ... I think of them as very big mud-buckers, though that's pretty harsh! Essentially the set up is a bit of a P/J thing. I use the big mudbucker as my main source, but dial in (God I hate that expression!) some of the bridge pickup for extra bite.
  7. Yup, they do. Set correctly, these are huge-sounding basses.
  8. It had never even occurred to me that it was possible to fit a trussrod upside down. 🙄
  9. It's a Wish Bass ... plenty of previous form.
  10. Deffo. Run a DB through a Crazy 8 (preferably with something like an AI Clarus in between) and what you'll get is the sound of your DB, but louder. Simple as that.
  11. I'm guessing you have either a female vocalist or someone with a really good falsetto?
  12. Marc, that's a very sensible price for such an all-round competent, high-quality cab. Given how great these things are for DB, I hope you've listed it there too?
  13. My vintage Fenders gather a particularly high quality dust, I'll have you know ...
  14. Lots of good advice above for the experienced and competent bass player who knows how to fill out their basslines. BUT As a relatively inexperienced bassist, the OP has asked for advice that doesn't need loads of experience! Bin there, dun that. PEDALS: I've been using one of these for ages: https://www.andertons.co.uk/fishman-fission-bass-pedal-pro-fsn-bas?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-qGNBhD3ARIsAO_o7ylA6dRKGUvykglNr6SbMD4gXqzAEBQMYWadwHfCLG8n1NICrhBBSx8aArhKEALw_wcB It's a great pedal but it's far from cheap and there can be an issue with sound quality for the guitar effect. The on-board Distortion control is frankly a bit meh so I bought https://www.musique-shop.fr/uk/joyo-ironman-orange-juice.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-qGNBhD3ARIsAO_o7yk1KtfSEZ3BGG8SromjBtSpzM22ziMkKM68pbGs8S6HK7OAbdr7YywaAgBEEALw_wcB to run it through and that made a huge difference. But then I got carried away and started bringing my own small valve amp (for guitar) to gigs and although the sound was exquisite, it all started getting a bit much. I also started attracting strange (and not particularly friendly) looks from the 'real' guitarist. BASS GUITAR: There are certain basses that are just naturally good at filling out the sound of a band. In truth I don't actually like the sound of a Rickenbacker that much, well not in my hands anyway - I love it when Macca or Squire play one. 🙄 That said, any 3-piece band suddenly sounds much bigger if the bassist plays a Rick, and especially if that Rick is going through a Sansamp. The Sansamp pedals are pretty good and they're also Swiss Army Knife pedals, but to get the full monty you really need to run a https://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Tech-21-SansAmp-RBI-1U-Rackmount-for-Bass/1K7Y?origin=product-ads&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-qGNBhD3ARIsAO_o7ykf3n1KI0mZ1gE7xf54Iw2q6CY-39es8VEaAUfsDaca7S7pyrDI_gwaAk5kEALw_wcB through a decent power amp.
  15. I really, REALLY hope that bass is worth £14,500. I have a 1957 P and a 1965 P so that would mean that I'm RICH!!! Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!! [Diabolical laughter]
  16. I know I said that I have an agricultural playing style, but ... but ... but ... 😂
  17. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/original-let-it-be-movie-michael-lindsay-hogg-peter-jackson-get-back-1250561/ Don't know about then, but he sounds quite sensible now.
  18. Pretty much OT but I was at Hammersmith Odeon in 1975 for a Status Quo gig. They had the entire balcony jumping up and down in unison (deliberately) at one point, and I can clearly recall the 18-year-old me thinking, "Who's going to jail if that lot comes down?".
  19. It's a micrometer. Anyway, it says "FITTING AND ADJUSTING A SOUNDPOST REQUIRES SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE AND SHOULD ONLY BE CARRIED OUT BY A PROFESSIONAL INSTRUMENT MAKER." Not much point in having it if you can't adjust it yourself, Shirley?
  20. Talked to my sister yesterday - she's an American citizen living in California. She told me that the whole vibe in the USA is, "We're sorry Yoko, we didn't understand". 😂
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