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Happy Jack

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Everything posted by Happy Jack

  1. I once had to yell "It's not a f***ing shuffle!" at the drummer, about 24 bars into a song. He took it in good part. Eventually. The audience seemed to think it was all part of the show. 🙄
  2. Please merge this topic with the one started by @Newfoundfreedom Incidentally @ped (or maybe it's @Kiwi these days), this is I'm afraid another example of just how hopeless the Basschat Search function still is. Before starting this topic, I took the trouble to search General Discussion for "Sessions" to avoid duplicating someone else's thread. Many screenfuls of stuff came up, but not a very recent topic entitled "Session" which rather negates the point of having a Search function at all.
  3. Is this a real thing, or am I being spammed/scammed?
  4. I'm guessing that sanding it entirely on the bass side would still reduce the size of the holes to a significant degree, but you've already mentioned that a better solution might actually be to make those holes bigger. On balance the obvious response is that, when you're working with an expert, you're usually best off leaving it to him! Please just pretend that it's your own bass, Andy, and do what you would do if that were the case. 🙂
  5. Or use Purpleheart plugs with the Luminlays at the centre in fluorescent green. Or something. Oh alright, I'll come quietly.
  6. I assumed you would only be able to do that if you replaced the entire trussrod. If you can replace the nut with the rest of the trussrod in situ then that's jam all the way. 🙂
  7. Nah! My daughter's trussrod worked fine right from the start ...
  8. Technically brilliant, effectively unlistenable. "Let me show you how fast I can play lots and lots of notes over weird chord changes and bizarre time signatures." I'd genuinely love to hear the same kid playing a proper bass groove. I reckon he'd not only be brilliant at it, but also a great deal more musical.
  9. Why do you think it's cheap? It's an auction with over two days left to run!
  10. You've replaced it with an RSJ for improved balance?
  11. Absolutely fascinating. I can't wait for those washers to arrive.
  12. Own enough basses and it is (statistically) inevitable that some will have challenging issues. Mix in a few totally one-off custom basses with ... erm ... quirks in their design, and it's only a matter of time. 😎
  13. Didn't he also say, "He can trap a ball further than I can kick it"?
  14. Come over 'ere an' I'll scallop yer neck pocket ...
  15. I've said it before, I'll say it again ... this would be a poorer place without his creations. I can't think of any other luthier who generates quite so much entertainment. Having the bridge overhang the rear of the bass by 3" is just a glorious idea, but securing the steel reinforcement plate with allen bolts is sheer genius. I'm still laughing, though tinged with disappointment that he didn't use https://www.screwfix.com/p/easyfix-hollow-wall-anchors-8-16mm-m5-x-52mm-10-pack/12229?tc=TB9&ds_kid=92700048793290424&ds_rl=1249413&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlOmLBhCHARIsAGiJg7mZvXQ_SXoS5U3vxCUuJ4qI40-yQDZB4kGMfFVvzg_f96P1mG80C8MaAl83EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds instead.
  16. First it was my ears ... now it's my eyes ...
  17. I'm happy to recommend https://www.bowfinishing.co.uk/ You'll not see much change from £500, mind ...
  18. At the risk of getting back On Topic, what does this beauty weigh?
  19. When I were but a lad, I spent hours with an italic nib practising my fantasy signature. Can't remember what it looked like now ...
  20. We've never let ours forget the time he set up his full kit before realising that he'd left his cymbals case at home ...
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