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upside downer

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Everything posted by upside downer

  1. You don't seem very committed to following this all the way through, which is a shame. Come on, what else are you going to do this weekend? Food shopping? Gardening? Actually playing bass?
  2. That's not stopping randomers in the street though, is it, as per your original post? Go on, the weather forecast is good (well, better) for tomorrow. Get some fresh air and feel exasperated as the general public prove their ignorance about the legends of the low end!
  3. I look forward to the results of the survey that you will be holding in your nearest town centre this weekend. I hope it's not raining, but best take an umbrella with you, just in case.
  4. They couldn't.
  5. It's probably behind the sofa πŸ‘
  6. I'd never heard of him until I joined on here 😁
  7. Er, where's the bit that actually lets you vote, @lurksalot? 😁
  8. Saw them in Brum on Saturday, loved it. Frank looks like he's having a ball. Matlock and Cook as tight as ever, although Jones had a couple of senior moments πŸ˜„ Silly Thing! My Way! Wasn't expecting them!
  9. Is it that time again? Righto... An up tempo, punky pop piece about...well, driving, I suppose. The words are a load of cobblers but at least there aren't many of them and they mostly rhyme 😁 Words hidden below. It's a Westfield double as a Les Paul copy and P-bass copy made the fuzzy noises, with the guitar through a Digitech RP80 effects unit. MT Drums in Ableton, recorded with the dynamic duo of Wavepad and Audacity.
  10. From the bits I've seen he does a decent job. It's not like he needs to be hitting notes like Mariah Carey manages. Besides, the crowd will be yelling along for most of it. "Tonight, Matthew, we're all gonna be Johnny Rotten!"
  11. I couldn't resist it. I'll be going along to the Birmingham O2 Academy tonight to see the snappily titled Frank Carter and Paul Cook, Steve Jones, Glen Matlock of the Sex Pistols. And I'll have a bloody good time too.
  12. Well, that was vanilla.
  13. Canadian garage rock from 1966.
  14. It's a fine line between dull and dulcet. You've heard my efforts, I know what I'm talking about πŸ™ƒ
  15. Nice one, @Jean-Luc Pickguard πŸ‘
  16. I saw The Smyths earlier this month just days after the Tommy Robinson brigade went rampaging around England. They were very clear that, whilst they love the songs, they were dismayed at the direction that Moz's politics have gone in. The band were very good, although I thought the singer looked more like ABC's Martin Fry than Morrissey!
  17. They could merge and become a supergroup. O, a Smith.
  18. He could go out as The Smith, I suppose?
  19. A curious parody of Eve of Destruction.
  20. No wonder the Den's quiet with all you lot absconding over here 🀨
  21. The man has a chip shop on his shoulder, never mind a chip.
  22. It's curious, isn't it? Clearly, they're not everyone's cup of tea (certainly not mine; a couple of decent sounds but mostly they left me indifferent) but they were huge in the 90s-00s and the soundtrack to many young people's lives. The opprobrium being thrown their way in this thread seems overly vitriolic. Yes, they were gobby, the songs were mostly dumb ol' rock 'n roll (no bad thing) and the inordinate media hype that surrounded them during their time would appear to have left some lasting damage among several on here, especially so for those who believe that no good music ever came from playing simplistic chord progressions. Musical snobbery? I'd say some of that is floating by. Actually, I'd say a lot of that is swilling around. I can't remember Genesis being harangued like this when they reformed to earn a few quid. Proper musicians, see? And, they're not working class scumbags like Oasis 😏 I've looked around for the 'Girls Aloud Reform' thread where they got a good kicking but it doesn't seem to exist 😁
  23. Cheers for adding me in, @lurksalot, I'd have hated it if the world had missed out on my rock 'n roll 'classic' πŸ˜„ have a great holiday πŸ‘
  24. I didn't see that the voting was already up as hadn't been on BC during the day. Hey ho. That'll teach me to try and get it all wrapped up a lot earlier than I frequently manage to!
  25. Man, I really could be too late... Here it is! If it's too late, then it's too late! It's about Feng Shui! Sort of! Sounds like a load of old twaddle! Yes! Both Fung Shui and the song! Stop using exclamation marks! OK! Erm, OK. Sorry. Recorded on a homemade baritone ukulele that has tuning issues, an unbranded Strat copy and a Yamaha keyboard that buzzes a bit. Recorded onto wax cylinder with Audacity and Wavepad. PS It's well late 'cus I've been pottering about on that boat again.
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