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upside downer

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Posts posted by upside downer

  1. Here's mine for this month. We did a tree a few months ago so I've looked beyond, far, far into the cosmos and......come up with a pretty straightforward tune with plenty of flange for that space-y effect. Hydrogen drums, Starforce bass (it's got planets and stars on the fretboard for inlays, I'm all themed up!), semi acoustic saz, a touch of electro saz and a smidge of keys. No vocals, that's Lurks' domain this month. And he's right about the bar being set high. I reckon I'm more limbo dancer than pole vaulter 😄




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  2. 10 hours ago, Old Man Riva said:

    Much derided by the Lydon purists when it came out (1986), but I absolutely loved it.

    Love it. 'Rise' is one of my all-time favourites. And the album's final track 'Ease' has some great work from Baker and Vai. Lydon's a very divisive character but when he's in this mood the results are quality.


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  3. No, music lessons never helped in my experience. Junior school (70s) consisted of wrestling (not literally) with a recorder which I never got to grips with and being shunned from the choir due to having a voice like Johnny Rotten. We were put in a group called 'The Groaners' and spent choir practice time by doing drawings instead. Secondary school (80s) was no better. We did the usual 'this is a stave' , 'Mozart, what a guy' etc but my main memories are designing LP covers and sometimes bringing records in. One chap brought in a tape recording off of the TV of dismal, yanky, puppet nonsense Fraggle Rock that for some reason we listened to for 20 minutes before the teacher (who was a geography teacher) restored our sanity and whacked some Motown on. Typing that has just reminded me that for one whole year we never had a music teacher, it was always a PE teacher or whatever. Sometimes, we never had a teacher turn up at all. Dropped music after the third year when options came up because it was just a doss twice a week.

    The only instrument we got our hands on were glockenspiels for about four lessons very early on in the first year there. Can recall infuriating our teacher by our consistency in making the little wooden balls on the end of the beaters fall off and roll across the classroom. He was going apoplectic, how we laughed. Until we got to school the following morning to be told he'd died of a heart attack overnight. Sorry, Mr Edwards, though I think your heroic boozing and 2 lighters a day smoking habit may have been contributing factors as well. 

  4. I'm with Nail Soup in respect of counting old music I've never heard before, 50 year old Krautrock being a current fave. Also, I do like a rummage around Global Roots Radio, lots of weird and wonderful sounds from around the planet. Turkish psych, North African Chaabi, Middle Eastern rhythms, marvellous. You've just got to dig a little deeper than what the mainstream throws at you if you fancy something totally different. 

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  5. Here's this month's nonsense. Recorded with WavePad/Audacity. Guitars, bass, keys and a drum sample from a live recording of my old band (cheers, Tel). Would have liked a proper vocal but I'm off on holiday now so toodle-pip.


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  6. A mighty fine publication in the 80s and 90s, the Danny Kelly editorial years being particularly good. Tom Hibbert's "Who the Hell Does..... ?" articles were brilliant at pricking the pomposity and arrogance of many a celeb. Sad to read about its demise, but it had a good run. Been a while since I purchased a copy, think I bailed out when they put Take That on the cover.

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