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Everything posted by Romeo2

  1. not cheap but for a custom built looking like a work of art to be with you in three weeks - worth it methinks. happy days, do us some sound samples if you can!
  2. Killer bass, one of kind, really special, aesthetically screams quality and beastly tones (shape of the headstock is somehow 'controversial' but that's what makes it stand out even more, I like it) it's passive, right? some sound samples would be great! how much does a custom build like this cost?
  3. Interested - message sent
  4. Mayones used to be a small team in Gdansk, Poland who pretty much handmade small batches of instruments under the names of Flame, Fame and Zak (guitars and basses), the latter two exported outside of Poland so more expensive with better hardware, etc. - that was in the 1980s-90s. It seems it would be three times the price if it had the name starting with a W as its brand, and quite possibly were cheaper new than this is now - but in today's market this is an absolute steal, after all you've got here a vintage handmade Mayones. GLWTS PS. don't wanna sound like a smarta*** but if bigthumb is happy to ship then the buyer could simply order a new case (not that expensive) to his address and you got yourself a deal - ok, I'll shut up now.
  5. if weight of the instrument matters to you then quite possibly Sire will be heavier than the Ibanez, just one thing you should consider I suppose - but both provide pretty good value for the money; having noodled on both I think Ibanez is just a little faster, easier to play (but neither are for me, sadly, I need a wider, slightly chunkier neck)
  6. why not buy a bass that already exists, from either of the two preferred luthiers you mentioned? you can hear it, you can hold it, see how it feels, 'this is the one' moment and just buy it ..? i personally don't think I would enjoy the anxiety of 'sh**, what if all this me choosing wood, pickups and hardware produces a bass that has a no feel or tone i enjoy' there, my 2 cents for more doubt with your firstworldproblem ;)
  7. I've seen a band once play live and they were having their super brief rehearsal just before playing, and bass player was losing his sound completely all of a sudden, he put his coat under the pedalboard and it was then fine, I had a chat with him afterwards and he had no better explanation than perhaps that vibration from the stage was doing something to connections - but just like you he was really puzzled why the hell it is fine at rehearsal and they play a gig and something just has to go wrong.
  8. does the issue persist when you are powering only matryoshka and no other pedals? it's unlikely as the powerstation should in theory provide 3000mA and matryoshka only needs 60mA but maybe other pedals are sucking the power and matryoshka is no getting enough? or the daisychain cable is broken, have you tried other plugs within it..?
  9. compliment your L-100 with a maple board L2000 and you are sorted now show us a pic of that L-100, this thread is useless without pics!
  10. it is only still here because I already have one!
  11. i have one, best swiss knife di box imho, two channel eq that you can combine allowed me on a couple of occasions make a pretty poor instrument sound pro, no idea why you're selling but certainly will make someone else very happy - glwts
  12. a fine looking example of the finest bass ever built, underappreciated should be L2k's middle name I already have one and always feel obliged to give one on here a free bump, silly price for a really good looking G&L, GLWTS
  13. Mr Bas is just too nice, a real gentleman - it's all been said already so if you happen to be dealing with @AI Krow buying or selling gear, don't hesitate, this man will restore your faith in human kind.
  14. thanks Bas, a real pleasure buying this crazy little pedal from you, and this crib sheet of yours - so much better than what the company provides, thank you!!
  15. Romeo2

    Rat 2 Tone

    yes, I would say so. i have the turbo rat, both a passive PJ and a hot MFD pickup'd G&L L2000 sound really, really good through it, it's very good dynamic-wise, volume down, play softer, take distortion down and it goes delicately boost-like crispy, hit it hard and it opens up with a full-on obliterating distortion
  16. Chelsea Wolfe and Ministry at Kentish Town Forum on Saturday. I'd have preferred to see Ms Wolfe's band play a headline gig not support, they are absolutely fantastic, 16 Psyche live is even better, my knees went soft, shivers running down my spine were immense: And Ministry? Well that was one angry, loud, full-on anti-prettymuchflipingeverythingthat'swrongwiththeworld spectacle, two trump-like up blow-up figures on both sides of the stage with crossed swastikas, totally insane and intense crowd, band played mostly stuff from the new album - but when they revisited stuff from Psalm 69 like Just one fix or N.W.O. I was terrified that the venue will just lose the roof, walls will collapse but the pogoing and shouting from the crowd would still go on, really intense stuff, highly recommend it although not sure if they're still in the UK.
  17. Pearl Jam 17 July at the o2 arena in London - oh my, how incredible is this band, still amazing after so so many years of recording and gigging, and Jeff Ament is just too cool and too good. An epic 33 song 3 hour setlist is still giving me shivers, unfortunately no youtube video can replicate the atmosphere, here's hoping they'll be back soon
  18. cult band, fantastic playing, I too often wondered why not much mention of his playing, and I think they're not mainstream enough but also, they way he plays, it's just got that feel that I find difficult/impossible to replicate, sure you can play a cover of blister in the sun but there are lots of tunes where you go 'wait, what? how..?' unique, superb band doing their thing, one of the greats
  19. i have one of these (funny how they all came out looking almost exactly the same!), and I said it before and I'll say ti again: incredible instrument, massively underrated, and - here it comes, brace yourselves - Leo's best! Have a bump on me, GLWTS
  20. great pedal, and for the same reasons i wanted to sell mine a couple of times, then i start playing around with it, and so it's still with me good price, GLWTS
  21. no worries, try me when you're in the big stink, happy to fuel your GAS in the meantime I'll try getting some stuff recorded but can't promise anything, bit busy recently i haven't tried the mastotron so not sure how similar they are - but i do have recurring dreams of a pedalboard of zvex stuff only. i may need help.
  22. I think Mr Vex is very proud of the gates he uses on his fuzzes so rest assured, it is dead silent immediately. P with flats is the way to go, you should be pleased. No recordings, sorry, but you're welcome to come round and try it out if you're not sure about buying one, I'm in central London.
  23. the gate is extremely effective, it really stops the insanity if you want it to. for a synth-type sound i put aguilar's octamizer in front of it and with trial and error you can dial in some fantastic sounds. i guess it can get synthy without an octaver, depends how you define 'synthy'... not as effective if you put an octaver after it (contrary to some theories out there about signal chain order; i somehow always preferred octa in front of fuzz/dist) i don't get the techy stuff, something about impedance or other, but in general this pedal reacts better to passive single-coil type signal, and even then if you roll off say 20% of volume it comes alive a little more. if you feed it an active humbucker full-on it chokes (but if you can switch it to passive and roll volume off it works a treat, just not as responsive as with, say, a P pickup). well at least in my experience. something to consider re the instrument you want to plug into it or signal chain.
  24. lovely looking example. these are amazing basses (shall i repeat the 'Leo's best' mantra here..?), but it does take one to play one first to realise this - cliche, maybe, but these pickups make this a truly fantastic instrument. have a bump on me, I'd buy it if I didn't have one already!
  25. Ibanez ES-2 Echo Shifter delay goes into beautiful analogue oscillation, walls of sound sweet and sick, and is a brilliant delay too.
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