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Everything posted by Romeo2

  1. [quote name='Rubbersoul' timestamp='1461020380' post='3030803'] Brilliant, I just found out I can demo any of the models for 72 hours. That's tomorrow sorted then ☺ [/quote] So how did you find them? For your stuff, which one you think you gonna buy first? I just realised I like heavy playing through Orange but when I end up recording for an actual track (as opposed to just noodling with a drum track) my guitarist/producer always puts on the ampegs as it seems to cut through better.
  2. preorders for M7 are open, btw
  3. the G&L builders don't do individual sales so you need to find a shop that are their distributors, sort out what you want - their finishing options and choice of neck profiles is quite broad to say the least - and order. from what i can gather you will have change left from £1.5k, even if you buy straight from US with duty tax etc. on top. (BCers who have done this may be better informed on this, hopefully they can shed some light... Maybe better not, GAS attack imminent!) if you do a search on evilbay there are quite a few US shops selling them on there so you can get na idea what can be bought already. but you can get a custom order from one of them directly i suppose. not sure if there is a UK distributor that can sort out a custom build. what you get is a mean bass machine, Leo's ultimate gift to the world of playing bass, the L2k is truly spectacular, no idea why it is so underrated. best of P/J/StingRay vibes in one and anything in between. tributes (indonesia-built budget versions) second hand in as new condition going on here for under 300 quid should be made illegal.
  4. J Mascis Jazzmaster is amazing, I had it and totally loved it. Rich, vintage, loud sounding. Sold it only because it was gathering dust and I did not want such a great guitar be left unplayed. I had an issue with the tremolo bridge but sorted it out upon inspection (incorrectly drilled holes for screws, assembled into the wrong holes, I took it apart, screwed it back into the correct ones, was perfect then). So it is worth having a go at one before buying, or buy it from an online store that is easy on returns. Have just checked prices - I think they got a bit more expensive. Still worth the money I suppose.
  5. Ampeg and Orange in the amplitube's custom shop are both excellent, very different too. I can never decide which one I like better and usually end uo blending a biamped/bi-cabbed signal. For your nasty overdriven stuff you may feel happier with Orange. But in the end you should just get both, I don't think you will be disappointed.
  6. Since you like Musicman ... Custom order of a US-made G&L L2000?
  7. Rob, you are giving it away at this price! I spent most of today playing my L2k, grinning like crazy, this is one fantastic bass. Just out of, ekhm, interest - which shop is it that is giving really good deals on superb instruments like this one..??
  8. Oh no, please, stop it, LBGS is in less than a week and bass direct will most likely have Lulls, I can't take this anymore. Must. Resist. I tried one last year, I think it was JT4, and I continue to have wet dreams about that sound, that feel to this day ...
  9. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Gents, I wish this guy came to this forum with his level of arrogance/ignorance - he would be ripped apart despite this being such a great forum full of good mannered people. He gave me lessons in Harvard research, told me to go to a library, etc., which gave me a couple of hearty laughs out loud when I re-read this bit about himself: "[b]I work in education - I say this as issue of integrity and trust"[/b][/font][/size]
  10. So it seems I have too much time on my hands... I sent the seller a message via evilbay, politely (tried my best, honest ...) challenged the inaccuracies in his ad. Lovely bass but the guy comes across as arrogant and dismissive, slightly patronising too. In two replies to my factual corrections of his spiel he remains convinced all is in order with his ad. Ok, I'll go now and do something useful with my time, for a change
  11. Oh no, please buy it now as I find myself all of a sudden in a fever-and-tremors-inducing GAS attack!
  12. I'm not sure if there is any added value because of the fact this is the 1990s run of it - you sure will struggle to find one in this condition from that period. If you were to import a new one from the US now, the price according to current exchange rate would be the same or slightly higher but that's before import duty tax and shipping. You would also first need to commission one in this finish/configuration, etc. If I had the money I would be asking the seller to see and play it first and if it really was in as good a condition as it looks in the photos I'd be getting it. The original photobucket album that the original owner has now removed had sharp detailed photos of this bass where the frets looked like they needed a good polish, they had some greenish/rusty stuff on them, I kept wondering how a bass sitting in its case for years gets that, maybe some humidity? That's why I offered a lower than expected price to factor in the added cost a luthier would charge for setting it up, fretwork, checking the electronics, etc. It was also collection only and the location for me meant a lot of money in train tickets. If you're near and you're lusting after this truly stunning bass than go for it, I say. And yeah, Leo had nothing to do with the bass as it was introduced after his death; does not make it any less amazing but still, matter of accuracy in the ad I guess.
  13. "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]not sure if Shall I make it public" - well, you've made the problem with the frets public so I don't see why it would not be appropriate to let us know what kind of support you've received from Adrian.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I am not saying you should copy and paste the exact exchange you had but if I recall correctly there have been quite a few threads on this very forum where issues with guitar builders had been made public and different experiences from individual buyers shared. You say it's an old case so things may have changed since then - but I am now simply intrigued as to how you've recolved this.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Just a thought.[/font][/color]
  14. I know this bass (never seen it in the flesh though). In 2014/2015 a BCer going by the name UMEL started a thread about his dad having collected all these basses and guitars and he wanted to sell them to fund his dad's care - so that part of the story is true. I really, really wanted to buy it but he went online, chatted to some people on US forums (bassesbyleo forum I assume) and his asking price was more than what I wanted to pay, in fact higher that what it is in this listing now.
  15. I use this https://www.1stcontact.com/forex for regular money transfers abroad to an EU country, good exchange rate and cheap transfer fees. It did need proper setting up when I first did it years ago (not sure about now), ID checks, address, etc., so they can be sure their service is not used for money laundering, that's what I reckon. Anyway, very happy with it and their customer service.
  16. Can people please stop selling 2nd hand G&Ls for soooo little money?! These are seriously top basses for the money when they are full price, at this three hundred pound mark it's just bargains waiting to be snatched up. Anyway. Lovely bass in, from what I can see, as new condition. GLWTS, someone's gonna get a real treat at this price.
  17. I tried one of these in a blue-ish finish with a maple board (I think) at the 2015 LBGS, over headphones, I hit a note and my jaw dropped so hard it remains wide open to this day. No funds though so, have a free bump - GLWTS.
  18. Wow, that looks fantastic.
  19. Yes, beautiful. Although, I don't know, maybe it's just me, but apart from one photo that is unfortunately overexposed and one that is black and white, there is not a single not out-of-focus good quality photo in this sale asking for more than £5k ... Have a free bump on me, anyway, and, you know, good luck with the sale.
  20. skinny girl diet yesterday. fantastic band. white bc rich bass, played by a lady (this is a three piece all female band) who does backing vocals and spectacular high pitched screams in some songs. band before them were called piano wire. pretty good, they probably need a bigger stage with better sound to let their songs come to life a little bit more. good drummer, hard hitting, unhinged yet tight. rickeb***** bass played by a very carefully stylised dude.
  21. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1446573663' post='2900509'] they seem to push all the buttons of people who love stadium gigs but don't like music very much. [/quote] I think you've nailed it, and sort of answered your question. Not great, but poppy enough to make people who don't like music have a band they can call out when asked 'what's your favourite band?'.
  22. Protomartyr and Metz at London's Scala this Sunday gone. Both absolutely great. Gear: PJ hot rod 60s Fender (Ithink) played with a pick through 8x10 ampeg, and a Gibson RD played with a pick through crazyily noisy and swirlng effects through the same cab, respectively.
  23. Fisheth - email Adrian and ask, you'll be placing an order in no time, he is super cool in his comms and to the point. (He is not a native speaker of English so don't expect longwinded elaborate responses, that is.)
  24. From what people have been reporting, you can spec out your ideal neck dimensions and they will do it. You can get your dream spec custom made to order for well under a grand easily, especially now with euro being quite cheap in relation to pound.
  25. I love mine. Go for it, you will not regret it. And what neepheid said, pull the battery out for a cool killswitch effect. The active boost is a bit over the top because the MFD pickups are very hot, they sound massive without the boost, I found that with the boost I was rolling the volume down which defeats the purpose ... One more thing about the pickups - because they're hot you need to either be gentle with your playing or lower them, especially the neck one, so you dont get an overdriven signal. This kind of pissed me off at first because I lowered the neck pick up and found I had no spot to rest my thumb on but got used to it fairly quickly. It cuts through the mix beautifully, has a lot of character, it simply is a killer bass in a class of its own.
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