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Everything posted by phil.c60

  1. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1479583576' post='3177688'] I'd probably play 4 hours for free..... Oh wait sorry wrong thread. [/quote] In Milwaukee? And haul lights? See, you've got me at it now. Anyhoo - we played at a lovely pub last night, and the audience was a bit thin on the ground. It was, however, an absolutely filthy night at a place where most people would walk to. Storm Angus, apparently. Thanks, Angus. Still, they liked us and want to re book us for a couple of dates next year, and have us at their other venue so a good night overall. I'd still prefer a busy one though. Quiet ones are really difficult for the guy up front. Fortunately, that's not me!
  2. Surely he meant "Ur boy Jaco..." and missed the r ? Slightly slangy for "Your boy Jaco....."? But what would I know. When I send text messages (I do not "text" as I try really hard not to use nouns as verbs. My sister-in-law who is an English teacher informs me that nouns used this way are referred to as "Nerbs". I kid you not.) I write them as mini letters, punctuate them and use all the vowels but I am of a certain age. The sender is clearly of a different generation and feels free to mangle the English language as he sees fit. That's up to him but if it results in a complete lack of understanding on the part of the recipient it's valueless as an attempt at communication, really. Reminds me of when my daughter went for her interview/assessment for entry to Southampton School of Nursing: the candidates were asked to write a short piece on a given subject and were told explicitly that "text language" was not appropriate. Three girls were sent home immediately afterwards for guess what? Yes, they did. Rant over. Back to running through tonight's set list before a trip to Mr. Sainsbury's emporium. Oh the excitement of it all. Still, it promises to be a nice gig in a very nice little pub so that's something to look forward to, but I am now well off topic! Edit: should that be "a trip 2 Sainsburys" or even " cos I gotta go Sainsburys"?
  3. Like Jack said, it's "Folsom".
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1477570601' post='3163035'] You are JTUK and I claim my £5..! [/quote] He can't be - we run the same system so it must be me!
  5. That's fantastic. Thanks ever so. I know how I'm spending my evening tomorrow....
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1476882470' post='3158067'] If I get a chance tonight, I'll have a look... [/quote] Thanks WoT, and thanks for the Youtube link JT.
  7. 98 views but no cigar. Oh well.
  8. Does anyone have a transcription or any guidance on the main bass parts for the Buffalo Springfield version of Mr Soul? My ears are not as sharp as they might be, and the only recordings i can find are quite muddy. Plus learning things purely by ear is not my strongest skill by long chalk! Not expecting all the flowery bits and passing notes, but a bit of guidance would be really appreciated. Thanks Phil
  9. I'm not surprised after she threw you out like that...........
  10. I was [u]really[/u] good for about 10 seconds at last Saturdays gig then........
  11. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1474639218' post='3139501'] I have a G&L Asat bass that I would say is the best built and sounding bass I've ever owned. I think the main problem with G&L is they don't seem to be stocked much in the UK. I can't recall ever seeing a add for them in any of the media. [/quote] Do you find it has a lot of neck dive? I tried lovely semi hollow ASAT recently but the neck dive put me off
  12. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1474147237' post='3135966'] The only reason for that is because you say it. I spent years saying that sort of thing, and I couldn't, because I assumed I couldn't. It was only when I decided that there was no reason I couldn't that I realised I could. It is all just practice. [/quote] I think you've slightly missed spectoremg's point: He can't play that fast at the moment, he may well be able to if he put the practice in but he doesn't want to play that fast so he is not prepared to spend the time practicing faster and faster technique. Different strokes and all that. I don't believe he is saying it because he thinks he's not able, he just doesn't want to.
  13. If no-one has a "proper job" then it's clearly a pro outfit, probably playing original songs at gigs where they don't get paid so they have no money....oh no, wait a minute, I think I'm on the wrong thread. Still, this ones only two pages long. Only another 49 to go.
  14. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1473873096' post='3133772'] Fair point. This is what I thought when I saw the advertisement. After the bassist who owned the P.A. was gone, it left three people (excluding the drummer). So, it seems a bit pathetic to be advertising for a bassist..."with a P.A." [/quote] Yeah - if it were me - and it was so I/we did - I felt that if we wanted a good player/singer and to find someone soon, so we didn't have to cancel/rearrange gigs we should just bite the bullet and do it. It at least made us look like we were serious about the band. I'd be a bit concerned that they wanted a bass player with a PA - it's really going to limit their choice! Would they take a less than good fit for their band just because? Or turn down a great guy because he didn't? How are they going to cover any gigs coming up if they have to dep them? Aren't they are in danger of not looking too serious about the band? In our case, the harmonica player and I fronted the money as the drummer was skint - surprise surprise - and we didn't think he'd be with us long either. And he wasn't. But that, as they say, is another story. As far as the kit is concerned: the stands don't take up much room folded up, I bring them and the small speakers most of the time, the harp player takes the desk and leads but brings the big speakers if we use them. I fit two speakers, the stands, my Barefaced Compact, LM3, one or two basses depending and the plastic box full of extraneous gigging crap in my elderly Nissan Almera hatchback with the rear seat folded down leaving enough room for me and Mrs. C in the front. We all help fetch/carry/set up/take down. I's a very good humoured, amenable band (which shows when we play, or so folks tell us, but that's another thread in itself....) so I don't have any real issues with how it works.
  15. The harmonica player and I own the PA between us. The previous guitarist/vocalist owned the PA, so when he left it did too, at which point it became our band really. We needed to advertise for a new front man, and just figured it would be easier to find someone if we already had everything we needed to gig immediately. That turned out to be the case - the guy's who came to audition became keener when they realised that we could gig as soon as they'd learn the set. £300 second hand (with a long drive) did it, and we are still using it two years later although I did buy some smaller speakers because the 15's we bought turned out to be a bit big for some venues. We only put the vox through it, sometimes the harmonica, me once or twice via a Sansamp DI (bought from Colgraff - a nice guy, RIP) when I had issues with my LM3 and very rarely on pub garden gigs with the 15s. By now the original stuff has easily earned it's money (50+ gigs without a hitch) and the newer speakers are a nice pair of EV 12" which I own and am quite happy to continue owning! (bought from this very place). Compared to what folks spend on guitars, amps and general flim flam, PA suitable for most pub type bands like ours is relatively inexpensive. Ours is a Yamaha EMX512sc - small, light, does enough for us.
  16. Exactly the same thing happened to me on an outdoor stage a couple of weeks ago. Whenever I hit an A (and a few of the songs in our set were in A....) the harmonica player who was at the other end of the stage almost had a fit! He could feel it through his feet. We were only [playing a short set of 45 mins so I just put up with it as I was using someone elses rig - a Markbass 2x10 combo on top of a matching 4x10. Resonance was clearly the issue.
  17. I paid them a visit yesterday and spent an hour with Phil - there's one less bass there now!
  18. I've had my '99 Hot Rod for 8 years or so and have no intention of parting with it any time soon. As I said before, it plays nicely and has no issues plus it's very light - 7 3/4 lb. Lots of people don't like them, but I like mine. I'd just like to have something else as well, and whilst I can afford a new one, the depreciation is certainly a factor. If everyone had said "96 P, wouldn't use it to prop open a door" I'd be clearer in my mind. I am going to see the '96 tomorrow, and if I don't like it, a new one will always be there. As it will if I buy it, decide I don't like it and want to pass it on - at which point I probably (!) won't lose too much.
  19. [quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1473328999' post='3129090'] I recently tried out a whole lot of basses and visually they all looked top drawer but I found them to be (IMO) a load of old toilet. Its the same old thing........try before you buy unless you know for a fact its a winner. You have one working bass that is functioning ok so take your time. If its just a back up you need then get something cheap as you can warrant going for now. Apart from breaking a string whats going to go wrong with a precision? (unless there is a whole saga I know nothing off!) [/quote] No saga at all. Current bass plays nicely, stays in tune all night and has never let me down. It is, however, a 1999 P/J and I have a hankering for a straight P - I've never owned one. When you say you tried a whole load of basses do you mean new or old? I'd love to try a whole load, but you try finding a whole load of lefties! Similarly MacDaddy at the last Sussex bass bash I went to., I think the only lefties were me and Sylvia! And I think I know what she'd say...."Warwick"! Did look at the Jake, Wateroftyne but...... I suppose my real question is, does anybody know anything about 90's P basses?
  20. Being a lefty - I should have said at the beginning really - choice is limited. It comes down to a 1996 left handed P currently for sale, or a new American Standard. The 96 P is considerably cheaper and apparently in good nick (but I haven't seen it yet...) which would leave me with some useful spare cash out of the proceeds of the Jazz, maybe for another acquisition.....
  21. Having sold my Jazz bass because I decided it was not really me, I now only have one bass - a Hot Rod Precision - which I gig regularly. Only having one bass makes me slightly nervous! I prefer a P Bass (which is not the point, we've done this before....) so my choice is between an older bass maybe from the 90's or a brand spanking new one (American Standard). I have looked at the competition, but I'm a Fender kind of guy. Even if that makes me dull, that's how it is. What would you do?
  22. I'm not playing this weekend, but a good friend of mine is, at The Neptune in Hove on Saturday night. Really good band "The Doctors". Check out [color=#006621][font=arial, sans-serif]www.facebook.com/[/font][/color][b]thedoctorsofphilosophy . [/b] All original material, all great players, all great songs. My mate Dave Barnard (who is a fantastic bass player and all round musician) plays acoustic guitar with them. I've seen them a few times and thoroughly recommend it. Let me know if you go and what you thought. I won't be there as I'm off on my hols to Pembrokeshire.
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1468226561' post='3089296'] If you can drive, rent a car; if not, take a coach or train... [/quote] Get me a ticket for an aeroplane, I ain't got time for a fast train..........
  24. Audacity is a great help with this. I struggle myself to learn things solely by ear, and especially when, as someone else said, the track is between notes. I think this is because despite it being "digital" the playback speed is not quite right and therefore the pitch is slightly out. A classic example of this is "Baby Please Don't Go" by "Them" (Van Morrison) simple line, but which IIRC is right in between E and F which really throws you if you try and pick it out by just playing along. I was told that this is because they did indeed speed up the original recording after they made it to get the feel they wanted.
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