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Everything posted by phil.c60

  1. Although not my arrangements above, I did study the score at collage years ago, so I am, as my wife puts it 'A complete anal a*se*ole' when it comes to the score. Collage? A bit of a sticky time for you perhaps?
  2. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1467730368' post='3085696'] - Smoke Under Water - Smells Like Teen Spirit - Highway to Hell [/quote][ Errrm - "Smoke [i]On The[/i] Water", surely.
  3. Find a good road guy or a good mate, pay him to drive a (somewhat smaller) van there and back (show him a good time while your'e there) and fly in yourselves for the setup/gigtake/down/however long you want to be there. Best of both worlds. Sure, you've still got the overnight issue but that's solveable if you don't try and cut corners on the accommodation. Plus no one knows what's in the plain van anyway., and you get to load all your stuff in it yourselves so you know you've got everything. Fly with instruments if you like. Just make sure you insure it properly.
  4. Anyone who can start a song with: Flies all green and buzzin, In the dungeon of despair, Prisoners grumble and piss their clothes, And scratch their matted hair.... (from Zoot Allures) Is worthy of your serious attention! First track I ever heard and it got me hooked.
  5. Sorry YouMa our posts crossed.
  6. and Zoot Allures, and Joe's Garage, and and and.....just dive on in and keep going! If you like the songs where he pokes fun at people/music genres/other bands/himself try "Have I Offended Somebody?" a compilation of some of his more scurrilous numbers.
  7. Are there three of them, and are they all boys?
  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1465476874' post='3068567'] Why not change your name to 'A Wake Til Dawn'? [/quote][quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1465480396' post='3068603'] Or check your band's bank balance, then change the name to Til Dawn Broke. [/quote] Or dress up a bit and call yourselves Ewok Til Dawn
  9. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1465471518' post='3068504'] I should start a band called Donkey Hotey [/quote] Would your guitarist do the Pete Townshend "Windmill" ?
  10. Do I Really Care? As far as this clip goes - NO. If he spoke like that to some of the musicians I know, it would be along time before he was able to play again.
  11. Many years ago we were preparing a race car for a weekend event, and ordered new slick tyres for it to arrive on Thursday, to be delivered by Parcel Farce. Nope. When they weren't there by 5.30 we called (this is old stylee!) and were told that "We tried to deliver them but no-one was there to receive them". Clearly rubbish, as it was a commercial premises and we were there all day working on the car. "Where are they", we asked. "At our delivery depot in central Croydon", they replied. "Great, we said, we are in Croydon, we'll come and get them first thing in the morning". Go to said depot, ask for our delivery and are shown to a large warehouse absolutely stuffed full of things. Whats this, we ask." All the stuff we couldn't/didn't deliver" they said, "we just chuck it in there" "Where is our parcel, then" "Somewhere in there, you'll just have to have a look for it" I kid you not. Fortunately being a larg-ish doughnut shaped item it was not too hard to spot. I appreciate things have moved on a lot since then, but I've still never used them since. The firm next door to me has an account with DHL (they deal in radio valves, so they don't want stuff damaged or going missing) so I get a good rate and I've never had anything go missing or not be delivered. Ever. They even delivered stuff to my son when he was travelling in Australia without the slightest difficulty, including the customs forms, the lot. Thoroughly recommend them.
  12. I found that I needed a lower cut than I ordered: they simply swapped them for me in 48hrs including posting. I also thought their customer service was great. Because the filters are removable you could simply order some lower dB cut ones (ore one, in your case!) and try that. Also how old are they? Make sure the canals in the moulds aren't blocked with.....ear wax! You can pop the filter out, clean out the canal through the mould and then rinse and dry them and refit the insert. DONT get the insert wet (as it says in the instructions).
  13. [quote name='NickD' timestamp='1463175170' post='3049371'] The best Elvis tribute I ever saw was a Sikh... Patelvis! Vegas era sequinned turban, the lot. [/quote] Almost forgot The Lord Of The RIngs one, Elve -ish Presley.
  14. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1463589027' post='3052647'] Is it a private party or at a venue? Henley is very local to me indeed. [/quote] [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1463589446' post='3052654'] Rowdy rowing?! Although, it's the posh do's that can get a bit out of hand- all that Champers and Charles... [/quote] Er, Chaps, Henley In Arden is in Warwickshire. Not Oxfordshire. They may row there, rowdily or not, but not on the Thames, where Henley Regatta takes place. There is a river, The Alne, but whether you can row on it I don't know.
  15. We have had a couple of rowdy-ish ones recently and I don't mind but our guitarist/front man is not keen. My gear is usually out of harms way as it's at the back next to the drummer normally (and he likes the lively ones), and I am usually towards the back behind either front man or harp player so it's not an issue for us. Front man does not like his space invaded by "lurchers" as he's worried about his gear, pedals etc. Mind you, he does insist on being at the very front, because as he once said when we tried to get him to set up so we were all equally visible "I should be a the front, it's called the front man for a reason" so you get what you ask for....! He is a bit reluctant to play at one venue because of this, but the rest of us really enjoyed last time there so we are re-booked for later in the year. Let's see what happens after that.
  16. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1463518286' post='3052070'] I'm tempted to go for flats on my 'Rock bass'. They take a real pounding and the rundwounds I usually use don't seem to last two minutes. We drop tune everything by a semitone (tuning is Eb, Ab, Db, Gb) which I reckon would alleviate some of the stiffness of flats. Anybody got any experience of this? [/quote] Yes - we used to drop the tuning the same way for the last singer/guitarist: I've got Rotosound Monel flats on my P-bass and it certainly made them softer. They also last for ever, they've been on there a long time and still sound great with no marks in the coating at the frets. We now play in standard tuning for the current one and I don't find it a problem, but I've probably "worked up to them" in a way! I've got D'Addario black tapewounds on my '79 Jazz, and they are definitely much easier to fret but I don't gig with that as it's so darn heavy so as it's only used for noodling at home I can't say about their durability but they do sound nice (to me but that is, of course, subjective!"
  17. I'm not sure that with some of the songs we play that I play it exactly the same way twice, let alone like the original......
  18. [quote name='NickD' timestamp='1463175170' post='3049371'] The best Elvis tribute I ever saw was a Sikh... Patelvis! Vegas era sequinned turban, the lot. [/quote] And I seem to recall a Mexican tribute, "El Vez" who was surprisingly good in a tongue in cheek kinda way!
  19. Following on from the recent Food Fighterz thread, just been listening to the radio and these came up: "The Chippies - an alternative Carpenters tribute" "Flabba - an overweight Abba tribute" and "Billy Noel - my Christmas solo act". I also seem to recall a Take Fat - inlcuding a "Blobby Williams" on a certain TV progamme a while ago! There must be more, surely.......
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1462968007' post='3047350'] If you have tinnitus your hearing has been damaged. That doesn't mean you have to stop playing. It just means you have to take extra and proper precautions when you are around loud noises. Always use good ear plugs when you're playing in a band. Don't have the volume on headphones up high and turn your car radio down. I have no idea what "musicians" ear plugs are, but they don't sound like they are working well enough or the ringing wouldn't be getting worse. I've had tinnitus for 30 years and for the last 20 I've made sure that it doesn't get any worse by first using foam plugs and then ACS custom plugs. IMO moulded plugs are the best. They are expensive and well worth the money. [/quote] ACS or similar are the way to go - we've discussed this before! And as far as expensive..... around £150 including a consultation with the audiologist and the moulds taken at the same time is not what I would call expensive: just compare it to the money you have already [s]wasted[/s] invested in stuff you never use any more!
  21. [quote name='spike' timestamp='1462475866' post='3043412'] At the pub level I would't bother, you just have to accept that these things happen from time to time. [/quote] Yep. That is, I'm afraid, the way the cookie crumbles. As a side issue, 7 times over the next part of the year? Every four or five weeks is a bit like our DJ friends would call "heavy rotation" isn't it? If the other bands they use are on a similar structure that's not much variety. Most of the venues we play only give 3 or 4 dates a year!
  22. More the giddy heights of opening for The Blockheads and using Norman's rig, really, but it is a lovely venue and I'd love to play there at some point.
  23. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1462212144' post='3041175'] Last time they played Shoreham (Ropetackle Arts Centre I presume?) I was playing bass in the support band and got to use Norman's Ashdown rig. And no, I didn't touch any of the controls (and I certainly didn't need to turn it up at all). P [/quote] Yes, Ropetackle it is. I would have seen you then, we went to that gig. Lucky you - I can only dream that one day I'll reach those giddy heights!
  24. Played an absolutely great 45 min set at The Foodies Festival on Hove Lawns yesterday. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, the sound man (thanks Roy!) made us sound good (you could actually hear me very clearly I was told which is always a Good Thing) the crowd loved us and afterwards we roamed the stalls hoovering up free samples. Unpaid (I can feel the sh88storm coming my way already) but plenty of free tickets to the event which we gave to friends and family, plus food and beer. What's not to like? We had a great time, the stage ran like clockwork (well done Phil and Brighton Unsigned) and we'd do it again without hesitation - as long as it doesn't rain!
  25. Going to see them this Thursday in Shoreham - can't wait!
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