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Everything posted by Greg.Bassman

  1. Awesome. Cheers guys, will keep that in mind
  2. Lol. I'll be sure NOT to do that then Cheers 'obbm'.
  3. I understand, cheers lads! Just curious, what would happen if I DID link 2x 4Ohm cabs together? Are the results disastrous?
  4. Forgive my ignorance, this probably such a boring question for many of you music's out there- however, I'm stilling learning, so please bare with me here. What's the difference between 4 and 8 Ohm cabs? I'm currently looking into the Markbass Standard 104HR Bass Cab. However, they offer it in both 4Ohms and 8Ohms. What does this means? How does it effect the sound... does it means its louder or something? All feedback appreciated. Cheers. Greg. P.S - Not too much technical jargon please lol.
  5. Not a bad idea at all, definitely worth considering. Cheers adam.
  6. I'm sold, cheers bassbiscuits! Cheers Lozz also. You're regular input has not gone unnoticed. Appreciate it mate!
  7. A lot of guys that I've spoke to about markbass gear all use active basses, does it matter that I only use PASSIVE basses? I'm currently playing a fender jazz.
  8. Cheers bassbiscuits. Again, very assuring coming from an ex ashdown user. Many thanks for the feedback!
  9. Hey Ed. That's amazing mate, very assuring- especially coming from an ex ashdown player. Appreciate it mate!
  10. Hey Mark! That's awesome mate, will defo have a look into the HF's. I think they're a little more (in price) that the HR's, but hey, if it means more clout, then I can't complain!
  11. Thanks 'Lozz196'! I'm leaning more towards the 410 now
  12. Hi all. I've come to pick your brains once more (if I may...) (As I'm sure many of you can relate) Lugging my gear around often is fast becoming a pain (literally! lol). I'm currently using the Ashdown ABM EVO III 500 Head though the ABM 410 (great sound... weighs a tonne!). A friend suggested that I take a look into 'Markbass'. He explained that their gear is both light but still delivers a strong low end with much clarity. Admittedly, I've had my reservations about 'Light weight' gear; up until now, I've always operated under the assumption that 'weight=power'. Friends have assured me that this IS NOT the case (providing that you invest in the appropriate brand). I currently have my eye on the... *Little Mark III 500 Head (through) *Traveler 102P cab OR Standard 104HR cab Questions: 1)One thing that I've come to love about my Ashdown, is its ridiculous low end. How does the Little Mark compare? Will I be pleased with it? 2)For festival gigs, I have front of house support, so really it's purpose will be just for self monitoring. But how about as a 'stand alone' for pub/club gigs? 3)I play a range of styles. Are these amps versatile enough to get me though most given situations? 4)I play in a couple of 7/8 piece bands (with loud drummers lol). Will this cut through on stage? Both LIGHTWEIGHT and PUNCHY? surely it's too good to be true. Are there any Markbass users out there that can make a believer out've me? All feedback greatly appreciated!
  13. Hi all. Cheers for the feedback. Much appreciated! Andrew (D'addario UK) contacted me personally to explain a little more about the string. He thinks that they will perfect for my playing. Proof is in the tasting though, will let you all know how I get on once my Flex's arrive! Greg.
  14. Cheers Milty, some great feedback there! I shall definitely have a look into the Flex steels!
  15. Hey everyone. Come to pick your brains one more time (if I may)... Daddario 'Pro' steels and 'Flex' steels... what's the difference? (tone, feel, durability?) All feedback appreciated. Cheers.
  16. Much appreciated guys! Dial the bass back- I think I've got it! lol Cheers for the tip D.I. Joe, will have a fiddle with the sliders next time I'm in rehearsal Thanks again everyone!
  17. Thank you all for your feedback. I've taken all of it on board and will give it a go next time I'm in rehearsal! Cheers I forgot to mention that I used to play a lot of reggae lol, so have always been used to a very thick, sub driven tone- old habit s'pose lol. Recently, I find myself playing a lot of funk/disco- so I s'pose its time to adapt my tone! P.S - I use the ABM 410 cab with it.
  18. I've come to love my ashdown for it's incredible low end, sadly, I'm having trouble getting clarity of the notes. Anything played on the E and A strings sound ace (cause I FEEL them! lol), but anything on the D and G strings never seem to cut through enough. I've tried dialling in more Mids and Treble, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Is this just the nature of the amp or is there anything I can do to bring them higher notes back into the mix, ie EQ adjustment? (setting recommendations please) What do you reckon? Is there anything I can do to my current head, or am I looking at buying into another brand here? All feedback appreciated! Cheers. P.S- I use the ABM 500 EVO III. Here are my current setting (please see attached)
  19. Cheers for the feedback everyone! Very helpful. Much appreciated!
  20. Hey lads, bit of a strange question now but... Does anybody know where I can get my hands on a cardboard box; one that is large enough to house a Fender SKB Hard case? I'm due to sell my Fender Jazz to 'Sparky Mark', and need to ship. Everything is set, all bar a friggin' CARDBOARD BOX! (lol) I've been to all the music stores in Birmingham (PMT, GG, Fair deal etc), even been to retailers like Halfords, homebase etc- but no joy at all. Nobody seems to have a cardboard box! Suggestions please. All feedback appreciated. Much thanks.
  21. PRICE DROP... absolute bargain! Bass is pristine, lets arrange to meet up, and you can see for yourself!
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