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Everything posted by Greg.Bassman

  1. Speaking of chic, as a child, I always thought it was… ‘Aww freak COW’ ‘Le freak, c’est SHEEP’ Ol’ nile is clearly fond of his animals! Who’d of thought it! 😂 Listen to 00.10-00.15 and tell me I’m wrong 🤣
  2. Who knows what goes on inside madonna's head?! lol 😆
  3. I questioned this for the longest time too, but I am pretty sure that is the lyrics. Bizarre isn’t it. Still, makes me laugh! 🤣
  4. Thats you and me both! Especially the ‘coma’ part 😆
  5. I had a curtain blunder once. It was the first time my band had ever had a curtain opening/reveal to start a show with. Very new to us. While we waited for the show host to finish announcing us, we decided to make hand shadows against the curtain. Of course, after the dog and the bird, we couldn't resist giving the middle finger and making ‘w*nker’ signs. The drummer, who was late to the stage, arrived and said ‘you do realise that the audience can see that on the other side, don’t you?!’. Before we could process the horror of what we had just done, the curtains opened to a rather annoyed looking first row. That first song was pretty awkward, let me tell you! 😆
  6. Agreed! It can be infectious. I always loved playing shows where 1 guy would turn into 10 and then 10 to 100 [and so on] on the dance-floor. All because one guy had the guts to do his own thing in the beginning 🤘. That said, I have seen my fair share of ‘peculiar’ dancing too, and it is usually because of the ol’ ‘amber nectar’. Happens to the best of them! 😂
  7. I should’ve realised that I am not going to be able to un-hear these now! Memories upon memories just out the window lol 😆. I was just listening to all your suggestions on youtube, gleefully anticipating the points, and none have disappointed so far. So funny! 😆
  8. Yes! I always thought this too. When I was child, I actually believed it. At the time, it made sense to me because the song is called love ‘cats’, and cats get fleas, so go figure! lol 😆
  9. Ha! I know, right 🙂. I thought that might be the case. But, perhaps if we keep clear of the peter kay videos for now. They are funny, but we have all seen them 😉.
  10. What is a song lyric that you have got wrong in the past? To this day, I still question what Eddie Vedder is saying in ‘yellow ledbetter’. I’m not even sure if its english! 00.29-00.35… … when I first heard the song, I swear he was saying ‘on a ceiling, on a porsche, glitter, say’, and thats just 5 seconds of the song! 😆 I think SNL said it best [or not said, as the case appears to be!] 🤣
  11. ‘It doesn’t have to be in English to be good, does it?’. Well, I’m glad you said that because, still to this day, I question what Eddie Vedder is saying in ‘yellow ledbetter’! 😜😆 It’s supposed to be english, but you could’ve fooled me. 00.29-00.42... ...and thats just 10 seconds of the song! Oh Eddie, Eddie, Eddie! 🙄😆
  12. Happens to the best of them 😉. Glad to know that you are still friends though. I have witnessed a couple of occasions where it was the break up of the band: someone has worked off the stage out of frustration and apparently never came back. Yikes! 🙁
  13. You get some characters on the dance floor sometimes. Still, at least they were enjoying themselves! 😀 I’ve probably seen every dance move known to man on the dancefloor… and they are not always good... quite frightening actually! 😆 😉
  14. Hello. I am trying to sell a bass and I just want to check that my asking price is realistic. I appreciate that it is a niche brand, but surely I can get at least 50% of what I paid back. I paid £399 for it, new, and have hardly used it. It is the 'Alvarez AB60CE Natural Acoustic-Electro'. Thanks. EDIT: Here is the ad if anyone is interested…
  15. The famous cable blunder 😉. I have a cable story. I remember having a wireless pack for the longest time, and on the one occasion that I had to use a cable, I forgot. Thinking that I was wireless, I decided to leap toward the front of the stage to interact with the audience, but as you can imagine, I did not get very far when I was yanked back. I managed to catch my balance, thank goodness. Can you imagine if I had fallen over as well! 😄
  16. As in the energy drink? If so, yes for me. I do not drink alcohol, but a few swigs of caffeine and I am H.Y.P.E.R! I play ever song a million bpm and do not blink for the entirety of the show. What can I say? 😆
  17. They can be a little fiddly sometimes, admittedly. It can be tricking to find good sounds on a budget too. The more realistic brass and string libraries, for example, can be quite expensive. Unless you have a friend that can do it on the cheap and knows about that sort of thing.
  18. I have done it a lot with brass. While it is nice to have the real thing, at the end of the day, it is less people to split the money with. There, I said it! lol 😜
  19. One of the worst ones is try to start a call and response with the crowd, but they do not sing back. You sing the feed line but… [tumbleweed] 😆. This tickled me! So funny to imagine. I wish I was there to see this! 😂
  20. Yes. I knew a keyboard player once, who would use a synthesiser and a drum machine to play shows. Pretty good really. He would start the drum machine, loop a bassline, play some lead and sing. But people weren’t always convinced and sceptical. I suppose the thought that the drum was something else.
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