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Everything posted by Allie

  1. Hello Charlie Welcome to BC and enjoy the topics and chat here. Allie.
  2. Hello Mike Welcome to BC. There's lots of methods you can use whilst you're learning. You seem to have a dicovered one already. I used to play along to the song/track as far as I could in the early days, then it was repeated. You could learn to read or use Tabs, or pick up ideas from on-line tutorials if you wish, or if you think it will help you, look for a tutor. I guess the most important thing is to enjoy it and have fun whichever way you decide on. There's lot's of friendly and wise folk here on BC too, so if you get stuck, just shout/ask away on one of the forum sections. Best wishes for the learning and enjoy your stay. Allie.
  3. Hello Luca Welcome to the BC forum. Hope you enjoy your stay. Allie.
  4. Hello RipperDen Welcome to BC. Hope you enjoy your stay. Allie
  5. Hello Vail Welcome to the forums. All very friendly folk here, so short of out & out insults, things tend to get discussed to death! Hope you fit right in and enjoy your stay. Allie
  6. Hello Dave. Welcome to BC. Allie.
  7. Hello bowsertoad. Welcome. Allie
  8. RIP Joe - thanks for all the fantastic music!
  9. Hello Jakob Welcome to the BC Forum. Hope you have fun here. Allie
  10. Hello SingleMalt Nice kit! There's plenty of friendly folk with lotsa knowledge floating around here - just ask away. Welcome to the forum. Allie
  11. Hi Josh. Welcome to BC. Allie
  12. Hi Cordelia I'm sure you'll be able to make it all happen for yourself, sooner or later - Welcome to the BC Forum and enjoy your stay. Allie
  13. Hello dadofsix. Welcome to the surface and the forums. Allie
  14. Hello handman. Welcome to BC. Allie.
  15. Allie

    Dear people

    Hello Joseph. Welcome to the BC Forums. Lots of friendly folk hang around here, so join in and enjoy. Allie.
  16. Allie


    Hello cakepop29 Welcome and make yourself at home. Hope you enjoy it here. Allie.
  17. Hello Kate Welcome to BC. As you've already discovered, it's a nice friendly crowd here. Hope you enjoy your stay. Allie.
  18. Hello Spike Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay. Al.
  19. Hi Andre - Welcome to BC Al.
  20. Hello Mike Welcome to the forum. Al.
  21. Hello headstock. Welcome to BC - enjoy your stay. Al
  22. Hi browndogfish The BC forums are a friendly place full of knowledgeable, helpful folks. Welcome and enjoy your stay. Al.
  23. Nice to see a considered and thought-out change of direction. There's very many good Blues tracks you could work on and as always, if performed well, will always be enjoyed. I enjoy a quite wide range of music, but perhaps this will give you something to think about: [url="http://www.digitaldreamdoor.com/pages/best_bluesong.html"]http://www.digitaldreamdoor.com/pages/best_bluesong.html[/url] There's also a listing of Blues albums you may want to browse through too. Good luck - hope you make it a success.
  24. Hi nerkoids Welcome to BC. Soak up the friendly atmosphere here and enjoy your stay. Al.
  25. Hello Manuel Don't worry about the state of your English - it's far better than my Spanish!. Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay. Al.
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