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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. [quote name='Astronomer' post='173724' date='Apr 10 2008, 10:17 AM'][i]“I used to try all different kinds of bass playing, but you’re good at one thing. You find your level and settle into that and you’re happy with that. I used to try and learn slap bass, just to be a more all-round player. You drive yourself nuts, but eventually you stick to what you’re good at.”[/i] - Geezer Butler I've "played" bass on and off since I was 16, and it's always been a source of enjoyment and frustration in equal measure. Enjoyment because it can sound really awesome, and frustration because there's so much I can't do. I've never been happy or satisfied with my playing because I always think there's something more; I've always got to push for that something extra which remains elusively just beyond my grasp. Non-satisfaction with one's own abilities is a truly terrible thing. It leads to endless self-doubt, an overwhelming sense of worthlessness, and a constant questioning of "Why can't I do what [[i]insert hero's name here[/i]] can do?" This is something I've struggled with in all aspects of life, be it bass playing, motorcycling, astronomy/astrophysics, mathematics, photography, etc., and it has either caused or been a major contributory factor to several lengthy bouts of serious depression. Suffice to say I'm lucky to still be here. Then I read the above quote from Geezer Butler in Bass Guitar Magazine, Rock Special, Issue 34, and it was like a light went on. Why try to be like someone else? Why set goals which are never going to be achievable? Why set oneself up for failure and disappointment at every opportunity? In the context of bass guitar, yes I'm always trying to learn, and I hope that I can continue to learn something every day. But I no longer try to play like someone else. Now I try to play like me. All of a sudden - and I mean that I noticed a big difference in just a couple of days! - my playing is steadier, notes come easier, fills are more relaxed and "obvious", and I can lock it down like a... erm... locked down thing. On top of all that, my confidence is growing; slowly, but it's definitely there. I've never ever played with other musicians, but I can see in the next few months perhaps getting in touch with some local folks and making some noise. Just to see what it feels like. And all because of Geezer Butler. If it's good enough for him, one of the icons of my musical history, then sure as hell it's good enough for me! [/quote] One of the nest posts i've read on here....... Good on you mate !
  2. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='173883' date='Apr 10 2008, 01:22 PM']No need to apologise. I cant understand what all the fuss is about. Why is everyone getting so excited cos I couldn't be arsed to look for the link to the previous thread?[/quote] I really don't think that's the issue is ?
  3. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='173880' date='Apr 10 2008, 01:17 PM']No. If I was going to be rude I would have said "look before you post; f***wit". But as I have not posted anything about EBS since I sold it I guess I'm gonna have to say to you "look before you post!". Perhaps we should have a new forum for endless posts about Jaco's bass.[/quote] So, let's get this right.... with a forum of this size everyone is supposed to check if there has ever been a thread relating to their particular topic of interest at that time prior to posting ? The OP had just recieved a magazine and would have naturally thought this was Hot News...... why would he have had any inclination to search previous topics. He certainly doesn't deserve to be jumped upon in this hostile manner It's a shame some people on here seem to want to pick fault with everything in a pedantic or superior and arrogent manner. I have a rule on web forums..... never say anything to someone that you wouldn't say to their face if you met them..... F***wit !!!
  4. I bet that's a really nice instrument....... I tried one similar when Overwater were retailing these basses...... damn fine bit of kit Good Luck with the transition to the more trad
  5. This Takes some beating in the boredom stakes I've played this song maybe 300 times....... actually managed to hit bum notes playing to while watching the Rugby World Cup [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ye8GLPUVsM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ye8GLPUVsM[/url]
  6. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='173653' date='Apr 10 2008, 08:48 AM']Been there- done that. Cant be arsed to look for the other thread but it was done weeks ago.[/quote] How Rude to the OP ? I guess it wasn't about GB's or EBS...... can't have enough chat about that Sh!te can we ? Jaco's bass deserves a 100 Threads
  7. [quote name='kevbucket' post='173535' date='Apr 9 2008, 11:27 PM']too tell you the truth im sh*t scared to take off the neck as me bass plays amazing and i really dont wanna start messing with it !!! hope ya understand kev ps its identical to the one in the picture all black with a brass nut if that helps ??[/quote] Give it ere Kev - I'll take it off for ya' Ya Wanna see the size of my Screwdriver (I think i've just blown my shot on Kev's Cutlass)
  8. [quote name='kevbucket' post='173648' date='Apr 10 2008, 08:39 AM']higher ground on the 12 string ...... i cant even get my heed around that one !!!!! na im sorry to say it's not the TP cutaway , but it still makes you sounds like the mighty TP !!! ps, you dont even wanna know the deal i got on the rickenbacker !!! littler knows thanks for the reply;s lads, and aye me cutlass 1 is going to the top of the list !!!!!!! kev[/quote] And Now..... From Norwich It's the Sale of the Century...... Jes, showin my age there like !!
  9. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='173616' date='Apr 10 2008, 07:42 AM']How Kev... Please tell me that 12 string is the single cut TP model [/quote] 12 Strings ? ..... Haway then, let's see you play "Higher Ground" on that fella
  10. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='173610' date='Apr 10 2008, 07:18 AM']That one off Ebay? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250231217670"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=250231217670[/url] Ped and I had it on our watch lists too.[/quote] That was up my way too..... might have had a dabble if i'd spotted it..... getting interested in these instruments since I very briefly fiddled with Nick's battered beast in a motorway service station !!
  11. [quote name='Maxcat' post='173570' date='Apr 10 2008, 01:05 AM']Goddamn mate no one needs to be gentke with you with that rig. I am sooooo envious of the 76 Ricky. Should really be top of the list but thats just me. Great site this. have fun[/quote] Naaaa..... Kev's being modest, one of his "Musicman Basses" just so happens to be a Cutlass !!! Now that should be top of the list ! Welcome to the site mate......
  12. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='173073' date='Apr 9 2008, 01:22 PM']Another amp another bass another amp another bass another amp another bass another amp another bass Whew another amp it is then [/quote] You can only play through 1 at a time ya kna' God I sound like wor lass !!
  13. I remember plugging into one of these when I played a gig up in Scotland, think it was the Lemon Tree ?? Had really positive comments on the bass tone
  14. [quote name='Adee' post='172994' date='Apr 9 2008, 12:12 PM']PM sent to ya ![/quote] Get It Bought Adee Lad !!
  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='172881' date='Apr 9 2008, 09:50 AM']I've heard of B&tZB but never caught you. I was also talking to Mark tuther day and he was depping for you in tRHCP I believe. So that's another band I need to keep my eyes open for If you're playing over my way give me a shout, my next gig in SS isn't until the end of May at The County. Never done it before is it any good?[/quote] Oy Hunt !! It's Littler !!! Yeah I did my best filling in for the "legendary" KevBucket - Well worth catching the propper line up - www.TheRHCP.com The County is a canny gig..... nasty lift up an outside iron staircase like !! you'll be pleased you have lightweight stuff. last time I played there I had an Ampeg 8x10 and we used a pair of Mackie 18 Bins Oooooh my Back !! Strangely my phone rang a lot at the end of the night..... Urgent Calls and that
  16. [quote name='peety' post='172849' date='Apr 9 2008, 08:54 AM']your not kidding i paid 600 for mine without the mods and still think i got a good deal ! is everyone skint or are laklands not the flavour of the month at the moment ?[/quote] Let's look at this...... Laklands are without doubt Hot Basses Precisions are Flavour of the Month Villex Mods are considered top notch, tastefull mods for your P Black Maple is Soooooo Cool £600 is about the right price 2nd hand for this bass This Particular Instrument is (definately) one of the better examples of the Lakland Skyline series What the hell's it doing up for sale still ? I think we're all skint / unsure of the economy is the only conclusion really ! Great Bass - well worth getting into debt for
  17. This is about the daftest price i've ever seen for a bass ! £470 for a Lakland Bob Glaub with very tasteful mods !! ??
  18. [quote name='lwtait' post='170708' date='Apr 6 2008, 02:22 PM']why?[/quote] Simple really....... Big Miller Fan Big Fender Custom Shop Fan Sucker for a Signature !!
  19. I recently played an OLP HH Stingray type thing !! It gave a really good account of itself, despite the awefull shop set up
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='170559' date='Apr 6 2008, 08:37 AM']I've just bought a late '82 Fullerton '57 reissue and it's pretty much the best Precision I've played. It is certainly significantly lighter and far better constructed than any other Fender I have owned (and that iuncludes current Custom Shop), but most importantly, it plays and sounds incredible; the sustain and resonance are pretty incredible for a Precision and the neck, despite being 1.75 width, is extremely fast. As has been hinted at above, I'd be surprised if a contemporary MIM could get anywhere near it. However, I'm not saying they don't, so I guess it's the old truism, try before you buy. Irrespective of the "80's aren't vintage" argument, Fullerton reissues are highly sought after and are appreciating rapidly (and will soon be vintage by whatever definition). In fact I saw one for sale a few weeks back in a US dealership for over $5000. Problem, investment basses don't make good players - it's hard to enjoy a gig if you're worried about dinging your paintwork. Having said all that, if you wanted my advice Mr Fudge, I'd say get a Fullerton Chris[/quote] I had a cracking 62 P Fullerton from 82 - hell of a bass, feather light and great to play. I also had a 1958 Limited Edition Custom Shop P I'd say the build, and overall "quality" of the instrument was similar. I agree with Chris, hunt out a fullerton !
  21. If I had a spare £4.5k i'd buy one in the blink of an eye.....
  22. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='170266' date='Apr 5 2008, 02:35 PM']I'm not certain that this is in the right section but hey. I've got a Badass II on my Flea and it's been filed and does a perfectly good job. I fitted a Gotoh 201 onto my Warmoth and whereas they don't seem to have grabbed the imagination off the bass public so much it seems to be as good as the Badass if not better. I'm thinking of getting another Gotoh for my Jazz 'u'like unless anyone can persuade me a Badass (or any other bridge) is significantly better. Peter[/quote] Hi Peter, I took a Gotoh bridge off the flea to have the BadAss installed, the difference was not a subtle one BadAss every time for me Rgds Mark
  23. Great Bit of Kit !! THE Best 210 combo Money Can Buy ?
  24. [quote name='glen' post='166902' date='Mar 31 2008, 01:41 PM']I do not need this red 4 string CORT Curbow. The carved-top body is made of Luthite and features an extended upper horn for strapped balance and a deep lower cutaway for unrestricted access to all frets. The hard maple neck extends into the body all the way to the pickup for maximum vibration transfer. Electronics include a single, slim Bartolini passive humbucker wired to an active 9-volt circuit with 3-band EQ and a 'slap" contour switch with adjustable bass and midrange boost (accessed from the rear). Controls also include volume, treble cut, mid boost/cut and bass boost/cut knobs on the front. The fingerboard is made of Ebonol and polished to a mirror finish. It all adds up to a cutting-edge, premium-quality bass for a very affordable price of £180. (I'm near Newcastle upon Tyne) I'll post some pics shortly.[/quote] Another Geordie for the (planned) summer bass bash !!! Cracking Budget Bass too - Yep let's have some pics !
  25. [quote name='bassman2790' post='162102' date='Mar 23 2008, 11:49 AM']+1 [/quote] Clear Guard Dude !!! If you think it looks nice now without a Guard a clear guard is just so classy !! DO it WD It !! I think i'm gonna clear guard my New Natural Ash Maple Stingray
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