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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. Now Listed on Ebay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200130374856"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=200130374856[/url]
  2. Bump for Ebay Listing [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200130341275"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=200130341275[/url]
  3. [quote name='Beedster' post='33662' date='Jul 18 2007, 02:49 PM']Crikey, my heart still misses a beat when I see that bass. I'm really susprised you're letting it go Mark, especially with the Chili's cover band thing? Of all the basses I've owned - and as the keen-eyed reader will know, I've owned a few - that Flea is probably the one that most lived up to its reputation, it even beat the Modulus Sonic Hammer, and that's saying something. Given that I'm playing predominantly Motown/Blues stuff, and that as a consequence this bass was sitting in my bedroom and only being played when I fancied jaming along with Stanley Clarke or Flea, I decided to sell it on, but I still wish I had it! You will never play a faster neck or get more amazing tones. The bass quite literally plays itself, I could play stuff on that baby that I simply can't play on my Jazz or Precision. Anyway Mark, sorry you're selling it mate, I'm sure you've got bigger and better plans. Whoever gets it wil get a hell of a bass. Chris[/quote] Cheers Chris, I'm going to try to do it all with my new Lakland...... it covers a lot of (ahem) Basses with it's pup & circuit configuration....... I'm going to be using IEM and Wireless so chopping and changing instruments mid set coule be a hassle.... Also, we've taken the decision as a band not to be an out and out tribute, wanting to look like the guys and have the "right instruments" but to do the songs justice in our own style........ hence the Fleabass isn't really essential now. May I say that the bass plays even better now with a fresh pro set up....... mad isn't it ?
  4. Well then sir it suits you !! ....... It's made for you sir ! It makes sir look so attractive !!!! Thanks Mark
  5. Hi Guys, Rare Chance to acquire what was a very limited run of tour jackets produced for the tour around 3-4 years ago, the sold out around half way through the tour so were never offered on the level 42 website. This one was purchased at Newcastle gig and worn a couple of times then put away in my wardrobe, having had orders from the wife to reduce the clutter in my wardrobe i'm reluctantly selling it. Only seen a couple of these for sale and they go for "good money" Size is XL condition is spot on Listed on Ebay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200130374856"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=200130374856[/url]
  6. PM's Replied to..... I'm going to Ebay at the Weekend if it's not sold..... I will accept £850 from "Bass Chatters" for a sale completed this week. Cheers Mar
  7. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='33288' date='Jul 17 2007, 09:43 PM']What happened to the RHCP tribute?[/quote] It's still going ahead...... Full Steam !! just feel that I can do it without the Flea Bass..... The Lakland seems like a "Swiss Army Knife" kinda bass..... sorry mate..... should have said Leatherman kinda Bass LOL !!! www.TheRHCP.com not much there just now but keep an eye out !!
  8. [quote name='Hiperi0n' post='33259' date='Jul 17 2007, 08:21 PM']Lakland Sold..pending payment from Marcus...thanx a lot Marcus... so this baby will arrive soon in the U.K!! Precision 77 still available[/quote] Really looking forward to getting this one....... having to sacrifice my Flea Bass for it due to my "No more than 6 Basses at any one time" rule imposed by her indoors !!
  9. Hi Guys, Just bought a Lakland and i've gotta sell something as i'm currently over my allowed quota of basses !! Not had this long purchased from The Beedster It's a Cracking Bass which benefits from a pro set up & fret dress with DR Fatbeams 1 week ago, (cost £80) play like a dream and sounds very Ballsy Comes With Modulus Hard Case Like a Stingray should have been !!! Priced to Sell.......... Going for a Song Really !!! (How about Californication) [u]Ebay Link[/u] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200130341275"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=200130341275[/url] Here's the Pics...... Sorry I'm rubbish with camera's and the sparkle isn't easy to capture, anyway i've done my best if anyone wants any more shots give me a shout..... Cheers Mark
  10. Marcus

    GB Basses

    Hi Guys, Mine Played superbly, set up great and had a massive range of tones........... However I always got the impression that the pickups and circuit dominated the sound of the instrument rather than the instrument having it's own tone..... sounds seemed forced rather than natural. Maybe it's me (quite likely) but I thought the flat tone was a little lacking in every department...... I'd spend whole gigs tweaking the circuit looking for "The Right Tone" Great Instruments non the less !!
  11. Hi Guys, like many of us on here, I do my best to ensure I achieve a good bass tone (Good Instrument, quality cable, decent amp...... etc etc) I believe in keeping the integrity of the signal path and any weak link is lost tone ! I've always been sceptical of a wireless systems ability to keep the integrity of the signal path...... Well....... just invested in a Sennheiser EW172 No difference on a gig...... !! if you sit in your living room and A/B with a quality cable, there is a slight loss of low end, easily compensated for with EQ..... Superb !!!
  12. Hi Guys, I've been buying mine from Guitar Guitar in Newcastle...... I get a good deal based on their RRP, they match stringbusters which is canny !!! however given the prices quoted here i'm going to start shopping around a bit more...... Marcus
  13. Hi, First of all, In big stadium gigs everyone goes IEM so what amp / cab is being used is totally incidental cos nobody gets to hear it....... !! Not the Artist and Not the Audience because mostly they'll be using a top class DI to drive the FOH Anyway..... back to reality !!! Ampeg SVT's sound great and are Loud into the right cab, however...... in my experience reliability is an issue.... Ashdown's never been my thing but I respect the ABM 900's abilility to provide masses of volume and crunching tone, can't comment on long term reliability but I did use one while my SVT's were in the shop (which was quite often) Had Eden do down on me (ooer !) their WT800 goes seriously loud into a pair of 410XLT's - possibly the loudest rig i've ever used until I got my MarkBass set-up (currently for sale) that's rediculously loud for 450 watts !! However...... If I wanted a bomb proof reliable, seriously loud tone monster i'd buy an Aguilar DB750 and a pair of 4ohm cabs @ 2ohms it's pushing out close to 1000w Mark
  14. Hi Guys, I've never found anything to compete with the tone, feel and life of DR's (Hi Beams or Fatbeams) I use 45 - 105's and they feel like 40 - 100's in terms of playability. You can buy cheeper but you can't buy better (IMHO) They boil up great too.... !! Mark
  15. Yep +1 for the Napster !! Top bloke to deal with when he was with Bass Centre Manchester, they'd have shut years before they did if it wasn't for him, remember when I had 2 Eden cabs delivered (one after another) both were busted..... he drove to meet me at Scotch corner so I had them for a gig !!! Outstanding........ I'll have to pay Music Ground a Visit soon Mark
  16. Hiya mate, have you got a link to the RHCP board ? sounds interesting Thanks
  17. [quote name='walbassist' post='11039' date='Jun 2 2007, 02:52 PM']Isn't this the same bass that was in the Gallery a while back?[/quote] No Paul Turner bought that Bass..........
  18. Anyone else notice the 2nd guitarist playing & doing extra BV's ? WTF was all that about ?
  19. Nice Instrument !! Fancy an Overwater Progress ? LOL !!
  20. No it's just a pre-amp very similar to the old Sadowsky pre-amp before they made that into a DI box too.... !! Marcus
  21. Hi Guys, Top Top Bloke the Beedster !! great friendly genuine guy total bass enthusiast !!! you'll not go wrong buying a bass from chris as he only buys quality instruments !!
  22. Thanks Chris, Much love there from "The Beedster" I'm blushing !!
  23. Congratulations....... you've picked the best instrument to play !!! What's your goal ? if it's just to have fun play a few tunes along to records or even to join a covers band, I'd say it's not cheating at all to get a start by using Tabs. After all it's a resource to learn.... Picking out songs by Ear can be really difficult without a good working knowledge of the fretboard to go along with that great sense of pitch !! OK Boring stuff now but you really really can't ignore scales....... Major, Minor, Pentatonic need to be grasped as they are (usually) the ones of most use. Not only is the knowledhe of these scales really usefull for building basslines and jamming, but they build up your fretboard knowledge and help with ear training. Also they get your hands in shape and build muscle memory and dexterity which you'll need to play some of the more challenging stuff you'll want to have a crack at..... Unless you want to do session / theatre work (IMHO) reading music isn't essential but still very very worthwhile, I wish i'd bothered my ass earlier in life.... the older you get the harder it seems to be to grasp complicated stuff !! Good Luck ! Marcus Good Luck
  24. Not sure if this is what you're asking but the best thing you can do to a Miller Jap is rip out that $5 pre-amp and put in an Aguilar OBP1...... I'm sure the John East Circuit will be a good upgrade from that piece of crap fender put in too.... Cheers Marcus
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