The Guy in the clip can certainly play...... top marks
what he's done with that song is rip it apart to understand the components of the tune and replicated it perfectly on the bass. The looping that makes up the rhythm for the tune is really well done !
I'm sure if the guy were to contribute to the thread he'd agree that witht his sort of technique the total end result is greater than the sum of the parts...... each individual technique used to create the layers of that song in that format isn't all that complex. I believe the real skill in producing such a fine rendition of that number is in disecting the tune and working out how to best approach it. Then nailing it all together....
I certainly for one couldn't do that.......
My ambitions as a player don't stretch that far as a "hobbyist" player....... I often feel that my limited understanding of music theory holds back my progress as a musician, but doesn't prevent me enjoying the instrument. And certainly doesn't stop me playing live. I'd guess i'd be able to learn some songs quicker with a better, more rounded musical understanding. But I get there...... and for me that's all that counts.