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About Raslee

  • Birthday 23/01/1974

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  • Location
    Devon UK

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  1. Deppin a posh gig at the Eden project, forgot about the 5hrs waiting around bit doing f’all. Suddenly the Dog & Duck hourly rate doesn’t feel too bad. 

    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      It's a shame you have a 5 hour wait. But will they let you look around the site? I could easily lose 5 hours looking around the Eden Project - especially if it was free entry. We had a gig on Saturday, and were the "headline" of 3 acts. They sound-checked us ahead of the other two acts, and we had a long wait, while they were sound checked. However, we went to a Cafe / Bar and a small food market, and had a nice time while we waited. (Almost spent our fee in the market though! Doh).

    2. Raslee


      Sadly not, it was closed in the evening. We weren’t even able to access the bar. It was a case of cabin fever as we were hidden away and told to sit at a table in the closed shop atea and wait. On the positive side we had some sandwiches and briefly saw Angela Rippon who was there and on top form 😂

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