I have one of these as an extension cab to my Markbass 2x8 250w combo and I think it sounds great, really full sounding, loud and capable. Surprisingly great low end from the TC too. The overall definition is ok, but not as crisp as the Markbass - the contrast of the two however is nice. For the price you can’t go wrong really.
Had put this in the general thread but probably best here. Looking for someone to tab this out for me, happy to pay. It’s the verse fills and middle section I’m particularly keen to know,.
Cheers man. It’s funny you mentioned contacting him. Our vocalist revealed last night she had him on her radio show in the past and said she’d try and contact him. Hopefully it works out.
Great tune as you say, I’d never heard of him until this recent audition and this song challenged me a bit with them fills.
Can anyone help me, I’m looking for a transcription of this live track - happy to pay someone to transcribe but to tab only please. Generally know the chords but stuck on the end of verse fills and particularly the middle section.
There are a lot of great reggae versions of pop/rock tunes out there.
We do quite a few with my band, admittedly not practiced since 2020 though, lots of Amy Winehouse etc
Are there others bands then, other than Gong?
Ah yes…Planet Gong, Shapeshifter Gong, Mother Gong, Pierre Moerlen’s Gong, New York Gong, Acid Mother’s Gong, Gong Maison etc
I’m narrow yet eclectic then….and I’ve been stoned before 😉
Hmm, may consider trades as my music GAS financial position is a lot better now 😂 Equally quite happy for this bass to remain as it is also very “awesome”
Open to trade ideas plus cash my way, could be interested in a very light small combo i.e Markbass 801 or a Markbass 2x10” or a Barefaced 1x10” and cash my way. Possibly a cheaper Jazz bass 4 stringer.
Yeah it's a really beaut, not heavy either, sounds as good as it looks. I've not been able to put it down since i've got it apart from sleep, eating and paying the kids to go away