Thanks for the replies guys - the humorous ones too 😏, plenty of food for thought there. Despite historically being a strong jazz bass man (all my fav's play jazzes), i am leaning towards keeping the P...bit of a late P convert if I'm honest. That said I like the idea of perhaps selling both and getting a P with a rosewood neck.
Have to say though I'm quite smitten with the Warwick Streamer S1 at the moment. I have also got a Vander End which is my modding bass (has had lots of mods before my time), and is currently set up as a PJ but it can easily be set back to a jazz if I need a jazz option....I guess I should have mentioned about that in my original post, that one has a maple neck too - it feels like it's been somehow relegated that bass but it's such a great bass and again probably not going to sell that one.
Yep, I think in reading and reflecting upon your replies above and typing this up I've made up my mind to sell the Jazz and put the P up for sale or trade for another P with a rosewood neck. Thanks chaps...I think I've got there but will still sleep on it. Incidentally I did say to the wife they may not sell for a while 😆