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Everything posted by Raslee

  1. Possibly a Sire Jazz in the background with Craig David ?
  2. [quote name='PawelG' timestamp='1497222820' post='3316684'] '74? I was sure you said '75! (I hope Luke doesn't want his money back!) [/quote] Could technically be considered pre 75 ish and either a 74/75 (or earlier still as it's a replica of the early 70's Fender Jazzes). Pretty sure I said 70's however as that's what my original Fender was. Anyhow this one was based on the transitional bass i.e. before they introduced the bullet truss rods at the top of the neck, and the 3 hole neck plate. My old Fender was definitely a 74 though : )
  3. [quote name='PawelG' timestamp='1497048537' post='3315622'] Oh yes! That jazz. Fantastic bit of kit for the money! Good luck with the sale Luke. [/quote] Ah yes I miss her indeed, a lovely player - really liked this bass and was a good close resemblance of my old 74. That wood grain is lovely. GLWTS
  4. Sold Pete some pick ups, quick easy painless sale. Bass chatters can deal in confidence - cheers Pete
  5. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496905251' post='3314546'] I'm often down there, but only during the week, can't take holidays at weekends as we are usually gigging. Totnes is a good place, I must spend more time there next trip. [/quote] Certainly a lot of people 'tripping' in Totnes...twinned with Narnia nonetheless
  6. Oh dear, just when you thought the credit card was safe...then comes along P7's, M9's etc etc....and 0% interest options....oh deary dear
  7. You could look Mark up at Limelight, he's not far from Torquay
  8. Off topic bump but I didn't know you could get 5m kettle leads, rather excitingly I've just bought one off evilbay
  9. ....Or when a buyer wants you to strip a bass, show every single part, give every single dimension, and then [u]never[/u] get back to you when you've provided said requests - double grrr!
  10. [color=#ff0000][size=8][font=comic sans ms,cursive]SOLD[/font][/size][/color] Really nice pick ups but now surplus to requirements. Very nice vintage vibe and I believe are the 60 HF model. Would trade for Aguilar P/J set or J set or John East uni Pre (4 knob) or a synth or envelope filter pedal + cash adjustments as necessary or £85 posted in UK. Specs: [url="https://www.bareknucklepickups.co.uk/pickup/j-bass/j-bass-60-hf"]https://www.bareknuc...ss/j-bass-60-hf[/url]
  11. I have a GB Custom 5. It's a truly superb bass but the preamp is the weak point - totally solved by dropping in a John East...this bass is now a 55-02 killer...the quality build of the bass easily parallels all the past Laklands I've owned. Seriously thinking of getting the four string version eventually
  12. £40 or trade for eneveope filter or synth pedal (can add £)
  13. My old Limelight...a total beauty. Wish I had the pennies to buy it back. Superb precision! GLWTS
  15. Taken from my Cort GB Custom bass. To be used with normal passive pickups. http://www.cortguitars.com/uFiles//product/174/schematics/GB5-CUSTOM.pdf http://www.cortguitars.com/en/product/product_view.asp?qCate=&qSeries=0&qProdTag=&qPack=&qNew=&qKey=all&qWord=&idx=174 4 pots and a mid selector switch. With knobs and I'll send a wiring explanation. Great preamp, just prefer being able to have the passive option on my John East. Pics on request. Bargain at £65 posted
  16. Sunday morning bump
  17. Pm's replied and still available at present 😎
  18. [quote name='lukeward2004' timestamp='1494355410' post='3295316'] What would you be interested in trades wise? I have a full recording/live setup id be willing to trade - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/304568-line6-basspod-xt-pro-fbv-shortboard-aphex-aural-exciter-behringer-nu3000-power-amp/"]http://basschat.co.u...3000-power-amp/[/url] [/quote] Thanks for the offer but not for me. May consider trades for 4 string basses only / fretless possibly, combo's, Aguilar TH500 or Eden amp - cash either way. *Thread updated for Lakland sale/trade only
  19. I keep getting drawn back to[s] gassing l[/s]ooking at this bass, always wanted a 70's P and I love this colour. My quandary is I've recently got a 2012 P which i really like too and i'd need to sell it off If i got this, however, it'd be a struggle if i didn't get on with this and then regretted selling my 2012 to cover it. Damn us being the other side of the country!
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