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Everything posted by Raslee

  1. [quote name='PawelG' timestamp='1497048537' post='3315622'] Oh yes! That jazz. Fantastic bit of kit for the money! Good luck with the sale Luke. [/quote] Ah yes I miss her indeed, a lovely player - really liked this bass and was a good close resemblance of my old 74. That wood grain is lovely. GLWTS
  2. Sold Pete some pick ups, quick easy painless sale. Bass chatters can deal in confidence - cheers Pete
  3. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496905251' post='3314546'] I'm often down there, but only during the week, can't take holidays at weekends as we are usually gigging. Totnes is a good place, I must spend more time there next trip. [/quote] Certainly a lot of people 'tripping' in Totnes...twinned with Narnia nonetheless
  4. Oh dear, just when you thought the credit card was safe...then comes along P7's, M9's etc etc....and 0% interest options....oh deary dear
  5. You could look Mark up at Limelight, he's not far from Torquay
  6. Off topic bump but I didn't know you could get 5m kettle leads, rather excitingly I've just bought one off evilbay
  7. ....Or when a buyer wants you to strip a bass, show every single part, give every single dimension, and then [u]never[/u] get back to you when you've provided said requests - double grrr!
  8. [color=#ff0000][size=8][font=comic sans ms,cursive]SOLD[/font][/size][/color] Really nice pick ups but now surplus to requirements. Very nice vintage vibe and I believe are the 60 HF model. Would trade for Aguilar P/J set or J set or John East uni Pre (4 knob) or a synth or envelope filter pedal + cash adjustments as necessary or £85 posted in UK. Specs: [url="https://www.bareknucklepickups.co.uk/pickup/j-bass/j-bass-60-hf"]https://www.bareknuc...ss/j-bass-60-hf[/url]
  9. I have a GB Custom 5. It's a truly superb bass but the preamp is the weak point - totally solved by dropping in a John East...this bass is now a 55-02 killer...the quality build of the bass easily parallels all the past Laklands I've owned. Seriously thinking of getting the four string version eventually
  10. £40 or trade for eneveope filter or synth pedal (can add £)
  11. My old Limelight...a total beauty. Wish I had the pennies to buy it back. Superb precision! GLWTS
  13. Taken from my Cort GB Custom bass. To be used with normal passive pickups. http://www.cortguitars.com/uFiles//product/174/schematics/GB5-CUSTOM.pdf http://www.cortguitars.com/en/product/product_view.asp?qCate=&qSeries=0&qProdTag=&qPack=&qNew=&qKey=all&qWord=&idx=174 4 pots and a mid selector switch. With knobs and I'll send a wiring explanation. Great preamp, just prefer being able to have the passive option on my John East. Pics on request. Bargain at £65 posted
  14. Sunday morning bump
  15. Pm's replied and still available at present 😎
  16. [quote name='lukeward2004' timestamp='1494355410' post='3295316'] What would you be interested in trades wise? I have a full recording/live setup id be willing to trade - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/304568-line6-basspod-xt-pro-fbv-shortboard-aphex-aural-exciter-behringer-nu3000-power-amp/"]http://basschat.co.u...3000-power-amp/[/url] [/quote] Thanks for the offer but not for me. May consider trades for 4 string basses only / fretless possibly, combo's, Aguilar TH500 or Eden amp - cash either way. *Thread updated for Lakland sale/trade only
  17. I keep getting drawn back to[s] gassing l[/s]ooking at this bass, always wanted a 70's P and I love this colour. My quandary is I've recently got a 2012 P which i really like too and i'd need to sell it off If i got this, however, it'd be a struggle if i didn't get on with this and then regretted selling my 2012 to cover it. Damn us being the other side of the country!
  18. Pm's replied, both still here. Will do £480 posted on the Lakland. I'm edging to keep the Cort but a quick sale may persuade me
  19. [quote name='ChazzJEUK' timestamp='1493652445' post='3289726'] My old Lakland! Lovely bass - sounded great too! [/quote] Yes both lovely basses...so hard to decide which is my favourite, I like the fact the Lakland has the passive option too. I could add a couple of hundred if anyone fancies a trade for a jazz (Flea would be great) or Stingray or Ray 34, Limelight or other 4 strings. Or cheaper basses with cash top up (Sire ?) Also interested in a Mark bass combo as a trade
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