I've been doing it for the last 3 years around Devon & Cornwall and love it. I've even dropped a day off my day job and top up my salary with music, awesomeness!
I'd say I am averaging around £500 per month after expenses.
Pros: Generally good crowds, get fed well, money is decent, good band mates that are supportive, dep bank sorted for time off, been to some amazing venues and sometimes we've been offered free accommodation. We also hire our PA which is a bonus extra £100 for whoever wishes to stay behind at a gig. Become better and tighter with my playing and it has bolstered a bit of improvisation skills for when the moments right. Have fun with some tunes too - ie putting our spin on things!
Cons: Tinitus, late nights sometimes, next day fatigue- a challenge if you have children, awful first dance requests, jazzer pro deps who clearly don't learn the set and as aforementioned waiting around.
Got to say though I love it 😻