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Everything posted by Raslee

  1. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1383766087' post='2268870'] Very nice - say hello to Spikey for me [/quote] +1 ,....sounding great
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1383570262' post='2265918'] What rack bag are you using in that pic - I like the fact that the amp is set back quite deep? Don't suppose you could tell me what it is could you? [/quote] If your talking about mine then the rack bag is an SKB 2U, great case...even has an internal pocket too Also the BX1500 is 10lbs according to the manual. Hey Molan, I like the family company ethos and I'd quite like an 18" cab if Carvin can get them over
  3. Can't believe no one wants the brilliant Lakland...not even a single bite...have Lakland's joined the 'uncool' wall ???
  4. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1383417380' post='2264318'] Lol. Im expecting a full gig report later, you know... [/quote] Astounding! Loved it, really cut through well. Also really like the 2x10's stacked sideways - great idea . In comparison to my Orange Terror this amp is much more modern & hifi sounding so i may get a sansamp or similar to warm it up a bit but other than that, brilliant. I'll try it with my other cabs to see how it pans out with them too and see if that adds any more warmth. The headroom is also amazing, I didn't go past 3 on the vol all night and that was competing with a 7 piece band with horn section....and i actually thought i was too loud. Anyhow i got some good compliments for a change and our drummer was annoyed that i can drown him out now . Would i swap it for an amp costing twice as much...er nope! She's a keeper (for now ).
  5. Or £400 with original Bartolini pick ups bargain!
  6. I'm still grinning having loaded the car and smiling how freakin light this amp is...kept thinking the amp had fallen out my 2U case
  7. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1383404665' post='2264135'] Oh Lee. You rascal. Doesn't that look awesome? Nice cabs, mate [/quote] Well...got food for GAS Yup, looking forward to cranking the cabs up tonight.
  8. There you go Wifey says it going out of the lounge tonight and staying out....ahem!
  9. The B2000 looks a superb amp too, lots of good praise on TB and 2050W at 2ohms - i'd have both if i could afford two . It's probably the better amp if you do not need the versatility that you get with the BX1500 but for me the BX1500 was a winner with the fact you can bi-amp, mix cabs, surprisingly good compressor etc...it basically has two amp channels that can be either bridged or used via a crossover or even used separately with any ohm cab (2-8 ohm). This is useful for me as i have different cabs, plus each channel has its own independent volume so i can balance accordingly...but there is also a master vol too....i'm still yet to get this past 2 in the living room...and my amp channels are only on half too Having spent about an hour with it this morning i have definitely become more attached, although i was beginning to think I would struggle to get a warm sound. However I have managed a great Motown sound for tonight's soul band gig, I found cutting frequencies on the parametric really did the trick and i've got a lovely thick but defined warm sound, really loving it. (This is with your two old cabs Geoff...I've tried the vertical stacking too - i like it ) It's been described before like a Swiss army knife equivalent, capable of just about everything...i think it is so far....easy to use too.
  10. It's here First impressions...it's light, 10lbs It also reminds me a lot of an Ampeg Pro4 that i once owned with regards to the multitude of wiring configurations available...but a fifth of the weight. Bonus. How does it sound? Well, I've only had about 10 mins on it so far. At flat EQ It seems very clean and not as warm as my Eden Nemesis or Orange terror...that is a good thing though as i wanted something different to these amps. From sound memory (if such things exist) It did remind me of Mark bass a bit, clean, hifi etc etc. The great thing is when you use the EQ, wow!! lots of tonal flavours available here - the knobs do something unlike my Terror bass and the contour knob typically gives the slap scoop too. It didn't take long to find a good reggae sound either which is primarily what i bought this amp for, having both parametric and EQ sliders is great to quickly dial in your sound - i can also set two sounds between these EQ's and footswitch between the both i.e. phat dub and even phatter dub . This amp is also very loud... 1500W apparently. I don''t know if goes that loud (yet) but at level 2 on the master i managed to move the mirror on the wall, hope wifey doesn't notice. Perhaps the best highlight so far has been the compressor though...it actually audibly does something for a change, seems great and will hopefully save me some speakers as i do drive them hard. I've also just found you can switch the one 12AX7 tube in and out...it was off. I'll try it again later with the tube to see if its any warmer...however i feel it'll probably be more gimmick than useful...we'll see. So to conclude so far: very impressed for the money, very light, bags of power, build quality is OK....perhaps the EQ sliders look a bit flimsy and lots of vent holes which may allow a bit of contamination in dusty environments - although mines in a nice SKB 2u rack bag, lots of EQ and configurations options, compressor is great as mentioned. So all that, a 1500W amp with two amp channels and switchable crossover, accommodates 8ohm to 2ohm, fits in 2u case...all for £525 from Bassgear. The man from Del Monte says yes!...although i'll probably be bored of it within 3 months The acid test will be gigging it tomorrow; i'll try it out with my soul/funk band and see how i get on in that setting
  11. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1383311035' post='2262974'] I recorded this for a function band a while ago. It's not the best playing on my part but it may help. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7ipNm9zSHs[/media] EDIT: Here's what i had written down for a basis of the main groove. And then a chord chart. There are variations through out the groove though so be aware of that. [/quote] That's awesome, thanks so much dude
  12. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1383251368' post='2262268'] First of all buy a compressor and put it on full. Makes dodgy slappers sound half decent. [/quote] Haha...done
  13. If i'm honest I'm new to slap really...just been an octave slapper in the past. My soul band want to do this track and i'm totally lost on the slap...i think its Bb but that about it...i've got the slow bits down but any music/notes/vids/drugs that can help me get through this slap bit greatly appreciated. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6VZnoGuKK4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6VZnoGuKK4[/url]
  14. Just bought a couple of 2x10 cabs of Geoff. Well packed and couriered across the island. Top chap all round, friendly & great comm's throughout too. Buyers & Sellers can deal in total confidence. Cheers
  15. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1383237481' post='2261995'] The BX1500's are out of stock now but more will be ordered soon. None of the big heads are held at the Uk warehouse so they are all special order jobs from the US which can disproportionately push the price up. However Phil ordered 14 different heads (including some big watt lightweight power amps as well) this time around and the bulk shipping really helped on keeping overall costs down. My personal favourite is the B2000 because it has loads of low end 'muscular' power and I simply don't need all the onboard tone shaping of the BX1500. I saw that Barefaced were recommending them as well because of the power efficiency If there's enough demand for the two big heads I think the next order will be a lot larger. Carvin are super fast on delivery too, usually about a week from order placement direct from San Diego. [/quote] Molan, it was your mention of the BX500 in some other thread that lead me on the holy grail...i thank you sir
  16. [quote name='Wylie' timestamp='1383234942' post='2261954'] Rasta, I have a Carvin 250, the lowest-wattage amp in this series, and I love it. Mine drives a Schroeder 2x10 and could easily drive another one. Love everything about this amp, and the price was great too. Great parametric feature; the face looks overloaded with dials but everything has a function that actually does what it says it will do. You've got a good one. W. [/quote] Cheers man. I started off looking a the BX500 and was planning on getting just that...i'd never heard of the BX1500/2000....but when i saw the prices on Bass Gear and the fact they had a sale i was like phwoooarr....one amp to rule them all haha. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1383236671' post='2261977'] Another very happy BX500 user (and responsible for Bensabre getting one) Not sure it is the public relations so much as the availability - no major distributor behind them flogging them at low margins to every job lot merchant in the country, leaving it down to Phil and the guys at BassGear to give us all great service and a really nicely priced piece of kit! [/quote] Yes agreed, shame there's not any Carvin bass cab distributors either ...i hear good things on TB about their 8x10 & also their 18" cabs.....as i say my 2x10 Carvin is brilliant and i bought it off here for very little too.
  17. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1383232430' post='2261899'] Nice one Lee. Look forward to hearing how it goes. Did you order your BX1500 from Bassgear? I noticed they are currently out of stock - you had the last one I take it? Geoff [/quote] Yes it was Bassgear, wasn't aware it was the last one...i'm sure Phil mentioned he had a few in stock over the phone. Will let you know how it pans out...soul & funk gig this Saturday...yay
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383212919' post='2261513'] If it's anything like my B2000, you're in for a treat. [/quote] Cheers, Yeah i was tempted by the B2000, particualrly the sub bass control, but I needed the flexible wiring of the BX1500...on paper they look amazing loud [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1383214884' post='2261565'] I really do think if Carvin were more available in the UK they'd shift loads, I'm only ever hearing good things about them. [/quote] Agreed, Carvin need to up there public relations a bit me thinks. Incidentally i have a Carvin 2x10 and it is brilliant and light. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1383217099' post='2261616'] Nice one. I'd been looking at these just a couple of days ago, seems a lot of amp for the money. Look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. Cheers Geoff [/quote] Will do matey...it should be here tomorrow so hopefully i'll gig it on Saturday with those 2x10's i got from you...they're not bad those cabs either...been cranking them in the living room yesterday and they're coping with the harsh heavy dub frequencies that i'm throwing at them
  19. Pictures now added
  20. After doing my research this amp seemed a great buy for the money. Lots of tonal and configuration options which is what I could do with right now. 2u, 1500w (headroom galore...much needed for my dub band), tube, and best of all around 12lbs in weight. Never tried Carvin before apart from my 2x10 cab, so bit of a gamble. Hope it sounds good, the guys at Bassgear seem to think so. Will update upon arrival.
  21. Pm's replied, still available
  22. She's back up for sale/trade bump
  23. Dready...how'd did i miss this???...a dub machine - top drawer
  24. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1382875810' post='2257391'] Great basses, great fella, great price..... These are the most under appreciated of all the Warwick's in my book. [/quote] Agreed they're really great, awesome necks, i have Wizards trads & passive in mine......although ironically I was going to offer you mine for your MM Sub as a trade, but i see your after cash
  25. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1382714054' post='2255844'] I'd keep them separate fella. To be frank mixing cabs from different manufacturers is a fast route to a sh*tty sound in my opinion. Each will have it's own character, which you can compensate for a bit with EQ, but with two, or three different sounding cabs you're probably going to end up never quite happy with the sound. I reckon your best bet, especially for reggae, is to flog the lot and get a decent 4 ohm 2 x 12, better two, or even 2 x 15. Plus, if you get a well designed cab with good sensitivity (especially LF) you won't need so much power! I used to use an Acoustic 1x18 for my dub band, it didn't need much more than 100 watts to flap the trousers of the first 4 rows because it was a very efficient design (in terms of sound - definitely not in terms of transportation!). I ran it with a 100w valve head for years, never really got the amp to work hard either... [/quote] Cheers for the very good advice guys, noted. I'll see how i get on soundwise first, i do have a 4x10 & 15" cab too which i can also play around with (i have to many cabs indeed!). Just curious to the 2x10 configs but some very good points about mixing cabs etc. Would love an Acoustic 18" cab to try...never tired an 18" to be honest. Thanks again
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