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Everything posted by slobluesine

  1. do threads differ on Jap/US jacks? the replacement cup doesn't fit the thread on mine [attachment=112331:IMAG0382.jpg]
  2. doh! cheers for the link
  3. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1341417917' post='1718710'] I enjoyed that, but why did Macca have to be in it at all? I would also have liked to hear Bakithi playing more fretless in the reunion footage. [/quote] Paul Simon doesn't have a 'bass player' on his latest album, apparently he doesn't like the sound of a bass guitar, hmmnnn.... wonder how Bakithi took that one? Joni Mitchell also likened bass as 'that horrible brick wall in my music' (with the exception of Jaco and Larry klein)
  4. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1341415328' post='1718640'] Nah, I got it via eBay USA. it cost around £20 including the delivery. Expensive for a neck plate, but I thought it was a nice touch. [/quote] i'm thinking maybe a trophy engraver or similar would be able to do it? also looks like the tuners on yours are slot heads, where'd you get them?
  5. The neck plate has a number "6464" which would date it to 1955/56 (and it's also my date of birth! Hahaha). did you stamp the neckplate yourself Kevin?
  6. hats off to Paul Simon, would love to have seen him give Tambo a bit of slapping tho
  7. yikes! i did a neck pocket dressing and didn't even realise it as you say, all parts necks are slightly too wide at the heel for original spec bodies. everything seems to fit but i'm still waiting for the laquer to set so fingers crosssed. should have done more research, oh well... here's all the bits, VERY happy so far... [attachment=112081:IMAG0381.jpg] the tuner screws on your Pink look like they're slot heads Kevin?
  8. what's involved in dressing a neck pocket Kevin? real nice work btw
  9. yeah, that's on the list Stu, i have the original one but i'ts too much of a pain to install
  10. anyone got one of these jobby's i could buy or borrow? [url="http://tinyurl.com/7zxh42e"]http://tinyurl.com/7zxh42e[/url]
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1340583040' post='1706699'] Yep - the other option is use the covers for 35 years. I've done this - it definitely works and is environmentally sound. [/quote] i'll be 95 in 35 years so i wont be able to see em then, probabaly wont even know what a guitar is either, or who i am i think i'll take Jean-Lucs advice and let em shine on
  12. nah! tried that, waste of good wine too, maybe some sh*te lager?
  13. anyone got some tips on ageing chrome? maybe chemicals? just need to take the shine off some new covers
  14. the awesome power of gaffa tape never ceases to amaze, who was the clever bastard who invented the stuff anyways? and F/holes should be an optional extra
  15. half a can of Butterscotch nitro, half bottle of gun oil and nearly full can of grain filler, just finished with them and i could so with some gloss laquer and tinted gloss . [attachment=110567:IMAG0367.jpg][attachment=110580:IMAG0368.jpg]
  16. anyone got one o these... [url="http://www.stewmac.com/shopby/product/4321"]http://www.stewmac.com/shopby/product/4321[/url] or a freebie solution to fitting the retainer?
  17. bridge, control plate and knobs for early Fender P/Tele. £15 posted [attachment=110141:IMAG0365.jpg]
  18. [quote name='fuso' timestamp='1338452291' post='1674656'] Hi, I owned a DBS400 for 10 years, and it was mostly reliable. It did develop a problem where the sound would cut in and out - tried leads, speaker connections, etc. Solution: Input jacks are in the same signal path as the effects send/receive - if you have no effects plugged in then loop the effects send/return jacks with a cord. These jacks can go high resistance and cut your input signal. Never had a problem after doing this. Mike [/quote] same here, plug a jack into the send/return, Marshall servicing told me about the problem, they even sent me some input jacks FOC. have to say the amps are notoriously problematic, i've know others with endless problems.
  19. anyone have a UK link for Super ShieldNickel Conductive Coating?
  20. available for paid gigs, pro player so can tour, i also play electric. i'm based on the borders of Essex, Suffolk, Cambs. old school R&B, R&R, Blues, Soul etc, have to add i'm not a funk or metal player, serious gig offers only please. 07831 109841 John john at activelight dot co dot uk
  21. canny believe your selling this Paul K162's are cool and i'm gonna get one soon as they bring the price down. then again you do have a few too many Uprights , wish i had the cash, VERY, VERY cool Framus and it's worth way more than your asking i think.
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