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Everything posted by worship_mud

  1. cablewise i use cordial cables w/ neutrik jacks as instrument cables, as patch cables i'm using mooer patchcables. i have no idea how to check the quality of the cables, to be honest... any advice? for powering duties i have a harley benton power plant junior w/ isolated outputs, each effect w/ its own powercord, the tuner w/ a wallwart. i thought about upgrading, as i will add some more effects, any suggestions? i thought about the redunancy of adding a booster, though the Lehle advertises it's Basswitch as a "[color=#080C2E][font=futura-pt, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]impedance converter", which i kind of assumed should be the same as having an active preamp on board the bass (is it????)[/size][/font][/color]
  2. hi there everyone, i'm a longtime lurker and firsttime poster, so have mercy with me, in case i breached the nettiquette for the BC forums! i guess this qualifies as a noob question, but i haven't found an answer via the search function.... i just started dabbling into effects and encountered a problem with the clean (uneffected) sound... first i had my effects inline before the preamp of my head, but thec lean sound was really affected by quality loss. so i then moved my effect chain to the effect loop of my amp, which increased the clean sound, but some effects just did not work (mostly overdrive and the octaver). so i thought that the use of a clean booster (yes, i'm looking at you, Lehle Basswitch Clean Booster!) might remedy my clean sound, when the effectas are inline in front of the amp. but: i use exclusively active basses, which per se is a kind of clean booster (is it??). so my questions would be: - does the use of a boosters in order to convert (lower) the impedance make any sense in conjuncion with an active bass? - does it make sense to split the effects up into one part running inline (mostly OD, octaver, any input-sensitive effect) and the rest (modulation effects) through the amp's effect loop? my set up is: lakland 4-94 and a markbass big bang, effects in use are: tc mini tuner, MXR octaver, Mooer Fog Fuzz, Mooer Sweeper (or MXR envelope filter, when i get it back from repairs), memory boy DLX delay, chorus (planned), flanger (planned), Microtubes Vintage OD (also planning to add a bass synth, have not decided which one yet...) i would be thankfull for any advice or help! thx in advance! w_m
  3. nope, because this cab is now in my practice room!
  4. sorry for my late feedback. it was the string. as the JB has a STB-only bridge, i presume that the sharp edge of the hole in the brigde killed it there... or, as lozz wrote, the string was faulty from the beginnig. new strings, problem solved, thx for your input!
  5. rather new strings are on, admittedly from the grab box beside the entrance at the local music store, rotosounds 45-105, but i played them 3h max but i'll change the d-string, maybe i messed it up while putting the strings on and off to mount the PU's and preamp. thx in the meanwhile, will report back.
  6. hi there everyone, i searched the forum, but couldn't find an answer to my question, so bare with me, if this has been discussed somewhere else.... i got myself a '97 Fender American Standard Jazz bass for little money from a friend of mine who hasn't played it for several years and was lying under his bed. it had dead strings and the neck had to be realigned, but otherwise it seemed ok. as this was planned to be my back-up bass, i had planned to frankentune it and put some bartolini's and the bassmods active preamp (three-way active + passive tone) into it. as soon as i plugged it into my amp (markbass bigbang w/2x10" traveller cab / tech bassline 4x12) i heard, that the d-string was a lot quieter than the neighbouring G-/A strings. although it's hard to quantify, i'd guess ca. 20% quieter..... so i tried to remedy this by lowering both PU's on the G-string side, which made the G-string indeed quieter, but didn't level it w/ the D-string. the effect is more audible on the bridge PU than on the neck PU. i can't tell how it was when it was still in it's original shape, but as i didn't hear it at the time before the modding, i guess it was at least not as audible as it is now, but i can't tell you for sure, as i didn't play it that much before modding, maybe an hour or two.... (strings were dead and the neck misaligned, so there was no great desire to play it....) has anyone experienced something similar? any advice on this? cheers, w_m
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