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Everything posted by poptart

  1. It has a 1000W power amp inside it plus full DSP (Digital Sound Processing) that includes compressing/limiting between the amp and speakers plus eq that gives the speakers a very balanced/flat sound. It runs 500W into it's internal speakers and 1000w if you plug in the Bergatino EX112 or HT112 speakers and has a second eq built in to optimise the amp for the addition of the extra speaker. I cannot tell you how good this speaker (s) is - ladies and gentlemen this is a bargain!! Mark
  2. [quote name='bigd1' post='142416' date='Feb 18 2008, 01:00 PM']do you have any pic's of this amp ? can I run a 8ohm cab with it ? Ta BIGd[/quote] It is rated at 2 x 250W at 4ohm or 2 x 180W at 8 ohm. It is fully programmable and includes compressors and graphic eq. Here is a picy (without the rather heavy extra casing!) Regards Mark
  3. PM sent
  4. Buuuuuuump!
  5. [quote name='RIM Basses' post='130955' date='Jan 30 2008, 09:05 PM']Soundclip at www.myspace.com/rimcustombasses The recording is direct into my mates laptop with pro tools, no effects. He called me to ask if the bass was active after we recorded and he was blown away by the fact the bass is all Passive. The Q tuners are truely great pickups. Cheers, Robbie.[/quote] Robbie The clips sound great (as if they wouldn't) and those Q tuners are the business - expensive but they do seem to deliver! Mark
  6. Hi I've sent you a PM. Mark
  7. Cabs now sold - just the Superfly left at £150 with box etc in as new condition. Mark
  8. Wood and Tronics The Chronos or Zoid. Here is a beautiful Chronos owned by our own Pugz; Regards Mark
  9. Ped I will see what I can do to get rid of your GAS :-) Mark
  10. Hi All It looks like I am able to get the bash again this year - I will be bringing some basses with me and hopefully some amp stuff as well. If anyone has anything in particular that you would like me to bring please PM or contact me. Regards Mark
  11. Bumpity Bump
  12. John Thanks for coming up from the Saaff Coast, I really enjoyed meeting you and getting to try your lovely GB basses, that fretless sounded killer through the Bergys It was a treat to have such a great collection of basses being played through some awesome compact rigs and they all sounded good!! On paper the Neox cabs are the same as the Bergy112s, however they did seem lighter - I think they are smaller and more solid, plus I have read that the weight on the site is the shipping weight with box etc!! With the new AE Berganto speakers coming in soon I think we could be onto a winner if they sound on Par with the HT/EX speakers IMO. It is all food for thought. Kind regards Mark
  13. poptart

    Markbass ?

    [quote name='dave_bass5' post='126153' date='Jan 23 2008, 03:03 PM']Yeah, thats the main thing that put me off getting it. you can get two LMII,s for the price of a SD800. From what i have read and the one time i tried it out the SD800 seems to have more headroom in the low end and so seemed to kick more on the low notes if that makes sense. Less compression when digging in.[/quote] Yep - it is all about headroom - the low notes on a bass use considerably more energy/watts than the higher notes, by a long way. If you are using ERB basses with B strings etc you can quickly run out of headroom at high volumes causing pseudo compression. More watts = more headroom The Powered Bergantino IP speakers we sell have 1000w class D amps in them, which when combined with the DSP gives loads of headroom and zero chance of blowing up the amp or the speaker. Mark
  14. poptart

    Markbass ?

    [quote name='dave_bass5' post='126136' date='Jan 23 2008, 02:42 PM']Interesting. I guess i really should just go and try one. what bothers me is how it will sound in a gig situation. I read that in the past that D class amps haven't always had the horsepower (is that the right phrase?) to get the sound out in to the room. No experience with that though, just what i have read. I was looking to get a SD800 last year but after talking a lot with Ken Jung over on TB i decided against it and got the LMII instead.[/quote] I think that the LMII is better value than the SD800 and it almost as loud. I have stated before that the difference in tone is minimal. I believe the F1 has plenty of horsepower as does the LMII - however if you are on a budget I would recommend the LMII. The prices are going up on Mark Bass in the next couple of weeks FWIW. Regards Mark
  15. poptart

    Markbass ?

    [quote name='dood' post='125656' date='Jan 22 2008, 07:10 PM']Funny how things move on quickly.. I am the proud owner of one already lol! Anyway, in answer to the OP, (I'd mentioned this in another thread) - I was originally put right off Mark Bass. I couldnt get on with the sounds I was getting from an all MB rig. Having read the copius amounts of reviews between the LM2, F1 and other models... (and poptart will agree, there is a lot of dross to wade through), I decided I would get one in to try out. It was a total leap of faith, I have to admit. I think the reviews are correct, this one does sound differnt to the LM2. I think I prefer the F1 having being used to D Class amps for the last year or so. It goes very well with my Epifani cab. So far I am very happy.. especially as I can now lift my whole rack system with my little finger! Honestly! I tried it ;o)[/quote] Good job Dood - I really like both the LMII and the F1, the latter having a slightly more punchy sound the LMII being a bit warmer, but as I have said before the difference is more noticeable on more sensitive cabinets. Mark
  16. I have some updated picys and info up on my site - I think the prices will be a shade less than the $ price - all looks very cool to me! HEADS HERE - [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Genz_Benz_Heads.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...Benz_Heads.html[/url] COMBOS HERE - [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Genz_Benz_Combos.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...enz_Combos.html[/url] CABS HERE - [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Genz_Benz_Cabs.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp..._Benz_Cabs.html[/url] Regards Mark
  17. Nice work Robbie - can't wait to hear those sound clips :-) Mark
  18. I have yet to get the official UK prices on these, but they are looking very good, 300w at 4 ohm on the 3.0 and 600W at 4 ohm on the 6.0. No 2 ohm operation at the moment on these. If they sound as good as the Neo Pak/GBE models then hold your hats!! I will get prices in the next few weeks, delivery to the UK will be later in the year - but again I will give you all the heads up when they are expected in. Good prices are assured from Bass Direct for Basschat members
  19. Nash Both the 610 and 215 are in stock at the moment - there will be a bit of a price rise soon due to increases in the cost of the high quality Scandinavian Birch that Bergantino uses for the cabinets - so now is a good time ! PM me if you want a demo. Regards Mark
  20. New year bumpo
  21. I have Skjold P style bass that should be with me shortly - mine has J style pickups, but it can be ordered with the unique Skjold single pickup in the P position which gives some more tonal options that a standard P. Mark PS Gotta love the Precision :-)
  22. [quote name='fede162162' post='108549' date='Dec 23 2007, 02:02 PM'][attachment=4300:audere_inside.JPG] updates: i connected the shield wires of each pick up with the whie/grey wire and with the bridge wire. hot and common of each pick up stay in the green box. now it happens something very very strange... if i plug my bass in the PC everything works.. if i plug my bass in my little 25w guitar amp and in my headphone amp.....battery led and Z switch don't work,and the sound is very distorced. this evening i will try with my bass head... but...everything is so weird......[/quote] Sorry to repeat myself - but contact David at Audere - pm me and I will give u=you his email address or get it from www.audereaudio.com He is VERY helpful. Mark
  23. Your best bet is to contact Dave at audere - he is very forthcoming and helpful. Mark
  24. Christmas Bumperoo!
  25. Bump now with amp - a great Xmas pressie!!
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