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Everything posted by Number6

  1. Oh no.....they seem like great basses and have been really popular. I like shortscales myself but i just cannot home another bass at the mo. Perhaps put out a wanted request on this forum.....there may be other members who have one they wish to move on.
  2. Best wishes on returned reliced bass day 👍
  3. The new band could all be a bunch of asshats.....
  4. Rotosound RS66s.....rough feel but zingy 👍
  5. Aren't the Chowny hollow body basses now made in long scale? Cool colours and look too.
  6. I have to say after re-reading this thread.....no i don't care anymore.
  7. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1465420862' post='3068161'] What Ped said - look after things but don't be precious about them. [/quote] My view entirely.
  8. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1465478801' post='3068587'] Yup, and that was when he was 5 years old ! Here's a more recent vid of Jonah at 9, giving Dave Grohl a seriously good run on Smells like Teen Spirit: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDljyD01Ue8"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDljyD01Ue8[/url] Here's drums only (no backing): [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGUjxcmKSRw"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGUjxcmKSRw[/url] LD [/quote] Excellent.....
  9. The Bevis Frond.....
  10. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1465469398' post='3068484'] More complex drum fills slip time, for example ?! I would have shown Buddy this video of a 5 year old kid (Jonah) getting it right. That would have brought on apoplexy I think: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z4PKBNzmuo"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z4PKBNzmuo[/url] LD [/quote] Fantastic video.....love it!
  11. How would anyone know if Buddy fooooked up? After all it is jazz drumming
  12. I think Buddy may have spoken to me like this but he would have only done it once. Music, nor anything is worth being treated like sh*t for.
  13. This happened to Ruskin Arms out East.....a hotel in East Ham!?!
  14. I agree they are tools and there to be used. I look after them and in the past have molly coddled but them recently got a mojo dink on a JB and after the initial upset got to thinking.....they're not ornaments but tools so use them, respect them but if they get a mark here and there don't stress. Life is too short for that.
  15. I have one of these (in pewter colour) and they imho are a really well designed, built and sounding bass. GLWTS 👍
  16. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1465226547' post='3066294'] Mine is utter sh*te. [/quote] Sorry to hear that.....could you give some details please? Would you say it's 400 quid down the pan?
  17. Interested how these basses are and what kind of build quality they have?
  18. You can always get a re-fin.....👍
  19. He has his safety glasses on.....he should be fine
  20. These are very cool looking basses. GLWTS 👍
  21. Sennheiser do a headband set called 686 Sports but they look like in ear. I really rate Sennheiser though.
  22. Sling it in the back of a 70s Transit van and drive around for a few weeks with it in there.....sorted 👍
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1463922568' post='3054967'] J with a P neck [/quote] I have a P with a P neck and a J with a J neck but i'm after an EB with an EB neck and a big mudbucker
  24. I gig a Precision and use my Jazz at home. But i also gig an Epiphone Allen Woody just because i like it.
  25. Paradiddles with a metronome..... Can be done with the sticks, or the bass drum and hi-hat or all together
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