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Everything posted by Number6

  1. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1508189801' post='3390445'] Thanks people ,I'm just pondering I'm keeping my gear but a electric guitars in order , had dabble with my old acoustic tonight really enjoyed it ,as I started with acoustic when I was a kid and progressed to bass in my teens [/quote] Why not try a Baritone / Bass VI and give that a whirl?
  2. Plough & Harrow? We have played there loads but our lot are unlikely to want to gig in January. Look up a band called E-Cog Zero on fb they'll likely do it.
  3. I've used them since they were Music Village in Chadwell Heath. I know they had some money issues and were bought by Music.de afaik. Always had decent service from them.
  4. 1986 14 years old A Marlin Sidewinder (weighed a ton) Carlsbro Stingray head and 15inch bass cab (i might have taken 2!?!) I know we played some Black Sabbath songs and Paranoid was definitely one of them. Another was likely Symptom of the Universe.
  5. Once someone thinks they can speak to me like sh*t i go to war with them.....it will only end badly. I speak to people how i like to be spoken too in a band situation whether i am upset or not.
  6. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1506197327' post='3377055'] Easily, I just leave in the corner next to the amp.... Honestly, I loved it for the gig I did the day it arrived, but I've been away most of the time since then so haven't played it. I got home this evening and will be taking it to the local blues jam tomorrow afternoon. [/quote] Not sure whether to wait for the new T-Bird or try one on these EB4s.....its a lot of bass for that money.
  7. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1506065648' post='3376157'] I had a hard time deciding which to go for, especially as the natural is cheaper, but happy with the sunburst I settled on. I've had it almost a week now! [/quote] How are you finding the EB4?
  8. The prices on those are great now Dave.....looks good and quite like the natural one.
  9. Played a club last night called T Chances in Tottenham with 3 other bands. The only problem was the mids were blown on the house PA and no monitors so the soundman and bands struggled with the vocals. We all muddled through though and it panned out a decent night with a decent crowd who were dancing
  10. Our guitarist recently got laid off and is on the dole. Does that mean he's Pro now?
  11. 8th Sept T Chances Tottenham: E-Cog Zero // Lack // Spirit of the Age // Rude Mechanicals. 8pm start.
  12. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1504101123' post='3362690'] Nope. That's not negligent. It's criminal, but not negligent. [/quote] "Group Enterprise" Lol
  13. I am interested that some players are able to pick and choose which venue they play at. Does this mean you've progressed in your level of professionalism or just that maturity means you shy away? Personally i like a venue with a bit of a rugged edge. Most of my equipment is cheapish (£100-500) apart from a recently aquired Ric Laredo.....even so i aim to use it and not be too precious about it. It's only a bit of wood, plastic and metal. I respect that some musicians play very very expensive instruments and indeed use them. I do however take a view that a piece of wood and bits and bobs can only be worth a finite amount of money to me. I also wonder how many of us have played in old punk and metal venues where although the atmosphere is raw and ready we have managed to survive along with our gear.
  14. Nice convoluted tale....My brother's missus's mum is partners with Harvey Bainbridge of former Hawkwind and now Hawklord fame. We started a Hawk trib band before i even knew.....spooky!
  15. A mere 19st.....is that all. No problem 😉
  16. The question is "How much more black could it be" and the answer is "None" None more black".....
  17. Blimey! More basses.....do you live in a museum sized abode GLWTS
  18. Just get a bass and play it 👍
  19. I use 20db Pro Guard ear plugs. The over the counter variety. They work very well and cost about 15 quid.
  20. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1499979492' post='3335000'] The new Epiphone Thunderbird is coming to retailers in October 2017 according to my email today. http://www.epiphone.com/Products/Electrics/Bass/Thunderbird-Vintage-PRO-Bass.aspx [/quote] Waiting in anticipation.....although i like that Embassy too 😯
  21. What is this payment for gigs that you allude to?
  22. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1499748294' post='3333262'] Is that some sort of euphemism? [/quote] You had to be there
  23. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1499721223' post='3333193'] I was in there today for a quick look round but got fairly specific stuff I'm looking for that they didn't have (probably for the best). They did have a rather tasty looking Bass Collection SB330 (I think that's what it was) but since I just bought TheGreek's metallic purple one I'm all set in the BC department. Number6, what time were you in there? We may have passed each other by without even knowing it. I admit I did wonder whether I would see Happy Jack there, but as I have no idea what he looks like without the Spiderman costume, I wouldn't have known anyway... [/quote] I think it was around 2pm and i was noodling on a Hagstrom Swede.....
  24. I always like to sing the praises of great customer service and today was no exception. Wunjo's yet again met all expectations. If in London Town highly highly recommended!
  25. Always happy to lend my rig to anyone at a gig. It's only TC E gear, i'm not precious about it.
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