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Everything posted by Number6

  1. [quote name='ChrisJaxon' timestamp='1499424583' post='3331471'] Any takers for this lovely Yammie 424X? [/quote] These are great basses.....i have a 424x in Metallic Red and have gigged it to great effect. GLWTS
  2. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1498905291' post='3327875'] T'bird GAS going on quite badly at the moment, thankfully, I can't afford one. The through neck Epiphones & the Gibson models all have the Jazz like 38mm wide nut, which is too small for my hands, so that means looking at the bolt neck Epiphones or a set neck Tokai which both seem to have 42mm wide nuts. Unfortunately, the Tokai's seem pretty thin on the ground just now (possibly a very good thing though! ). [/quote] I know where you can get a Tokai
  3. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1498737667' post='3326689'] Cough. Basses for sale. Cough [/quote] Lol.....yes have seen them but would struggle to raise the capital at this time
  4. It's because they know i am in the market for one.....😕
  5. Congratulations 👍
  6. I've done a few but never Emerald.
  7. I used to buy Metallica but they've been mostly sh*te for years now so i gave up on them.
  8. Can these be sent Internationally given the enforement of the CITES regulations?
  9. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1498048929' post='3322207'] Due to drop in the next month or so but still no sign online... [/quote] I emailed Epiphone, and Gibson got back to me saying new launches for products are confidential lol
  10. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1497642642' post='3319794'] Will someone leave buy this before I weaken, as I am sure I'll get severe abuse from my mrs if I do! [/quote] If i'd have had the ££ Dave i reckon i'd have grabbed this by now. The best i can offer is a bump though
  11. Love Dennis' playing
  12. I never change the Roto 66s Nickels on my basses. I'm sure other players baulk at this idea but they suit me and i like the sound.
  13. Number6

    Jazz question

    I find a Jazz good for all styles including pick. Infact the bridge pickup is very handy as a thumb rest.
  14. Looks cool Dave 👍 I really am on the prowl for a T-Bird but it's looking like it'll have to be a Epi unless i wait.....and wait a bit more. Hope you're enjoying the new bass
  15. How does the quality of current Chi-Fakers compare to the 70s/80s Japanese ones?
  16. Donna Lee.....but much less staccato than Crapato 😯
  17. Received with many thanks a Mint Green 'Recycled' Jazz pickguard. Sent foc packaged better and quicker than most i've ever ordered 👍
  18. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496609734' post='3312735'] Cheers, Blue, people will definitely take notice of you with the Thunderbird. We'd all like to think it's our technique, musical ability, and personality that gets us noticed, but I increasingly think it's just down to the impact we make on stage. The look of the bass and the player makes a real difference. [/quote] It's vital to look cool in the pics Dave
  19. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496572310' post='3312330'] Epiphone or Gibson, it'll make a serious impact, nothing looks as good as this! [attachment=246605:18902497_1059873444156318_656309542_n.jpg] It's put the pic in twice, but only shows as one in edit mode - sorry, but two Thunderbirds for the price of one can't be bad! [/quote] Thunderbirds are just damn cool P.S. i'm hanging out for the new Epi T-Bird unless a Gib comes up for the right ££s
  20. Loving the T-Bird and that G3 👍
  21. I have to say nowadays with methods of design and construction there is very little diffence in quality in my view for most 'mass' produced instruments. Squier, Epiphone, Sterling etc are all exceptional instruments that will last a lifetime. Yes of course it's nice to have a named instrument but certainly in the market for new instruments the named basses are overpriced. I do think it's a shame that companies like Fender and Gibson have taken a standalone name which originally stood for high quality and made it known as a so called budget range.
  22. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1496468912' post='3311630'] So far, it hasn't attracted me. I've looked at a few of Scott's clips but Internet tutoring is not for me. I appreciate the value of video clips but I choose not to be a subscriber. Instead I graze on freely available material. In addition I have an affordable mentor locally who helps me sort the chaff from the grain. I am not one for competitions. It would have to be a prize that I am actively in search of at the time of the competition and even then I'd think two or three times about it before entering. On the other hand, I think Scott's Sire give-aways are more relevant prizes to offer his subscribers than I see in a lot of online competitions. Speaking of promotional competitions, I often wondered how folk cope with the bundle that Channel 5's Gadget Show gives away every week. Later competitions feature a period of free storage as one of the prize items. That must be necessary to give "winners" a chance to cope with the mountain of packaging let alone cope with getting familiar with all the stuff that they want you to have in your house! [/quote] Nor me. I just cannot get on with this online learning thing. I'd rather just learn a piece by ear / tab and sometimes even music
  23. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496406980' post='3311167'] Just got this home and plugged it in - what a sound! I am an instant convert, looks and sound - beautiful, beautiful bass! [/quote] Fantastic! I want one and am on the prowl
  24. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1496272973' post='3310194'] I thought it was Werewolves in London, not Bears? [/quote] Should i send Lawyers, Guns and Money?
  25. Happy Birthday I wish i was 33 again Have a goodun 👍
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