[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1424777816' post='2700263']
Actually it was. We went from being an idea that Mr Venom had for a band, to playing our first gig in about 8 weeks including writing a short 25 minute set's worth of songs. We recorded our first demo about a week later. Mr Venom networked like mad to put the band name about and within another month we had landed a decent slot on a Psychobilly all-dayer headlined by The Meteors. Everything pretty much stemmed from that.
In a way it helps that the music we play fits into several identifiable niche genres, but knowing the amount of behind the scenes work that MrVenom and myself put in to promote the band and comparing that to what my previous less successful bands used to do, it's not really surprising that we are doing so much better.
Absolutely agree that you get out what you put in.....there are opportunities in all Towns and Cities if you wear out the shoe leather or nowadays email the correct people.
P.S. With Mr Venom it's not shoe leather he wears out lol