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Everything posted by Number6

  1. I am a BB convert.....i now have a 424x which is a cracking bass and has gone straight in as my goto instrument.
  2. I'd have got the message as soon as the Guitarists said they'd record the bass parts. That equates to "You're not needed or wanted" i'd have been off straight away.
  3. My Mex Precision was better than quite a few US of A Fenders i tried. Infact some of those good ole mercan instruments were utter sh*te imho.
  4. Wear out the shoe leather as they say.....ask to speak to the guvnors of the pubs, ask for the contact details of any promoters in the area. It really is an exercise it networking.
  5. Take a look at Aram Bedrosian's website. He plays lots of solo pieces. home | Aram Bedrosian http://www.arambedrosian.com/phone/index.html
  6. My fingers were locking up a bit the other night at a gig. Luckily they loosened off between songs but i always carry a pick or two in my pocket just in case. Btw i tend to use one of those squidgy stress balls to exercise my fingers. Then i practice a drummers exercise with my fingers - paradiddles.
  7. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1485987489' post='3228388'] 1. Squier VM P5. 2. Sterling SUB Ray5 3. Fender Modern Player Jazz 5 All three of these get used at every gig. The Jazz I just use for the 2 or 3 songs I play with a pick. After that it's a bit weird. I class the Squier P as my number one because it's the one bass of the 3 that I'd happily use for every song in our set if I had to, but the Ray actually gets used on more songs. On those songs though I only marginally prefer the Ray but on most of the songs where I use the P it's because I very much prefer it over the Ray - if that makes any sense at all. [/quote] I travel to gigs mostly on the Tube in London and can just about be bothered to take one bass with me lol
  8. Having gigged my Yamaha 424x a couple of times my OoM currently looks like this: 1. Yamaha 424x 2. Fender MIM Precision 3. Epiphone Allen Woody Short Scale I am just really impressed by the Yamaha. It's very well made and has a variety of sounds with the PJ switchable pup set up. More versatile imho than the Precision. Still haven't gigged my Jazz though
  9. Just got home from playing the Alley Cat Club in Denmark St.....when i got there about 6 ish i looked at the small stage and the single monitor and raised my eyebrows. I needn't have worried. The sound was fantastic. I used the house Fender Rumble 500 which sounded good too. Oh and just so you know the gig was arranged for a retirement do but it did feel weird gigging on a Tuesday.
  10. Psychedelic Proto Punk Space Rock.....
  11. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1485730675' post='3226293'] Manchester it says... [/quote] Thanks.....didn't see that 😵
  12. Currently a poem by Robert Calvert - Song of the Gremlin. People actually seem enthralled upon hearing a poem.
  13. Where are you located please?
  14. You can get removable tape such as masking tape that won't damage the paper. Be sure to check how long it can be left in place as there are different types of masking tape.
  15. I know he's been mentioned previously but Phil Lynott has to be the coolest bass player of all time.....
  16. Terry Chimes (Clash, Black Sabbath etc) Drummer is now a Chiropractor.
  17. I am really struggling with Rick GAS at the mo.....luckily i'm skint but i have contemplated getting rid of a couple of basses to offset.....
  18. I have started setting myself goals and tests to be achieved before GAS can be unlocked.....so it may be go through Lydian Scales up and down the neck, particular Chords all over the fretboard. I try to make to goals difficult so that if i do unlock the GAS at least i've learned something and anything new in the Armoury has been earned P.S. i'm a lazy practicer / learner so unlocking the GAS is a slow process :/
  19. Anything by Aerosmith or Def Leppard.....
  20. Child in Time
  21. As long as you give it the Klaus Flouride treatment.....
  22. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1484340596' post='3214888'] They more than did the trick thanks! We rehearsed last night. 3 of us used them and they sounded great. Even got our "traditionalist" guitarist on board! He came in looking like Mr Grumpy as he had no loud valves and left a very happy man! Would happily recommend them to anyone. [/quote] My work here is done.....
  23. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1483871916' post='3210686'] Any update on the Jows? [/quote] I'm happy with mine but i wanted it as a modification bass. All the basic supplied stuff is fine. My only criticism really was that the nut needed to be reduced in height a couple of mm but all sorted quite easily.
  24. https://m.facebook.com/events/1260313604033079?id=1304722556258850&notif_t=like&notif_id=1483815789843437&ref=m_notif Details RITES OF HADDA Gothic pagan, anarcho stoner, punk. Borne from an weekly jam session in a London squat. The ritual of playing music birthed the Rites of Haḍḍā. https://soundcloud.com/rites-of-hadda SPIRIT OF THE AGE Hawkwind covers in stripped-down proto-psych-punk power trio stylee ! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1413797498884813 ELECTRICITY COMES FROM OTHER PLANETS Brash, fast, melodic & original punk'n'roll quartet, with lyrics you don't necessarily expect from a punk band. Formed in 2003. Split in 2007. Reformed June 2016. Old enough to know better, stupid enough to not care. Back in the day they supported Art Brut, The Libertines, Babyshambles, Selfish ****, Dogs d'Amour, Flying Medallions... https://www.facebook.com/ElectricityComesFromOtherPlanets/ www.tinyurl.com/ecrfopyt1 https://soundcloud.com/ecfop LACK a punk sensibility with a metal soul - no nonsense, stripped back, grungy, metally punk. https://www.facebook.com/LACKfans
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