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bass player spinn

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About bass player spinn

  • Birthday 14/03/1993

bass player spinn's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)


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  1. ok so leme tell you something. I do not have calices. yet when i play for 1-3 hours my fingers never hurt. yet i have burnt my fingers many time? is it wierd or are all the little sense things gone in them
  2. me. i am in the american fender precision. but i wont buy inless its in the usa
  3. i cant show you but i can tell. (COMPS IS TOOOOO OLD). squire p bass white. well thats about it sounds gay ey? to bad its not.. IT POWNS
  4. well, can anyone tell me what to do. I have a drummer and a singer leading. the singer sucks and cant sing high (Girl). When i sing I have to sing lead because she cant. anways the drummer is ok for what we do. and we have 1 guitarist. so its going to be me and the guitarist. tell me.. how am i going to get a drummer a singer and/or another guitarist. not to mention we play music that not many people like to play. christian. god music but to slow for everyone. well ehhh thats my issue
  5. hmmmmm. its really up to you.. i wouldnt sugguest it though.. of course im just a noobie. but yeah... whatever you think is cool with me
  6. played a song with a guitarist and a pianoist tonight. didnt really hablo thier espanol(understand what they were doing) till about the last 3 mins of practice. (this was in church) i had about 30 compliments on how good we sounded just the accoustic the piano and the base. was pretty awsome. wanna do it again@. no pay though. oh and i was playing through a crappy toneless amp. but.... you know me.... able to make everything sound good..... hahahahhaah.... good one i know...
  7. haha you may be right but i have narrowed it down alot to flatwound nickel and like three companies. so its all good....hahaha
  9. wellll.... dont know but i still want the marsbar... chocolate is good. marsbar is chocolate in america. it may be something diffrent in UK or whatever
  10. my first time to play was horrible. i was borrowing a kids base. had been playing for 2 days... and then the other base player showed me the frets to play and set me out on stage. i sounded like crep but everyone was like wow.. i couldnt hear you.. i had turned the base amp off instead of on...... lol funny ey. no worries atleast you have some time to practice before your first gig.
  11. dude. ur 16 and u play gigs.. man lucky.... to bad im 15 and i play gigs...ha. anyways what kinda gigs do u play? oh I always.....hmmm what do i do before a gig... nothing really. course i only play infront of about 40 people and sing. not to bad. played infront of 400 and sang once.. church... gotta love those encouraging people. well gl hf
  12. welcome to the forums...
  13. ok that sounds cool. prob wont buy one for another 3 years... im only 15 and play in a church band.....lol
  14. nice nice.....nice..
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