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Everything posted by Weststarx

  1. Howdy All, I haven't been on here in years! (I took up the 6 string and lost my way) Returning back to Bass for a recent project which I'm really excited about and looking forward to delving back into all thing bass. Typically sold all my bass gear in order to fund all my guitar gear - now probably going to sell it all for bass stuff! Doh! Missed this forum, it had a great community! (unless its changed!)
  2. Personally if it were me I would get something like a Yamaha for that money
  3. Got any pics of what you mean?
  4. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=essNmNOrQto&feature=youtu.be"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=essNmNOrQto&feature=youtu.be[/url] I thought this was great! (Sorry if its already been posted)
  5. No Doubt - Dont Speak No Doubt - Im Just a Girl The Cardigans - My Favourite Game
  6. Weststarx

    wrist ache

    I use 11s and find it much easier to transfer between guitar and bass. As for the chords and the aches, its probably just because the muscles in your hand arent there anymore!
  7. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1438595589' post='2835593'] I know him and have played with him before, he loves our stuff and has no other bands on the go..... Great! He however, has just told me he now only has an electronic kit.... Great for practice but looks rubbish at gigs (we play 60's RnB) and is in his own words "a bugger to transport" Why can't things just be simple? Or am I worrying over nothing? (this has been known to be the case) [/quote] Can you say to him that an acoustic drum kit is a requirement? Then if he's still interested he knows he needs to go buy an acoustic kit. A drummer I played with for a while used an electric kit and it just sounded bloody pants.
  8. Yets see pics!
  9. Thanks for posting that one, I had not seen it before!
  10. I've been on the search for one as well because if I'm honest I spend more time playing my guitar than I do my bass, but finding one with a community as good as basschat is next to impossible. Maybe thats because they are all guitarists? ....Yes...Yes it is.... Edit: Owners of Basschat....How about making us a "GuitarChat"? (A seperate website to this)
  11. What about a Flying V bass? Playing it in this position ( i have no idea who this guy is - found on google images). I would have thought it would be nice and supported like that. However she might struggle with the length of a bass neck?
  12. ...and they look great!! Line 6 do some great practice amps. I use a Line 6 Spider at home - they are awful at loud volumes but for home practice it shreds!
  13. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1437567594' post='2827093'] Some people live for today and some live for tomorrow. I think you're the former and I'm the latter. I don't particularly enjoy my job most days. I wish I could be more like you but I'm in too deep, life's too comfortable and I can't imagine being skint. I've worked out a way to retire at 60 with a reasonable pension and savings - just counting down the years. [/quote] This is my trouble, I want the 'You only live once attitude' towards life, but I am very comfortable where I am at the moment. It would easier if I had nothing to lose!
  14. I would see as I sign that he is really excited about the band to be honest. Personally I think its 10x better to have someone like that who goes and gets things done compared to the guys who don't make any effort at all. I have recently left a band where all the other members made absoultely no effort for the band so I dont see it as a bad thing!
  15. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1437047487' post='2823089'] Let him have a go and see how 'cool' he can make it sound - you might find yourself being asked to return to bass duties by popular demand if he isn't nailing it from the off. [/quote] Yeah theres nothing more noticable than a bass player cocking up. People dont notice the bass being there most of the time, but when you mess up and the bass is no longer there everyone knows somethings gone wrong!
  16. Thanks for all the comments guys, it's massively encouraging and I really appreciate it!
  17. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1436945740' post='2822171'] Can someone please delete his account ? I don't see why we should stand for people posting utter tripe on this forum [/quote] .... (Starts running faster!)
  18. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1436875307' post='2821534'] What do you mean by going on tour ? Is it with out outfit where you are part of the band and want to risk making a name for yourself or it coming to nothing? Or are you a hired hand and will get paid a wage, if so then you could liken it more to learn a trade and hope this kind of work continues. I would however say at 22 if your job bores you , focus on sorting that issue out now rather than later, if music is the answer or another direction, only you can judge. [/quote] If I was fussy I would say doing it as part of a band. I just want to feel like I'm living life rather than just excisting, I don't know whether I'm slipping into depression about it but at the moment it l kind of feel like whats the point if I dont at least try to do what I want to do in life. Then theres the sensible boring part of me thats stopping me from taking any risks!
  19. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1436865088' post='2821412'] BURN THE HERETIC [/quote] Haha!
  20. Hi Guys, I work in an office, and it bores me to death. I would love to follow my dreams by joining a band, quitting my job and going on tour [i](Obviously I know its not as simple as that). [/i] Has anyone ever left their steady and secure full time jobs for a life on the road or left their jobs for one or two tours? Was it worth it? I guess I'm sort of having a midlife crisis at 22...
  21. Playing guitar is 10x cooler anyway... (Starts running)
  22. [quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1436799866' post='2820868'] Good comments guys. The thing is that it's all a bit complicated as bands usually are. I've been friends with this guy for years, 20 at least. The songwriter is the singers brother, the singer is my friends girlfriend. My friends had enough as well I think. [/quote] Boy, I know how this feels... You've got to do what makes you happy. As annoyingly awkward as it is you have to put yourself first as being in a band is supposed to be an enjoyable thing. I've spent 2 and half years being in a band I didnt enjoy, but wouldnt leave in case I upset someone or fell out with them, and it is a stupid reason to stay. You are not in a band to make others happy, you are there to make you happy! You can either tell them straight up you are disapointed with whats going on and see if they change (which even with my short experience with bands has never worked) or leave the band. With leaving the band it doesnt have to end in tears, just saying you dont enjoy as much as you used to and you are unsure with what you want to do musically did the trick for me. Then quitely start looking at new bands!
  23. Never even knew she played the guitar! Wonder when her signature model comes out...
  24. I've never really understood why the streaming services get such negative coverage. There has to be something in it for the artists because otherwise they would not bother being on there.
  25. I was stood on the pitch and its probably the best gig I've been too. Sitting at big venues is never a good idea, sound is generally always terrible at the sides and up in the gods!
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