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Everything posted by Weststarx

  1. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1407915906' post='2525214'] My house, child & normal life is more inportant, I love the bass I have & thats what is important to me.I often drool over this bass or that amp but to be honest if I bought them I'd just feel guilty abou spending that much money when I could take my family on holiday with the same cash. [/quote] This is excellent advice and something I can relate to. I brought myself new gear that I honestly[i] [u][b]really [/b][/u][/i]didnt need. When it came round to my partner wanting a holiday I had to tell her I couldnt afford it because of the new gear I got, she was so disapointed I felt terrible. It made me realise whats actually important. Since then I've been 100% happy with what I've got and won't buy anything I dont need. I will often just pick up and look at my bass and just appreciate that I've got it, doing so has stopped me wanting to buy new guitars just for the buzz of having a new guitar.
  2. I have two MIM P Basses and I couldn't be any more happier with them. Not even tempted my any other bass. In this day and age I don't think it matters where they are built, they'll have the same machines in America as they do in Mexico, China or Korea.
  3. FINANCE You can get 0% interest Finance most places like PMT, Guitar Guitar and GAK, thats how I've brought some of my more expensive gear.
  4. I'm not a smoker but Skol303's entry made me want to smoke pot and get as high as Alvin the Chipmonk on helium . For that he got my vote...
  5. Hello All, My band want to play 'These Boots Are Made For Walkin' so I've just started learning it and I'm by the end of that rundown I'm on the floor asleep! Which occurred to me, what are the worst bass lines you've ever had to endure in your band?
  6. I dont understand people wanting to turn up louder than everybody else, surely they realise that doing so will create an terrible mix?
  7. Awesome, trip to Lidl at the weekend it is!
  8. [quote name='stingraybassman' timestamp='1406808792' post='2514888'] That might be true for some areas of the "creative" industry; however if you want to go and get a job as a graphic or product designer the reality is, most if not all employers would look at your qualifications. This might differ for Freelancers looking for work. [/quote] Yeah deffinately true.
  9. [quote name='Thurbs' timestamp='1406805230' post='2514837'] I nearly told them to foxtrot oscar. [/quote] Hahaha ^ I'd see it as a paid rehearsal but I've not gigged for a while and currently have nothing booked with my new band.
  10. From a 90s kid point of view my favourite are: Longview - Green Day Carousel - Blink 182 YES A MARK HOPPUS BASSLINE. I think its a great bass line and Mark's bass tone in Blink is something I've been chasing for ages.
  11. Well I think from a lot of people's point of view outside of the creative world they will see playing in a band or graphic design as someones hobby rather than a profession. Unless obviously you are a corporate customer asking for a designer to make you a company logo etc. or play music at their company event. [quote name='JamieMillsBass' timestamp='1406793935' post='2514701'] No the difference is, this would probably rarely happen, because any band/gig worth it's salt will realise that you, having been to university, having studied and mastered the skills required to be a session musician, they'll pay the money and take you over the bedroom dude (that's not to say he wouldn't be capable). [/quote] Yes I would be extremely pissed if I'd spent years studying music to then not get a gig over a 'bedroom player' but in the creative industry it doesnt matter in the slightest what degree you have or where and what you've studied because at the end of the day the art you produce is all that matters. You are only as good as your last performance. From an idiots point of view, if you looked at two pieces of art hanging on the wall, one was painted by an 'amateur' and the other by someone who studied art for 5 years at university, you wouldnt even think twice about the artists background and you would buy whichever one you liked. I think if you get into something creative that is something you've got to expect. Its just the way the industry works. Qualifications matter in some industries and they dont in others.
  12. [quote name='JamieMillsBass' timestamp='1406713931' post='2513948'] This isn't a dig at the OP (I've asked the same question as he has of people in the past), but why do people automatically assume that it's OK to ask for work in the 'creative industries' to be done for free? Again, not a dig at the OP, just thought it might start a discussion. [/quote] I didnt for a moment expect anyone to do it for free, but if you don't ask, you'll never know!! Edit: We got our logo sorted anyway...
  13. I had an Epi Thunderbird and sold it for this very reason. Unfortunately you don't stand up in music shops when you try out a new guitar. I think its awfully designed, who wants an unbalanced instrument? and why when they built it did they think its good enough? Nobody should have to be drilling holes in their guitars!!! Really fustrating because they are so cool.
  14. Hello BC, Me and my covers band are looking to get some gigs now we've got a full set ready to rock. We've not hit the pub/club scene yet and have only played some of the rehearsal studio's organised events and festivals so we've been lucky enough to have the gigs come to us. Whats the best method of getting gigs? Emailing? Popping in for a drink with demo CD? Open Mic nights? Thanks!
  15. Late to the show on this one... I borrowed a Fender 350 and the tone and power was so awesome and punchy, it really made me enjoy playing and wanted me to really drive the bass hard. I was quite sad when my Laney RB9 came back from repair. Needless to say I will go out and buy a Rumble when my Laney has had its day.
  16. I like it, certainly a lot better than my pink guard on the black I put up the other day... If I had a Lake Placid Blue personally I would either go for a black or white pearl guard.
  17. Whats with the 'Non-Smokers' in ads these days? I'm not a smoker myself, but I dont see what that has to do with music...
  18. American Idiot - Green Day Hybrid Theory - Linkin Park Those two are the ones that immediately came to my head, if I mentioned anything else I would have thought too hard about it.
  19. From my point of view appearance is the least important for covers bands but I can see it being a big importance for an orginals band. Similar with the age thing as well. Personally if my band needed a new band member and two people auditioned, if one was older but could play well and the other looked the part but wasnt any good - I would hands down pick the older guy everyday. I'm 21 and its music at the end of the day, looking good doesnt get people dancing...
  20. Just arrived and here it is.... It cost me £110! Brought on Ebay, its an ex-demo from a guitar shop up in Manchester. Really pleased with it!
  21. Hard to Handle - The Black Crowes Thats a fun one to play on bass, easy on guitar as well!
  22. [quote name='bassbora' timestamp='1406015302' post='2507422'] I saw one of these in a pawn shop yesterday. I think it was £195. Looked like a beast. [/quote] Yodel are 'delivering' it today... Hopefully the neck and body are still attached!! Will post a NGD this evening if I get chance!
  23. Can anyone recommend me somone who can do band logos? Or if anyone is extremely kind enough to do it for free? I have a rough sketch of what I want, I just need somone to make it look sexy. Thanks for your help!
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