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Everything posted by Weststarx

  1. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1405935626' post='2506575'] Get a mate to video a gig, then sit the whole band down to watch it together and discuss what they could do to improve the show for the audience - the guitarist might then understand how bad these big gaps make the band look, and that he is being a massive twat by insisting on doing things the way he is doing them atm. [/quote] This is actually a really good idea.... He will be embarrassed when he realises you are all waiting around for him.
  2. I was never aware using a capo throws the tuning of a guitar out! I've not noticed my guitar go out of tune when I've taken it off when I have a play at home. Our guitarists in my band simply cant be bothered to play songs in different tunings or using capo or doing anything that will cause breaks inbetween songs. When they need to, they tune up inbetween songs where me and the drummer can jam the intro of a song (My Hero - Foo Fighters for example) and we position these 'tuning periods' every 5/6 songs they can then come in whenever they are ready - It also builds up some tension in the song as well. So it might be worth giving that a go!
  3. Where can you buy the decals from?
  4. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1405858833' post='2505833'] I've just realised it looks like a photo-negative version of my eight-string P copy! [/quote] I like that, less in your face haha!
  5. Just brought a Schecter Omen 6 - NGD by the latest wednesday hopefully!
  6. Personally I'd go for the American P Bass... This time I'm not saying this because Im a die-hard P lover but that Jazz Bass is a 'Modern Player' bass and from my experience with 'modern players' they never felt well built and it felt to me like a cheap instrument. But thats one mans opinion!
  7. [size=5]BASSCHAT BE LIKE....[/size] [size=5][/size] I gigged with it on as well...
  8. Hahahah I've sat here laughing away at the responses... I guess I will take it off!!
  9. Pink pickguard!! YES OR NO?!
  10. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1405669689' post='2504114'] Bet you're not feeling so alone in not being good enough now...the gist here seems to be that very few feel "good enough" - this should be your motivation. [/quote] Indeed it has been an eye-opener for sure... Thanks for everyones input on the matter, it really has helped me a lot, when it comes to practice now I am going in with a completely different mind set and a positive attitude that I can achieve something if I just get over myself and practice. This forum is fantastic!
  11. Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  12. That is probably the worst thing I've ever looked at...
  13. Hello All, Something that gets me down a lot whilst playing bass or guitar is the constant feeling of not feeling 'good enough'. I always look at other players, whatever style they play even if it doesnt interest me and get down about not being able to do a certain technique or song very well. My problem is my fustration and impatience with practice. All it takes for me is to play one bum note or dead note and thats it.... I'm seriously angry at my fingers, swearing at myself and wondering why I even bother. My biggest barrier from improving is myself, maybe writing this down and admitting this to myself will help me realise I've got to push on with it and stop being a idiot about it. Is anyone else the same, and does anyone have any idea's how to cope with it?
  14. [quote name='ML94' timestamp='1405350532' post='2501083'] I guess my mind does wonder off when playing and starts to think about what the audience are thinking etc. [/quote] Screw the audience! Who cares what they think! If anyone is brave enough to say how rubbish you are chances are they arent a musician, cant play and have no idea. I have handed my bass to someone before who said I was sh*t and I said their you go, you play... The look on his face was absolutely hilarious, he went bright red and walked away with me and the band laughing at him. Musicians who are watching are fully appreciative of what you are doing, ESPECIALLY if you mess up because everyone thats ever picked up an instrument has made a mistake. Those who arent couldnt do any better anyway. So whats there to worry about?
  15. I guess just go with the 'screw this' attitude...if you mess up, just look at your fellow musicals and laugh about it, the audience will probably smile back. I over come my pre gig nerves by reminding myself that I'm the bass player - Noones really interested in me, we're background players and my friends always say they cant tell what I'm playing. Plus Jazz players all seem to play something completey different to each other anyway! So with that in mind, go out and have a laugh.
  16. Check out 'Join My Band' thats how I got into the last 3 bands I was in!
  17. Hahaha how about this thing... [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/HoTone-Nano-Legacy-Thunder-Bass/12D6"]http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/HoTone-Nano-Legacy-Thunder-Bass/12D6[/url]
  18. Thanks for your input guys, really helpful... I think I will deffinately buying a spare one, perhaps I'll be looking at some of the ones mentioned above and see if they appear on ebay or gumtree etc second hand. I used a Fender Rumble 350 which I hired from my local studio which I thought was excellent. What about something like a Behringer? Or is it worth buying something better secondhand?
  19. I thought Status basses were worth loads! How come I see so many at ridiculously good prices!
  20. Hello All, Having recently waited 3 weeks for my amp head to return from Laney when it broke down, I've wondered if theres amp head out there thats either made or is ideal to be used as a backup. Anyone got any advice?
  22. Look up You Me at Six's version of Poker Face by Lady Gaga, we do that one and it goes down well! Great fun to play as well
  23. [quote name='Old_Ben' timestamp='1404924412' post='2497066'] Damnit I couldn't go... did they play any Mr. Big stuff? [/quote] I don't think so, but I've only heard a small amount of Mr Big stuff
  24. I was there! [size=2][i](The lanky git who pushed through to the front after having a piss)[/i][/size] It was an absolutely superb gig, probably the best gig I've been to. Voodoo Six were absolutely fantastic as well!!
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