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Everything posted by Weststarx

  1. Yamaha everyday of the week for me! Yamaha's should be a lot more expensive than they are in my opinion. I rarely see an Overwater in music shops which means they don't sell - which there'll be reason for.
  2. I think the price of a bass should have absolutely no influence on purchasing a bass. You should buy a bass on: - Playability - Tone - Style If you like all of those then you've found your bass, it doesn't matter what label is on the front, thats the bass you should buy - the one you're comfortable with. Just because you've spent 4 figures on a bass it won't make you a better player! OBVIOUSLY price range does come into it to an extent, as most people cant afford to start spending hundreds of pounds on whatever it is but regardless of budget the above still applies.
  3. Me and my guitarist swap instruments for a song or two when we gig just to mix things up a bit. Obviously thats nothing to do with recording but it throws something different at you!
  4. Its coming upto 3 weeks since my amps been sent back to Laney, how long does it normally take to be returned? Or shall I pester them a bit more?
  5. [quote name='bassbora' timestamp='1404224705' post='2490469'] I did plug in the MusicMan Axis guitar and it is a great guitar. I dont know why I am even thinking of another one. The neck is just perfect and if it was good enough for EVH it should be good enough for me. Maybe its not ugly enough like some of these old super strats. [/quote] The GAS my friend....the GAS....
  6. [quote name='bluesparky' timestamp='1404199270' post='2490107'] Dunno if someone has put this on here yet, but here we go: [url="http://www.gigwise.com/photos/92183/haim-prove-themselves-masters-of-bass-face-at-glastonbury"]http://www.gigwise.c...-at-glastonbury[/url] [/quote] May as well close this thread now.... if anyone can top those I'd be very interested to see! haha! She looks like she's been hit around the face with a large trout!
  7. Send them links to youtube, its the quickest way if they live in 2014
  8. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1403984988' post='2488358'] I'd be going down that route. Although [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Ibanez-RG450-Japan-includes-Ibanez-Hard-Case-/231269603099?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item35d8be171b"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item35d8be171b[/url] [/quote] I like that, I would change the pickguard though, it's a bit of a clash!
  9. I have a powerful amp just because I know if I need that extra power or louder volume its there if I need it.
  10. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1403952969' post='2487978'] The other thing I like about Sheehan is when you see interviews with him about his approach and general playing is you don't all this mumbo jumbo psychobabble philosophy. He makes sense nearly all the time and has a rational reason as to why he's doing what he's doing and how, plus he can communicate it in a way that players of pretty much any ability can take on board. Don't ask me to try to emulate him though, bit of a one off! [/quote] This is what I love about Billy, he knows he's awesome yet he comes across so humble and down to earth.
  11. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1403877714' post='2487367'] [i]<CompletelyUnhelpfulPost>[/i]Have you tried duct tape? [i]</CompletelyUnhelpfulPost>[/i] [/quote]
  12. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1403877548' post='2487363'] Michael League. [/quote] The bass faces look like he's smelt something bad hahah!
  13. I'd have look at Schecters, they have a wide price range from affordable to expsensive, admittedly they're not beat up but some have great finishes: [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Electric_Guitars/Schecter"]http://www.gear4music.com/Electric_Guitars/Schecter[/url] Same again with ESP: [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Electric_Guitars/ESP_Electric.html"]http://www.gear4music.com/Electric_Guitars/ESP_Electric.html[/url] Those are the two companies I personally would go for simply because they suit all price ranges and are quality instruments. Would just be good if I could shred!
  14. I would 1000x prefer if he made a Limelight logo rather than something like 'Fedner'... I woulnt buy one as that would be TOO fake for me haha. For me a logo needs to 'fill' the headstock, that nash logo looks lost to me. As much as I'd prefer a fender logo on the bass purely for the complete look, after having a think about it I think it's probably best he did stop using them. This guy is providing excellent custom built guitars for sensible prices and losing that would be a bigger shame.
  15. [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1403813037' post='2486811'] Got my ticket for wolvo, have been listening to Richie Kotzen's solo work. Absoloutely screaming player! So much talent for 20-odd quid a ticket, bargain! [/quote] I've never understood how he can play how he does buy playing with his fingers
  16. I've always liked Mike Dirnt's bass faces
  17. Well done to the easily offended...
  18. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1403773546' post='2486081'] Checked my diary and I'm off work all week from 7th July. Just checked if there were tickets left for Wolverhampton and there were so I'm going. Not seen Sheehan play since the Mr Big 'Lean into It' tour... [/quote] Excellent, I'm going to 101 gigs this year and seeing Winery Dogs on the 8th July is the one I'm looking forward to the most!
  19. Hahah well and truely mugged us off there!
  20. I really don't see the massive fascination around a 60s bass or guitar. You're basically paying thousands of pounds for something thats over 50 years old, and I cannot imagine that they are very reliable at that age. If I can get a brand new bass thats been built in the last year or so for half or quater the price it's a no brainer to me. On topic: I don't understand wanting a bass that looks like something which it isnt, (Like made to look like its from the 60s) i'd have to know its the real thing - I would just feel fake. I'm seriously interested however in these Limelight guitars however, I've always wanted a surf green P Bass, I know they do the FSRs but the Jazz pickup , Jazz neck and maple fretboard is of no interest. Can he send shiney ones?
  21. I did that as well not long ago, it was hilarious viewing!
  22. My dad has a pair of shure ear phones but a cheaper ones and they are seriously good. My question is why on earth would you want to spend $1000 on EARPHONES?!!?
  23. [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1403640831' post='2484910'] Just had a trawl through there Facebook announcement thread looking for lefty info and found the price point is $749-$799. [/quote] Affordable then which is nice to see... I'm a little disappointed with the body finishes however, the Kestrel looks like just another Fender copy. I was hoping for something more PRSy.
  24. Check them out! http://www.prsguitars.com/news/story/introducing_the_prs_se_kingfisher_and_se_kestrel_bass_guitars PRS SE Kestrel Bass [media]http://youtu.be/yUXhAN_mQAU[/media] PRS SE Kingfisher [media]http://youtu.be/6cRxTNvl3Bc[/media] I havent seen prices yet, but I'm really excited to have a play on one of these things!
  25. Did you get one in the end?
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